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G A M E S P O T G A M E G U I D E : P L A N E S C A P E : T O R M E N T


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ISBN: 1-58422-073-2

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G A M E S P O T G A M E G U I D E : P L A N E S C A P E : T O R M E N T



CHAPTER 1: CHARACTER CREATION........................07

CHAPTER 2: PLANESCAPE ALLIES............................14MORTE�........................................................14DAK'KON�......................................................15ANNAH�.........................................................17IGNUS��......................................................18FALL-FROM-GRACE�........................................19VHAILOR..........................................................20NORDOM��..................................................21

CHAPTER 3: COMBAT AND ENEMIES�....................23KNOWING WHEN TO RUN��..........................23REST, REST, AND MORE REST�........................24HOW YOU "SPELL" PAIN�................................24CHOKE POINTS�............................................24

CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES�..............................07CHARACTER CLASSES�....................................09SWITCHING CLASSES��.................................12

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CHAPTER 3 CONTINUEDSTOP TIME!�.................................................25GREEDY WITH EXPERIENCE�...........................25ENEMIES.........................................................26


THE MORTUARY�...........................................28THE HIVE........................................................32RAGPICKER'S SQUARE.......................................41TRASH WARRENS��......................................44BURIED VILLAGE�..........................................45THE WEEPING STONES��..............................46DEAD NATIONS��.........................................48WARRENS OF THOUGHT��............................50DROWNED NATIONS�......................................51TENEMENT OF THUGS�..................................52ALLEY OF LINGERING SIGHS�..........................53LOWER WARD��...........................................55OPEN-AIR MARKET��....................................58SIEGE TOWER��...........................................58CLERK'S WARD�.............................................59CIVIC FESTHALL��.......................................63

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CHAPTER 4 CONTINUEDUNDERSIGIL��.............................................66THE GREAT FOUNDRY��................................67LADY OF PAIN AND RUBIKON MAZE�................71RAVEL'S MAZE�..............................................71CURST�.........................................................72CURST UNDERGROUND�.................................75PRISON�........................................................76OUTLANDS�...................................................77BAATOR�.......................................................78THE PILLAR OF SKULLS�................................79CURST GONE��............................................79CARCERI..........................................................80ADMINISTRATION BUILDING��......................81BACK AT THE HIVE�.......................................82MORTUARY SECOND FLOOR�...........................83FORTRESS ENTRANCE�...................................83FORTRESS INTERIOR........................................84TRIAL OF IMPULSE�.......................................84MAZE OF REFLECTIONS....................................85FORTRESS ROOF�...........................................86


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W hat can change the nature of a man? In GameSpot's role-playing game of 1999

Planescape: Torment, you portray The Nameless One, an imposing, grey, and highly

complex tragic figure who you guides through the city of Sigil in search of answers to the

most mysterious question of all: "Who am I?" During the course of the role-playing adventure, you'll

encounter friends, enemies, and friends who soon become enemies. To assist you in your travels,

we've crafted this extensive game guide filled with everything you need to survive the dangerous

worlds of Planescape.


❒❒❒ CHARACTER CREATION: This section provides a detailed look at creating The Nameless

One. Get the most out of your character statistics and choose the right character class to suit your

style of play.

❒❒❒ PLANESCAPE ALLIES: During your adventure through Planescape, you'll meet dozens of

nonplayer characters (NPCs), some of whom will join your journey. Head into this section for a run-

down of The Nameless One's allies, where to find them, and how to put them to optimum use.

❒❒❒ COMBAT AND ENEMIES: Fighting plays an important part in the Planescape adventure.

Look here for some combat basics and strategies concerning some of the enemies you'll face.

❒❒❒ PLANESCAPE: Torment Walk-through: Dive into this section for a complete walk-through of

Planescape: Torment. Inside, you'll find many optional quests to boost your experience and attrib-

utes as well as detailed solutions for the main storyline puzzles and encounters.

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C haracter creation is your first step in the long Planescape: Torment journey. In this section,

you'll find important information on character attributes and classes. Look over both the char-

acter attribute and character class section in relation to one another; both elements are

highly dependent on the other to get the most out of your Planescape: Torment experience.

CHARACTER ATTRIBUTESWhen you first generate your character (who will always be The Nameless One), you're given the

opportunity to allocate points to certain statistics. Though you'll have chances to make adjustments

throughout the game (each level gained provides bonus characteristic points to add, and tattoos and

other magical items can artificially inflate scores), you should choose wisely and consider which path

you wish to take through the game - either as a fighter, mage, or thief. Be sure to read the following

section on the character classes for the most rounded look at which attributes you should concen-

trate on when creating The Nameless One for the first time.

STRENGTHIf you plan to stay on the path of a fighter, you must begin with and continue to boost the strength

statistic, which determines how much damage you can dish out in melee combat. Strength also

assists in other elements like how much weight you can carry and some specific gameplay decisions

(such as choosing to fight over talking your way through a situation). If you plan to become a mage

who relies entirely on spell-casting, you won't find strength as useful (though you should try to ele-

vate it around the 13 level). A thief, however, could benefit from high strength, as that class will still

have to resort to melee combat on many occasions. Another reason to get strength is that high

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strength allows you to bash open locked doors and pry open locked chests. The bottom line,

though, is that if you plan to bash your way through the game, which is easier for most of the

game, you need a high strength score - and you must continue to boost it throughout the game.

INTELLIGENCEYou don't really want a dumb character, do you? Intelligence is a pretty good all-around statistic that

shouldn't be ignored, even by prospective fighters. Intelligence assists mages most, however; the

statistic determines which spells the mage can learn (too low, and you can't memorize higher-level

spells) and how many can be placed in the spell book.

