What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 16, 2024

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Identify the purpose of the question


Choose a relevant and specific example


Use the STAR method


Highlight the lessons learned and the actions taken


Align your answer with the job requirements and the company culture


Here’s what else to consider

No one likes to talk about their failures, especially in a job interview. But sometimes, you might face a question that asks you to describe a time when you failed or made a mistake. How do you handle such a tricky situation without ruining your chances of getting hired? Here are some tips to help you answer this question with confidence and honesty.

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  • Aiman W Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist | LinkedIn Top Voice, ECBA

    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (3) 2

  • Sushil Bharatdwaj Associate Delivery Manager at ALOIS Solutions

    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (5) 1

What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (6) What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (7) What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (8)

1 Identify the purpose of the question

The first thing to understand is why the interviewer is asking you about a failure. They are not trying to embarrass you or catch you off guard. They are looking for evidence of your skills, personality, and potential. They want to see how you handle challenges, learn from mistakes, and grow as a professional. They also want to assess your fit with the company culture and values.

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  • Aiman W Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist | LinkedIn Top Voice, ECBA
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    Don't take any question personal, every Human has flaws and no one is perfect.Stay calm and remember that the person infront of you the interviewer is trying to know you, your experience, what makes you qualified, how do you fit with the culture and what makes you a great colleague in less than an hour.-Answer with a clear message, make it short and elaborate more if needed.-Give example of previous failed task or project, follow it with lessons learned.-Showcase what did you change since then or what skills have you obtained to guarantee to not fall in this failure again.


    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (17) 1

  • José Luis Pasarón González IT Recruitment Manager / Headhunter / Talent Acquisition / Talent Manager / HRBP
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    Identificar el propósito de la pregunta es fundamental para brindar una respuesta efectiva y relevante durante una entrevista. Este enfoque muestra al entrevistador tu habilidad para comprender el contexto y responder de manera adecuada. Al identificar el propósito, demuestras tu capacidad de análisis y adaptación a la situación. Esto puede ser especialmente importante en preguntas sobre fracasos, donde el entrevistador busca evaluar tu capacidad para reflexionar, aprender y crecer profesionalmente.



2 Choose a relevant and specific example

The next step is to choose an example of a failure that is relevant to the job you are applying for and the skills you are highlighting. Avoid picking a failure that is too trivial, too personal, or too recent. You don't want to appear incompetent, irresponsible, or unprepared. Instead, choose a failure that shows your willingness to take risks, try new things, or solve problems. Make sure you can explain what happened, why it happened, and what you did about it.

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  • Aiman W Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist | LinkedIn Top Voice, ECBA
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    During a previous project, I encountered a significant setback when a key team member unexpectedly resigned midway through the project. This departure disrupted our workflow and threatened our project timeline and budget. Initially, I felt overwhelmed. However, taking immediate action by reassessing our team's resources, redistributing tasks among remaining team members, while ensuring everyone remained informed and focused. Despite the setback, we were able to pivot effectively, adjust our timeline, and successfully complete the project within the revised parameters. This experience taught me the importance of contingency planning, adaptability, and maintaining open lines of communication within the team.


    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (34) 1

  • José Luis Pasarón González IT Recruitment Manager / Headhunter / Talent Acquisition / Talent Manager / HRBP
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    Elegir un ejemplo relevante y específico es crucial en una entrevista. Proporciona una narrativa clara y concreta que demuestra tu comprensión del trabajo y tu capacidad para enfrentar desafíos. Además, muestra que puedes reflexionar sobre tus experiencias y extraer lecciones aplicables. Un ejemplo bien elegido no solo ilustra tu capacidad para manejar el fracaso, sino que también destaca tus habilidades y logros. Es una oportunidad para demostrar cómo has crecido y te has desarrollado profesionalmente. En resumen, la selección cuidadosa de ejemplos muestra tu preparación y habilidad para comunicarte de manera efectiva en situaciones importantes.



3 Use the STAR method

The STAR method is a useful framework to structure your answer. It stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Start by describing the situation and the task you were involved in or responsible for. Then, explain the action you took and why it failed. Finally, describe the result and the impact of your failure. Be honest and concise, but don't dwell on the negative aspects.

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  • Aiman W Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist | LinkedIn Top Voice, ECBA
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    It is also used like having a roadmap 🗺️ for telling your story in interviews. It ensures clarity by breaking down your response into Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This framework helps you stay focused, demonstrate your skills effectively, and showcase the impact of your actions 💼. By following STAR, you can present your experiences in a structured and compelling way, making it easier for the interviewer to understand your abilities and suitability for the role 🌟


    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (51) 2

  • José Luis Pasarón González IT Recruitment Manager / Headhunter / Talent Acquisition / Talent Manager / HRBP
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    El método STAR (Situación, Tarea, Acción, Resultado) es una estrategia efectiva para responder preguntas sobre experiencias pasadas, incluyendo fracasos, en entrevistas. Ayuda a estructurar tus respuestas de manera clara y concisa, facilitando que el entrevistador comprenda tu experiencia y habilidades. Este enfoque demuestra tu capacidad para reflexionar sobre tus acciones y extraer lecciones valiosas de tus experiencias pasadas. Es una herramienta poderosa para destacar tus habilidades y competencias ante el entrevistador.



