Snake bite piercing: A Complete Guide to the Popular Piercing Trend - Vamonde (2024)

Are you ready to slither into the world of piercing trends? Snake bite piercing have been making a stylish statement on lips all around the globe. This edgy and bold piercing is not only fashionable but also holds significant meanings behind its unique name.

The History and Meaning of Snake Bite Piercings

Snake bite piercings have a fascinating history that dates back centuries. In various cultures, snakes symbolize transformation, protection, and rebirth. The piercing trend draws inspiration from the potent symbolism associated with these creatures.

Historically, snake bite piercings were believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck to the wearer. They were also seen as a form of self-expression and courage.

In modern times, snake bite piercings have become popular among individuals looking to make a bold fashion statement. The dual placement of the piercings on either side of the lower lip mimics the appearance of fangs, adding an edgy and rebellious touch to one’s look.

Whether you choose snake bites for their symbolic significance or aesthetic appeal, embracing this piercing trend can be empowering and transformative. It allows you to express your individuality and embrace your inner strength with style.

Types of Snake Bite Piercings

When it comes to snake bite piercings, there are different types you can choose from to suit your style and preference. The classic snake bite piercing involves two symmetrical piercings on the lower lip resembling actual snake bites. This look adds a touch of edginess and is popular among those wanting a bold statement.

For a variation, some opt for spider bites – similar to snake bites but closer together, giving off a more clustered appearance. Viper bites involve placing the piercings horizontally rather than vertically, creating a unique twist on the traditional snake bite.

If you’re feeling adventurous, fang or double fang piercings mimic the shape of venomous snakes’ teeth protruding from the lip. These types allow for customization and personalization to showcase individuality through body art.

Choosing a Professional and Safe Piercer

When it comes to getting a snake bite piercing, choosing the right piercer is crucial for both safety and the final outcome.

Start by researching local piercing studios and read reviews online from previous clients. Look for experienced professionals who specialize in facial piercings.

Visit potential studios in person to assess cleanliness and professionalism. A reputable piercer will have proper certifications displayed and follow strict hygiene practices.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their sterilization techniques, jewelry options, and aftercare advice. A skilled piercer will take the time to address any concerns you may have.

Ensure that they use sterile equipment for each procedure and provide detailed instructions on how to care for your new piercing properly.

Aftercare Tips for Snake Bite Piercings

After getting your snake bite piercings, it’s crucial to prioritize proper aftercare to ensure a smooth healing process. Make sure to clean the piercing area twice a day with a saline solution or gentle soap and water. Avoid touching the piercings with dirty hands to prevent infections.

To reduce swelling and discomfort, consider using cold compresses on the area for short periods. It’s also important to avoid alcohol, spicy foods, and smoking during the initial healing period as they can irritate the piercings. Be mindful of your oral hygiene by gently brushing your teeth and rinsing with an alcohol-free mouthwash after meals.

Potential Risks and Complications

When it comes to getting snake bite piercings, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and complications that may arise. Like any piercing, there are certain factors to consider before going under the needle.

One common risk is infection. It’s crucial to keep the pierced area clean and follow proper aftercare instructions to minimize the chances of infection. Additionally, allergic reactions to jewelry materials can occur, so choosing high-quality hypoallergenic metals is key.

Another complication could be excessive swelling or bleeding post-piercing. This can usually be managed with proper care and monitoring. In some cases, migration or rejection of the jewelry may happen over time due to individual healing processes.

Always consult with a professional piercer if you experience any unusual symptoms or issues with your snake bite piercings. Your health and safety should always come first when considering body modifications like this one.


As we wrap up our exploration of snake bite piercings, it’s clear that this trend is more than just a fashion statement. The history and symbolism behind these piercings add depth to their appeal, making them a popular choice for both style enthusiasts and those looking to express themselves uniquely.

When considering getting snake bite piercings, it’s crucial to prioritize safety by choosing a reputable and experienced piercer. Remember that proper aftercare is essential for the healing process, so follow any guidance provided by your piercer diligently.

While snake bite piercings can enhance your aesthetic, it’s important to be aware of potential risks and complications that may arise. Stay informed and proactive in caring for your new piercing to minimize any issues that could arise down the line.


1. How much do snake bite piercings cost?

Prices can vary depending on the location and reputation of the piercing studio. On average, each lip piercing can cost between $40 to $80.

2. Do snake bite piercings hurt?

Pain tolerance varies from person to person, but most individuals describe the pain as tolerable and quick.

3. How long does it take for snake bite piercings to heal?

Snake bite piercings typically take 6-8 weeks to fully heal, but proper aftercare is crucial for a smooth healing process.

4. Can I change my jewelry during the healing process?

It’s recommended to wait until your piercings are fully healed before changing your jewelry to prevent irritation or infection.

5. Are there any restrictions with snake bite piercings?

Avoid smoking, kissing, or oral contact during the initial healing period to reduce the risk of infection.

Snake bite piercing: A Complete Guide to the Popular Piercing Trend - Vamonde (2024)
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