Intelligence really comes into play for mages because you want to have enough space to include as

many spells as possible into your spell book, and that number is governed directly by your intelli-

gence. Additionally, intelligence provides more conversation choices during the game that can often

lead to easier solutions to problems (talking your way through instead of fighting) and bonus experi-

ence points. Even if you plan to become a fighter, it's wise to get your natural intelligence up to the

15 range, so you benefit from some of the dialogue bonuses. Mages, however, should start high and

continue to apply character points to the statistic after gaining levels.

WISDOMWisdom includes many of the same bonuses as intelligence, including boosting the amount of dia-

logue options you'll have during conversation sequences. Also, many of the solutions to problems in

the game can be solved by someone with a high wisdom (or intelligence) rating. Wisdom's most

apparent benefit, though, is its bonus to experience points. When you kill a monster or solve a

quest, the experience points are divided equally between all party members; however, a high wis-

dom score adjusts that somewhat. The higher The Nameless One's wisdom score, the more bonus

experience comes his way after quest completion (and combat). Bonus experience gives you the

ability to level up more quickly, which can in turn boost all your statistics and improve skills in fight-

ing, magic use, and thievery.

NOTE: Unlike in Baldur's Gate (where you have a percentage chance to fail to

learn a spell even if you have more than adequate intelligence), you only need the

bare minimum intelligence to learn a spell in Torment. You will never fail to pen it into

your spell book if you have high intelligence.

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DEXTERITYThough most associate the dexterity statistic with thieves, it also carries importance to fighters -

high dexterity essentially makes you more difficult to hit in melee combat, which is certainly a good

thing. Thieves will want to boost their dexterity statistic to make them more skilled at stealth, pick-

pocketing, and other thief skills. Fighters will want to improve the statistic to decrease their armor-

class and improve their dodging in melee battles. You'll also find several puzzle solutions in the

game dependent on the dexterity statistic, such as when you're trying to steal an item, snatching

something away from someone, or grabbing someone before they flee. Dexterity also gives you

more options during dialogue with NPCs, just as intelligence and wisdom do. For instance, high dex-

terity allows you to notice and then stop people from pickpocketing you or allows you to snap a poor

sod's throat before he can call for help.

CONSTITUTIONThe amount of hit points you gain per level depends on your constitution statistic. Additionally, The

Nameless One, because he can regenerate automatically over time, also gains bonuses from the

constitution score, as he'll regenerate more quickly as the statistic rises. If you pump the constitution

statistic high enough, you'll actually regenerate multiple hit points at a single time. With the abun-

dance of healing items and the ability to rest wounds coupled with The Nameless One's ability to

regenerate, you might not opt for an extremely high constitution score. It's wise to add some to your

base amount, but leave any characteristic points gained from leveling up for other statistics.

CHARISMAAre you the life of the party or a boring guy with nothing to talk about? If you possess a high charis-

ma statistic, you're charming (even with that zombie Nameless One look) and can persuade others

to think like you do. High charisma, like intelligence, opens up dialogue options and also presents

alternative solutions to some problems. For instance, you may persuade characters into agreeing

with you (or letting you inside a room) just by speaking with them. High charisma also moderately

affects the prices of some goods you can pick up in the various marketplaces throughout the game.

CHARACTER CLASSESSelecting a character class depends greatly on the style of play you wish to get out of Planescape:

Torment. If you're into hand-to-hand combat - and lots of it - you should opt for the fighter class. If

you want to see the many dazzling spell effects, which just get greater as the game goes on, you

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should be a mage. If you want to harass others through pick-pocketing and sneak your way

through a few areas, you should look into the thief class. Each is described in the following sec-

tions; examine each in respect to the character attributes described previously for the most

rounded look.

FIGHTERThose who wish to have an easier time with the early part of the game or just enjoy the thrill of

hand-to-hand combat should opt for the fighter class. Carrying a bruising weapon with the ability to

dish out copious amounts of damage makes the early part of the game much easier, as a mage

wouldn't have the devastating array of spells to obliterate Planescape: Torment's first few combat-

oriented segments. Players who choose to be extremely proficient in the ways of a fighter, though,

likely won't have much trouble with the game's middle to end sequences either.

The strength statistic is a fighter's best friend. If you plan on becoming a fighter, jack it up to 18 from

the start for easier early-game combat. Intelligence shouldn't be overlooked for its increase to dia-

logue options and puzzle solutions, but there's not much need for a fighter to possess an intelli-

gence statistic greater than 15 or 16. Wisdom provides an experience points bonus, but you'll need

high wisdom to get the most out of it. If you plan to be a fighter, pump more into wisdom than intelli-

gence; both generally offer similar bonuses to puzzle solutions and dialogue, but wisdom will assist

in more experience, which means gaining levels quicker. Dexterity is probably the second-most

important statistic for an able fighter, especially since armor is so hard to come by in the early to mid

parts of the game; increase its score to make you more difficult to hit in combat situations. Elevated

constitution boosts hit points dramatically upon gaining levels, so you should possess a moderate

constitution statistic - perhaps 15 or 16 - but not necessarily one through the roof. You gain constitu-

tion bonuses for each level of your character, so a +2 bonus from a 16 constitution means you get 2

bonus hp per level of your character (a fifth level fighter with 16 constitution gets 10 more hit points

than a fighter with 13 constitution). If you plan to improve either wisdom or intelligence, you may not

want to concern yourself too much with your charisma rating (wisdom is likely still better).

A fighter should spend copper gained through the adventure on better weapons, tons of healing

items, and tattoos that boost things like armor class and statistics neglected by the desire to gain

high strength (or even strength itself). If you sell most of the magical stuff found during the game,

you can purchase hundreds of healing items, making you nearly impossible to kill during any combat

situation (as you can keep applying your healing items during the sequence).