4 Highlight the lessons learned and the actions taken

The most important part of your answer is to show how you learned from your failure and how you improved your performance or behavior. Demonstrate your self-awareness, resilience, and growth mindset. Mention the feedback you received, the steps you took to correct your mistake, or the changes you made to prevent it from happening again. Emphasize the positive outcomes or opportunities that resulted from your failure.

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  • Aiman W Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist | LinkedIn Top Voice, ECBA
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    It also reflects how you grow from experiences 🌱. It highlights your self-awareness and willingness to improve, which are highly valued traits in any role. By sharing the lessons learned, you not only showcase your adaptability and resilience but also indicate your commitment to continuous development. This can leave a positive impression on the interviewer, emphasizing your potential for long-term success within the organization 📈.


    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (68) 1

  • José Luis Pasarón González IT Recruitment Manager / Headhunter / Talent Acquisition / Talent Manager / HRBP
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    Destacar las lecciones aprendidas y las acciones emprendidas es esencial en una entrevista. Muestra tu capacidad de reflexión y crecimiento profesional. Al resaltar cómo has enfrentado y superado los fracasos, demuestras madurez y adaptabilidad. Además, ilustra cómo aplicas ese aprendizaje para mejorar en el futuro. Esto no solo muestra tu habilidad para manejar desafíos, sino también tu capacidad para contribuir de manera positiva al equipo y a la empresa. En resumen, enfatizar las lecciones aprendidas y las acciones tomadas demuestra tu valor como candidato y tu potencial para el crecimiento continuo.



5 Align your answer with the job requirements and the company culture

The last step is to connect your answer to the job you are applying for and the company you want to work for. Show how your failure helped you develop or enhance the skills or qualities that are relevant for the role. For example, if you are applying for a leadership position, you can show how your failure taught you how to delegate, communicate, or motivate your team. You can also mention how your failure reflects or aligns with the company's values or mission. For example, if the company values innovation, you can show how your failure encouraged you to experiment, adapt, or innovate.

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  • Sushil Bharatdwaj Associate Delivery Manager at ALOIS Solutions
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    When asked about a big failure in an interview, understand the question's intent and pick a relevant example. Use the CAR method (Context, Action, Result) to structure your response, emphasizing your actions and lessons learned. Align your answer with job requirements and company culture, showing growth. Be honest, humble, and discuss strategies to prevent similar failures. This approach demonstrates professionalism and adaptability, showcasing your candidacy effectively.


    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (85) 1

  • Aiman W Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist | LinkedIn Top Voice, ECBA
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    It also demonstrates your understanding of what the role entails and how your experiences directly relate to it, showcasing your suitability for the position. Additionally, by highlighting how your skills and values align with the company culture, you show that you are not only qualified for the job but also a good fit for the team and the organization as a whole 🤝. This alignment signals to the interviewer that you are invested in the company's goals and values, increasing the likelihood of a successful integration into the team. Ultimately, it position yourself as a candidate who not only meets the immediate needs of the role but also has the potential to thrive and contribute to the long-term success of the company 🚀


    What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (94) 1

  • José Luis Pasarón González IT Recruitment Manager / Headhunter / Talent Acquisition / Talent Manager / HRBP
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    Alinear tu respuesta con los requisitos del puesto y la cultura de la empresa es crucial en una entrevista. Esto muestra que comprendes las necesidades específicas del trabajo y que puedes adaptarte fácilmente a la cultura y los valores de la empresa. Al hacer esto, demuestras que no solo tienes las habilidades técnicas necesarias, sino también la disposición para integrarte en el equipo y contribuir al éxito de la organización. Además, muestra tu capacidad de investigación y preparación, lo cual es valorado por los empleadores. En resumen, alinear tu respuesta con los requisitos del puesto y la cultura de la empresa demuestra tu interés genuino en el trabajo y tu capacidad para ser un buen ajuste para el equipo y la organización.



6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Devieka Gautam 📌Career Development | Remote Work | Freelancing 🏆 I execute: Optimized Linkedin of 2000+ professionals with 5* reviews 💸 I educate: Helped 1600+ people via 'Freelancing on Fiverr' course 👇🏻 🔗 in Bio
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    Own it, then pivot! Briefly explain the situation, but focus on the learnings. "I realized X, so next time I'd Y." Shows accountability, growth mindset, and the ability to learn from experience.


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What do you do if you're asked about a major failure in an interview? (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.