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MAGEPlayers who wish to follow the path of the art of magic and become a mage will likely have a

tougher time early in the game as the first spells attained aren't particularly devastating. However,

you'll be rewarded for your patience late in the game, when you gain extremely powerful spells com-

plemented by dazzling special effects. Following the mage path takes patience and a lot of resting,

both to cure hit points and memorize attained spells.

Though you shouldn't be a weakling, a true mage shouldn't be concerned much with the strength

statistic. Instead, push those points into intelligence, which allows both the dialogue option bonus as

well as the ability to memorize high level spells, and wisdom, which along with the bonus to conver-

sation choices also adds experience points. Wisdom helps a mage because it takes a magic user

longer to level up; any experience point bonus assists in getting to the higher-level spells quicker.

Dexterity and Constitution are less useful than intelligence, obviously, but dexterity will improve your

armor class and constitution will at least allow you to take more punishment. Since mages begin

with so little hit points, it might be good to make yourself both harder to hit and more durable.

Charisma will help in avoiding fights and opening dialogue choices as well as decreasing the cost of

some items.

Copper commons gained through the adventure should be spent on new spells and magical items.

You'll find plenty of spells in your travels (especially low-level ones), so save the money for the more

powerful spells later in the game. Any duplicate spell you find sell, so you can save up money for

better late-game spells. Alternatively, you can give these duplicate spells to Dak'kon (a githzerai

mage/fighter PC) so he can memorize them.

Spell casting can provide a lot of dazzling effects that tax both the fastest of computers and the

toughest of monsters. Spells can eliminate many hostile creatures, by dealing heinous damage to a

single creature and inflicting damage to several at once. One of the keys to learning the ways of the

Mage is using the correct spells at the correct time. An extremely useful spell is Enoll Eva's

Duplication, a spell that basically duplicates all subsequent attacks, both melee and magic. You can

nab this spell by teaching the mage ways to Nordom, who is gained in the Modron Maze (more on

this in the walk-through section of this game guide). Area effect spells are also some of the most

useful; these include Chain-Lightning Storm, Acid Storm, Stygian Ice Storm, and the lower level

Swarm Curse. If you're facing an onslaught of creatures, these spells would be your top choices.

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THIEFPerhaps the hardest road to travel during the game is that of the thief. Although the thief

advances in levels the fastest, there just aren't that many opportunities, good ones at least, to use

the thief's abilities of stealth, lock picking, pick-pocketing, and trap detection. Also, if you acquire

Annah in your journeys (a character available early on in the game), then you'll be able to use thief

skills through her, meaning there will be little need for you to take the role of thief. She levels fast

and can perform all the thief skills with a good amount of success. If you do choose to become a

thief, find a decent melee weapon (such as enchanted punch daggers) and use the backstab skill

during combat. Furthermore, you may want to try pick-pocketing many of the clerks you'll find to gain

new items, either for resale or use.

Dexterity plays the most important role in the success of the thief skills and will also make you hard-

er to hit, a good thing considering the decreased damage you'll often do during combat and the

decreased hit points you will have compared with fighters. A thief will need some strength, though

not nearly as much as a fighter, in order to dish out some damage during combat (the thief will be

relegated to hand-to-hand combat when the going gets rough, so you'll need some power).

Intelligence and wisdom follow the same principles as with the fighter. You'll want the bonuses to

conversation, but the wisdom experience point bonus isn't nearly as important to the thief since the

class levels up very fast. Constitution should be used somewhat for hit points (you'll level up quick

which means more hit points if you desire them) and charisma follows suit with the other classes.

SWITCHING CLASSESAlthough The Nameless One begins the game as a fighter, you can switch classes during the game,

if you can you speak with the correct NPCs. If you want to become a mage or thief, you should head

to Ragpicker's Square as soon as you enter the hive (after escaping from the mortuary). To reach

Ragpicker's Square, head west from the initial starting point in the hive; this takes you to the flop-

house where you would then head straight north into Ragpicker's Square.

From there, if you want to learn the ways of the mage, head along the path southwest into

Mebbeth's house. If you think you want to be a thief, head straight south from the entrance to

Ragpicker's Square and talk with Ratbone. It's important to seek out these NPCs early if you think

you want to become a different class; the sooner you switch, the sooner you can start gaining expe-

rience in that particular field.

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The Nameless One can't choose multiple classes, so you'll either put experience points

toward being a fighter, mage, or thief - whichever you choose. Further, as you progress through

the game, you can actually switch back to any class you've previously learned (you are a fighter by

nature, so learn magic from Mebbeth and thievery from Ratbone) by talking with party members who

are of that class. For instance, if you choose to be a mage and decide it isn't all it's cracked up to

be, just speak with Dak'kon while he's in your party and he'll change you back to a fighter. With

Annah in your party, you switch back to thief again just by speaking with her.

One reason you may want to change classes during the game is if you happen upon a powerful item

for a particular class that you really want to utilize. Otherwise, it's somewhat of a gamble as you'll

basically lose all the experience gained for that particular class. Though it makes for a very diverse

and enjoyable game, it also makes for a difficult game. Choose your path early and follow it to the

game's completion for the easiest experience, particularly in combat situations.

Another thing to note is that when you level up in your new class you gain all the new abilities of that

class. However, you do not get the regular hit points of that class until you attain a higher level in

your new class than you had in your old one. Let's say you advanced to fifth level as a fighter. When

you switch to a mage, you will only gain 1 hit point per level, from mage levels 1 through 5. It isn't

until you reach sixth level and beyond that you will be able to gain the normal 1-4 hit points per level

that a mage earns.

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A ttempting the daunting task of discovering The Nameless One's past and learning about his

immortality would be impossible if it weren't for a powerful group of allies that provides advice

during tough situations and watches The Nameless One's back during combat sequences.

In this chapter, you'll find a list of all the potential party members in Planescape Torment. Because

this section provides information on each ally, including where you'll find him and circ*mstances that

he finds himself in, it contains spoilers, so tread carefully.

An important thing to remember about party members is that experience points gained from killing

creatures and solving quests is divided among all the members (not including any wisdom bonuses

possessed by The Nameless One). If you don't think a particular member is especially useful, you

can leave him behind (by selecting the Reform Party button on the statistic button) and gain more

experience through the completion of tasks and destruction of creatures.

Acquiring each characters is described in more detail in the walk-through section of this game guide.


RACE: Morte








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The wise-cracking skull makes his appearance immediately, basically waking

The Nameless One up from his rest in the mortuary. Through the course of the game, you

discover that Morte and The Nameless One have a long and storied relationship, but Morte

seems reluctant to reveal any significant information. Although Morte remains a fighter for the dura-

tion of the adventure, he's a valuable guy to have around, both for the extra melee damage and the

witty banter.

His high hit points and high resistances make him valuable in combat, as he can soak up a lot of

punishment and deal a decent amount of damage. However, the trade off for this initial strength is

that Morte cannot be upgraded as readily as the other characters. He can only use teeth as a

weapon, and they aren't too common (Ingress' teeth, gained from one of the first quests in the hive

are usually the standard). And, he can't use tattoos or other enhancements to artificially improve sta-

tistics and characteristics.

One of Morte's most intriguing features is his special ability to taunt (selected from the pop-up menu

and the special abilities). With the ability, you can goad thugs into fighting your group (thus fighting

without initiating first contact, which ordinarily creates evil alignment issues). Furthermore, and more

importantly, Morte can taunt spell-casting wizards and mages into forgoing their range attacks and

approaching for melee, where they'll likely get annihilated by your party members. You can improve

the taunt ability throughout the game by speaking with Harlots and Kimasxi Adder-Tongue, among


A high resistance to nearly every kind of attack (slashing, piercing, cold, poison, and so on) also

makes Morte one of the best characters to lead in combat. Send Morte in before any other party

member and the enemy will target him first while your other party members and The Nameless One

circle the enemy and pound away. Naturally, The Nameless One is also good as a lead attacker, as

he's the only character that automatically regenerates hit points over time. Yet for much of the early

and mid portions of the game, he will not have as high a resistance to damage as Morte has, so

while he has less hit points than The Nameless One, Morte does takes less damage.

DAK'KONCLASS: Fighter/mage

RACE: Githzerai



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Dak'kon, a Githzerai found in the Smoldering Corpse Bar, offers both fighting and spell-casting skills

and can become a formidable force fighting alongside The Nameless One in both melee combat and

ranged spell-casting. The Karach, Dak'kon's unique weapon, actually changes over the course of

the game as Dak'kon advances in fighter levels. This weapon also becomes magical once you attain

fourth level, and continues to increase in potency (gaining further bonuses to hit and damage) as

you advance higher in level. The added magic quality of the sword comes in handy if you are fight-

ing creatures, such as wererats, that are immune to normal weapons. An important thing to remem-

ber about Dak'kon is his lawful nature; if you take a chaotic course through the game, expect

Dak'kon to not approve and lose some effectiveness. Yes, this flies in the face of the traditional

Chaos that rules the lives of the anarchic Githzerai, but the game explains Dak'kon's unconventional

ethos later in the game.

One of Dak'kon's best features is his unique stash of spells that you won't find anywhere else in the

game. After adding Dak'kon to your party, speak with him about the beliefs of Zerthimon and read

the Zerthimon item in his inventory. If you possess high intelligence and wisdom stats, you can

improve several of Dak'kon's statistics and even learn new and quite powerful spells.

One element of Dak'kon that should be improved, either through tattoos (such as the tattoo of reve-

lation), charms, or rings, is his relatively low intelligence statistic, which will prevent him from memo-

rizing higher-level spells you find in dungeons or purchase from marketplaces and magic users.

Dak'kon makes an excellent complement to The Nameless One, whether you choose the ways of a

fighter or mage. A benefit to keeping Dak'kon around is that, as long as you initially learn to be a

mage from a magic-user like Mebbeth, you can switch classes at any time by just speaking with

Dak'kon about his teachings. When in combat, use Dak'kon's spell-casting ability to either super-

charge his melee ability (along with nearby friends) or weaken creatures from a distance - but don't

forgo his abilities as a fighter, particularly if you find means, such as the tattoo of might, to boost his


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ANNAHCLASS: Fighter/thief

RACE: Tiefling

GENDER: Female







You'll first encounter Annah at the first section of the hive you emerge; she's standing across from

the Gathering Dust Bar and spouting out vicious insults left and right - but you're still intrigued by

that tail! Not long after, you venture away from the hive and venture into the trash warrens and

buried village, you'll encounter Annah again after retrieving the bronze sphere for Pharod. It's soon

apparent that Annah holds more secrets than she's willing to admit.

Gaining Annah really makes the thief class an undesirable choice for The Nameless One, especially

in the difficult combat situations that lie ahead - you're much better off leaving the thief skills to

Annah and have The Nameless One become proficient in either combat or magic skills. There just

aren't that many significant areas in the game where you need to worry about detecting traps, being

stealthy, and pick-pocketing (though it's probably the most useful). And if you ever do need those

thief skills, you can simply add Annah to the party and you have them, without having to sacrifice

your training in the more useful arts of magic and fighting.

Though you can first choose to study the ways of a thief when you encounter Ratbone back in

Ragpicker's Square (before you add Annah), by gaining Annah in the party, you can switch between

the fighter and thief classes by simply speaking with her. If you possess both Dak'kon and Annah in

the party (and have studied with Mebbeth or Ratbone previously), you can switch between all three

classes at any time.

After you acquire Annah in your party, search for better weapons for thieves (who are very limited in

the weapons they are permitted to use) as Annah's primary attack is fairly weak. Both fighters and

thieves can use punch daggers, and you'll likely locate enchanted punch daggers and the punch

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daggers of Moorin fairly early in the game if you search every nook and cran-

ny of the catacombs and dungeons. Both will improve Annah's fighting skills. And don't forget

about her backstab ability during melee combat.

When entering new areas, such as in the tenement of thugs and Ravel's maze, use the pop-up

menu to select Annah's detect traps skill, so you don't take unnecessary damage from walking on

traps. Use her open locks skill if you encounter any locked chests or doors (though you can also

attempt to bash them with The Nameless One if your strength is high enough). Also, you can

attempt to pick-pocket clerks and other inhabitants, but expect a fight if your attempt fails. When you

level up, spend her thief points on pick-pocketing and detecting traps first, then stealth and opening

doors second.

Annah's stealth-backstab combination also works well against tough creatures. Use her special abili-

ty menu to turn on her stealth mode and sneak up behind creatures and attack. When she success-

fully backstabs, she does much more damage than usual.


RACE: Human








Though you encounter the fiery Ignus early in the game (at the same moment you first meet

Dak'kon in the Smoldering Corpse Bar), you can't acquire his services until much later, when you

discover a way to free him from his prison curse. To free Ignus, you must talk to Glyve in the weep-

ing stones catacomb and retrieve her decanter of endless water, which you'll find later in the

drowned nations. With decanter in hand, you must visit the lower ward and speak with Nemelle, who

opens its abilities with a word. Armed with the decanter, return to the Smoldering Corpse Bar and

speak with Ignus to use the decanter to put out the curse and free him.

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If you're studying to be a mage, you can learn Ignus' unique fire spells at a small hit point price

(and a few body parts). Ignus shoots a fireball from a distance, so he leaves a space open for fel-

low melee warriors to bash on opposing creatures. His fireball is relatively powerful, though it does

not have near the damage potential of a skilled Nameless One fighter, Dak'kon, or Vhailor.

Ignus' spells provide some welcome destruction, and his high intelligence score ensure that he can

memorize some high-level spells any artificial help like tattoos. Further, an alarming constitution sta-

tistic of 20 provides Ignus with an ample supply of hit points per level.

Overall, however, Dak'kon remains the better comrade for both his melee ability and his collection of

spells. If you're looking for room for an additional character (since if you meet them all, you'll have to

get rid of two of them as you only have room for five additions), ditch Ignus over Dak'kon. If you

believe you'll be getting rid of Ignus sometime during the game, be sure you don't give him all the

best scrolls for his spell book or you'll lose those powerful tools for the remainder of the game

(unless you locate them or purchase them again).

Being a floating fireball, Ignus is virtually immune to fire and magical fire attacks, though it won't

make much difference during the course of the game. Don't let his immunity affect your decision to

select another character instead of Ignus. Plus, with such an abysmal charisma score, Ignus just

isn't that fun to speak with.


RACE: Succubus

GENDER: Female







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The lovely, winged Fall-From-Grave resides over the students in the Brothel

of Slating intellectual lusts, located over in the clerk's ward. To impress Fall-From-Grace and

persuade her to join your party, you must intrigue her in The Nameless One's condition and then

complete her quest of speaking with the ten students of the brothel. Though lacking combat skills,

Fall-From-Grace does offer excellent healing spells (automatically gained as she advances levels)

and one of the better offensive spells in the game, call lightning. In fact, Fall-From-Grace is the only

character with healing spells.

Most of Fall-From-Grace's other spells aren't very useful, at least in the overall scope of the game.

Sure, you'll find uses for her to speak with the dead spell or remove curses (if you put on a cursed

ring because you wanted the armor class bonus, for instance), but you should concentrate on pray-

ing for mostly healing and Call Lightning spells.

As Fall-From-Grace advances in levels, she gains better healing spells up to the most powerful cur-

ative magic - the 'Heal' spell - which restores a full batch of hit points. If you keep party AI on, Fall-

From-Grace will automatically cast the lower-level healing spells both during combat situations and

between battles. Make sure you rest frequently (and check her available spells) after acquiring her,

so you always have access to her healing repertoire.


RACE: Restless spirit








Vhailor, a walking piece of air-filled armor, doesn't have much of a personality; as a member of the

Mercykiller faction, he's primarily interested in exacting justice - without mercy - as early and often

as possible. You'll find Vhailor as you leave the prison level standing behind the portal that takes you

away. Before proceeding through the portal, walk up to the inanimate armor and attempt to take a

piece. When Vhailor reanimates, ask him to join your party, and he (it?) will oblige.

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He comes equipped with an excellent weapon, a high amount of hit points, and the capacity

to dish out a decent amount of damage. If you're struggling with defeating the creatures around

the time you find Vhailor, you might want to acquire his services for the boost in damage potential.

Then again, if you've turned The Nameless One into a powerful fighter, or you're having little trouble

with the current batch of enemy creatures, you might want to pass and opt for Nordom (if you've

taken the time to use the modron cube). He's a more interesting character that requires a full quest

to obtain.


RACE: Rogue modron

GENDER: Neither






Nordom, a missile-firing modron, is one of the most unique creatures you'll encounter in the game

and worth the effort to find. To find Nordom, you must purchase the modron cube from the curiosity

shop and speak with the modrons inside the brothel of slating intellectual lusts. With information in

hand, open your inventory and use the cube. Solve it and when you finally open it, you'll emerge

inside the modron maze. Set the combat difficulty to the highest difficulty setting (anything lower,

and you can't enter the room where Nordom hangs out). Talk to Nordom when you find him, and

he'll join your party.

Because he (though he's classified as no gender, we'll continue to refer to Nordom as a he) comes

equipped with an unlimited missile weapon, you'll find his ability to pound creatures from a distance

a good asset. Stand back and let him get some shots in before charging in with your front-line melee


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Before moving further in the game, speak with Nordom and follow the dialogue paths

increase (and sometimes decrease) his statistics in a variety of fashions. In fact, finding Nordom

is almost like finding a programmable robot; you can give Nordom specific orders - basically which

class to choose - and his abilities will adjust accordingly. Improve his fighting skills by programming

fighting techniques, gain a spell (the useful Enoll Eve's duplication spell - it duplicates the effect of

any other spell used) by programming mage techniques and improve skills like stealth by program-

ming thievery techniques.

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O ne of the more difficult tasks you'll face in Planescape: Torment is combat. Puzzle-solving

often requires only your brain and some exploration; combat, however, requires both adept

knowledge of the interface and either a powerful melee weapon or devastating spells. In this

section, you'll find some strategies for effective combat as well as a briefing on some of Planescape:

Torment's enemy creatures.

KNOWING WHEN TO RUNBecause combat in Planescape: Torment is real time, you're free to run any time you think you might

be in trouble. Use the gameplay option menu to turn on the always run option, so you don't have to

fiddle with extra keys when it comes time to flee the scene. Keep in mind that if you remain in the

same area, the hostile creatures will continue to search for you and attack. You might want to run

just to regroup and get all your characters attacking one creature; or you may want to set up for

another spell barrage. Then again, if you're taking that much damage, you may want to flee the

scene completely by running to another area of the map.

Here's a combat tip: leave a character behind near the edge of the screen, so you can leave at a

moment's notice. If you're struggling with combat, just run that character off the screen, and the

entire party will warp out onto the next part of the map.

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REST, REST, AND MORE RESTBefore heading into a new area of the game, such as an underground combat area, take the time to

return to an area where you can rest, such as Mebbeth's hut or the hermit in the Curst underground.

Planescape: Torment includes many rest-friendly areas, and you shouldn't hesitate to use them fre-

quently. There's no penalty for resting, and you'll regain most of your party's hit points as well as

relearn spells memorized in the spell book.

Further, you can return to Mebbeth's hut at any time and get free healing. Speak with her and ask

her to heal your party's wounds, and she'll oblige, as long you're in friendly standing with her. You

won't relearn spells in your spellbook, but a complete heal of your party's wounds is certainly an

important thing to get time and time again, particularly if you're a fighter and eschewing the magical


HOW YOU "SPELL" PAINIf you choose to be a fighter, use Dak'kon's spells (if you choose to bring him along) to boost your

melee skills and ability to avoid hits. If, though, you choose to be a mage, locate and purchase

offensive spells and stock up on them in your spell book. Don't worry as much about boosting other

characters with spells; just worry about laying down the law with offensive spells. Keep in mind that

you will encounter creatures with high resistance to magic. If you turn The Nameless One into a

powerful mage, you should work on giving Dak'kon stellar melee abilities through tattoos and study-

ing the path of Zerthimon, using the items in his inventory.

CHOKE POINTSDon't take on more enemies than your party can handle. Usually, it's best to concentrate all melee

power on a single foe, then move on to the next target. If too many enemies are pounding you at

once, you'll have trouble fending them all off, and your less powerful allies will take significant


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Try luring the enemy creatures, who usually aren't blessed with incredible

intelligence, into choke points where you can gang up on them and take them down quickly.

Try to separate groups of enemy creatures by fleeing from them, then coming back to attack any

enemies that broke off from the main pack. Take on creatures in doorways or around corners, so

they can't surround your party completely and get in more strikes.

Micromanage your party into attacking specific targets, particularly spell casters that will inflict dam-

age from a distance while you're trying to combat melee units. Though it takes a bit more mouse-

clicking, you'll find the effort will pay off in the long run through easier combat and less use of

healing items.

STOP TIME!Hitting the space bar during gameplay pauses the game. Though the game world stops in its tracks,

you can still issue orders to your party members. Pause the game at the beginning of a combat

sequence to get your party attacking the same creature and your spell casters ready to cast some


Pausing the game also lets you assess your adversaries. If you notice too many of them emerging

from the fog of war, pause the game and order your party to leave the scene. Pausing the game lets

you calmly issue orders without the panic that sometimes arises when you see too many creatures

coming at you on the screen.

GREEDY WITH EXPERIENCEIf you're particularly greedy with the experience points and want to level up more quickly, dive down

into the main dungeon areas of the game and leave the rest of your party behind. For instance, take

The Nameless One alone through drowned nations or Undersigil and let him kill the creatures by

himself for added experience points. It'll require the utmost in patience and healing items to survive

such encounters. You must be careful not to get overwhelmed, especially in the tougher dungeon

areas, and you must perfect the "trigger creature and retreat" method, so you fight one at a time.

Keep in mind that it's not really necessary to complete the game; if you solve most of the optional

quests and use copper for healing items and better items and tattoos, you shouldn't have trouble

with Planescape: Torment. Alternatively, you can just take a few allies with you, so you don't spread

the experience across the party as much.

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ENEMIESFollowing, you'll find a rundown of some of the more significant enemies. You'll encounter dozens

of unique adversaries throughout the game, but the ones mentioned here either offer something

unique or can help gain you experience at important areas of the game.

ABISHAIYou'll find the dragon-like abishai both early in the game (wandering around the hive) and late in the

game (populating Baator). The abishai roaming around the Hive won't pose a threat to you if you

leave them alone, but if you want a quick boost of experience, you can goad the abishai into attack-

ing with Morte's taunt ability. He's a tough creature, though, so be prepared for a tough fight. Make

sure you have ample healing items before the encounter.

Late in the game, in Baator, you'll find a variety of different abishai. By this time, though, you should

be pretty well equipped to tackle them. All types provide a bunch of experience points, so be sure to

scour the map for all of them to maximize the amount of points you can gain.

CRANIUM RATSome of the first creatures you'll encounter (mainly inside the weeping stones catacombs and

Warrens of Thought) are the seemingly harmless cranium rats. They don't really pose much of a

threat in singles, but get these critters in groups, and you'll have a major problem. When they get

together, the cranium rats cast spells - lots of spells - and you can find yourself overwhelmed in a

matter of moments.

If you wish to explore the Warrens of Thought safely, you should avoid killing any of the rats and

then speak with Many-As-One, located on the upper northeast corner in the warrens. The rat mind

will grant you passage and a special bonus for not harming the little beasts.

CURST GUARDSDuring your journey into the Curst underground and finally the Curst prison, you'll encounter many

Curst guards. These well-armored fighting machines boast both a significant offensive punch and

lots of experience points. Best of all, though, each Curst guard carries around 50 copper commons.

Scour the items left behind after killing the guards and collect all the copper you can find. The more

copper you gain, the easier Planescape: Torment's ending sequence will be as you can use the

bonus copper to stock up on healing items.

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LESSER SHADOW AND SHADOWAfter you beat Ravel in her maze, she'll summon hordes of shadows and lesser shadows to

come finish her job - taking you out of commission! These tough creatures continue to spawn in

her maze until you leave. If you want to continue to gain experience, stick around for awhile and

beat as many of these creatures as you can before leaving. Keep in mind that they enjoy attacking

in groups, and because they continue to spawn, it might be difficult to save your game. Try to lure

single shadows away from the pack and attack them one at a time.

THUGSThe most plentiful creature you'll find early in the game really isn't a creature at all, but just a nefari-

ous street thug. These come in several varieties, including hive thugs, trash warren thugs, and tene-

ment thugs. All offer a decent amount of experience (at the time you face them) and usually carry

bracelets, rings, and earrings that can be sold at merchants for some extra copper.

Unless you're playing Planescape: Torment as a chaotic character, don't go running around initiating

fights with every thug you come across. Instead, you can just walk around them, and usually they'll

pick a fight with you. Or, alternatively, you can use Morte's taunt special ability to "persuade" them

into fighting you. Spend time going around the hive and battling as many thugs as you can to

improve your experience and gain levels early in the game.

WERERATYou'll likely first encounter wererats in the weeping stones catacombs. Although not the toughest of

creatures, the wererat does have a resistance to normal weapons, so you'll need an enchanted

weapon or spells to inflict damage on it. If you want a wealth of experience, you can charge through

the Warrens of Thought and take out as many wererats as you can find. Unfortunately, you'll also

run into hordes of spell-happy cranium rats who won't be pleased to make your acquaintance.

ZOMBIEYou'll find zombies first in the mortuary, and they don't pose much of a threat. If you want, you can

leave them alive until later in the game, after you gain the ability to speak with the dead from Stale

Mary in the dead nations. The zombies, while not amazing conversationalists, do have some clues

about your past and can offer insight into the story. Then again, they are zombies, so if you want to

gain some experience early in the game, just eliminate them as you make your way to the

mortuary's exit.

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W hat can change the nature of a man? You begin Planescape: Torment as The Nameless

One in a creepy mortuary just sliding off a cold iron slab. Your only source of information

is a wise-talking disembodied skull named Morte. Through careful exploration of the vast

world of Planescape, you'll soon discover more allies, many enemies, and the secrets to your past

and your future.

In this section, you'll find the walk-through for Planescape: Torment. Although the walk-through

doesn't cover every single optional quest or item you can acquire in the game (as there are literally

thousands of combinations), adhering to this walk-through will take you through the game with plen-

ty of experience points and completed quests. If you're stuck on a particular quest, search for its

name in the walk-through for strategies on its completion.

Remember, many of the quests described here aren't vital to completing the game. Planescape:

Torment includes many optional quests that can be completely ignored; often, though, the optional

quests are excellent sources of copper, experience points, and even allies. Further, there are literally

hundreds of different combinations for combat and many, many potential items to locate. Following

the walk-through will net you many useful items that make Planescape: Torment much easier, espe-

cially in the grueling combat sequences near the end.

THE MORTUARYYour adventure begins inside the mortuary immediately following the character generation screen

and the introductory movie. The Nameless One begins on a cold metal slab; you'll slide off automati-

cally inside the southern preparation room. Take the time to get used to the interface and open up

the map screen (using the default M key) to study your location. You begin on the second level of

the mortuary in the southwest area of the map.

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Once The Nameless One scuttles off the slab, a disembodied skull named Morte approaches

you. Listen to all the dialogue choices, particularly the discussion of the journal entry inscribed on

your back. Morte also discusses other important elements to keep in mind during the first part of

your adventure, including a weapon located nearby (a scalpel) and the mindless zombies roaming

around the mortuary.

After regaining control of The Nameless One, search all the nearby desks for the aforementioned

scalpel and a couple of bandages (they heal three hit points each). Each time you enter a new room

or area, sweep the mouse pointer around the screen to search for hotspots (as you would in a point-

and-click adventure game). To collect new and often better supplies, it's important to search closets,

crates, desks, tables, and other containers for items.

Speak with Ei-Vene at the northeast corner of the mortuary's second floor;

both for a quest and a bonus later in the game.

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To exit this room, you must locate the zombies wandering around the room, usually standing

next to corpses on top of slabs. You can attempt to talk to these zombies if you wish, but you

won't have much success. Instead, equip the scalpel and attack the zombies to gain experience as

well as snag the key to the gate leading out of the preparation room, which lies northwest of your

start position. With key in your inventory, simply click on the gate. It will automatically be used, and

you can pass through.

Continue north through the preparation rooms, and you'll pass additional zombies. You can attack

them if you wish to gain some experience points, but you can also let them leave and return to the

mortuary later to learn details about your previous existence. Either way, continue through the

rooms, moving north until you reach the preparation room with the large book in the southeastern

corner. Behind the book lies Dhall, a floating dustman who keeps track of who comes and goes

inside the preparation rooms.

Talk to Dhall and specifically cover topics about your character and the dustmen. Finish examining

the room, exit through the entrance to the northeast, and continue east. If you check the map, you'll

notice you are now at the northern point of the mortuary's second floor. Continue east into the next

area until you see a dustwoman next to a corpse and slab.

FIND EI-VENE'S EMBALMING FLUID AND THREADSpeak with Ei-Vene, and she'll hand you a quest if you wish to take it. It seems she needs the nee-

dle, thread, and embalming fluid she misplaced. You can find these on the third floor of the mortuary

(just search all the desks and shelves as you should always be doing) and return them to her for

some experience points as well as a bonus to your maximum hit points. As many of the quests are

in Planescape: Torment, it's entirely optional.

When you're finished with Ei-Vene, proceed southeast into the next area. A zombie wandering

around in here is actually a spy (he's a zombie that actually responds to conversation). Depending

on how you handle the spy, you can get some additional information or gain the ability to disguise

yourself (to escape the mortuary without threat from the dustmen). Again, it's optional material and

not vital to exiting the mortuary.

Continue south through the doorway and search the next room for some embalming fluid. Locate the

stairs inside the room that take you to the third floor of the mortuary. Proceed down the stairs.

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THIRD FLOORAfter emerging on the third floor, bring up the overhead map to see you're currently on the far

east side of the level. Your goal is to locate a key on the western side. Begin your trek across the

map. Along the way, you might run into some dustmen who will attempt to hail you. Don't bother

stopping for them; you could get roped into combat if you make the wrong conversation choices.

However, if they do catch you, tell them you are looking for Dhall. One benefit to killing a dustman,

however, is the ability to snag his robe. You can use it as a disguise and won't attract the dustmen's

attention any longer.

Proceed to the western side of the map just under the staircase and examine all the desks and

shelves. Inside one, you'll find the key you're searching for, the mortuary sanctum key. When you're

finished, walk north to the stairs and head back to the second level of the mortuary.

When you're back on the second floor, return to the stairs that initially took you to the third floor and

open the locked gate just adjacent to the staircase to reveal the path to the first level of the


FIRST FLOORWhen you arrive on the first floor, open up the map and locate your position on the eastern side of

the map. Proceed west into a central circular room. Inside, you'll find statuesque giant skeletons with

large weapons. Don't bother the skeletons unless you have an exceptional intelligence rating; if you

do, you can examine the runes on the skeletons and decipher them. Otherwise, keep away, or they'll

tear you apart in no time.

Continue through the central room to the northwest until you reach the altar. Approach the altar, and

Deionarra appears, a blue ghostly image that claims to know about The Nameless One's past.

Speak with her about all dialogue topics, especially about yourself, as she'll grant you the ability to

raise the dead three times a day - an important ability if you want to keep your party members alive.

Also, end the conversation in good terms (don't tell her you're leaving her or the mortuary), or

Deionarra places a curse on you. When the conversation ends, proceed back into the central room

and head southwest.

Several dustmen wander through this area. Try not to disturb the standard dustmen and instead look

for Soego. Engage in conversation and tell him you were locked inside the mortuary, and he'll open

up the main gate and let you outside. Should you kill any dustmen near the gate, Soego will likely

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attack you instead of initiating conversation. If this happens, just grab the key

off his body and proceed through the gate yourself. After the brief cutscene and level load,

you can proceed to the hive.

THE HIVEThe hive consists of five main areas: the mortuary exit area (northeast), the marketplace area

(southwest), the Smoldering Corpse Bar area (southeast), the flophouse area (northwest), and the

Alley of Dangerous Angles (middle). Though the quickest route to the next stage of your adventure

lies in Ragpicker's Square past the hive, you should take as much time as possible in the hive to

build up your experience and gain additional party members.

After exiting the mortuary, you'll be inside the mortuary exit part of the hive. The Smoldering Corpse

Bar area lies to the south exit, the flophouse area to the west exit, and the Alley of Dangerous

Angles to the southwest exit. To reach the marketplace, you must head into the Smoldering Corpse

Bar area and exit to the west.

While in the hive, there are a few things you should remember. First off, if you're trying to be a nice

character, be sure to tell the truth as often as possible and not start any fights. Then again, if you're

looking to be chaotic or evil, lie when prompted and initiate combat engagements. While walking

around all areas of the hive, you're likely to run across hive thugs that will attack you if you just hang

around them long enough. Alternatively, you can get Morte to taunt them with his special ability. Use

these relatively easy opponents to build up your experience and collect copper pieces. If you're dar-

ing, get Morte to taunt the abishai wandering around the town for a boatload of experience, but a

very difficult fight. Try not to get overwhelmed by enemy units, though; just run if you are in danger

and seek refuge in an area where you can rest.

If you plan to change classes from fighter to mage or thief, be sure to head straight for the

Ragpicker's Square and visit the midwife's hut for the mage class and Ratbone for the thief class.

Head west from the hive starting point into the flophouse area. From there, go straight north and

locate Mebbeth to the south and Ratbone to the southwest. The sooner you visit these places, the

quicker you can get started earning experience in these respective classes.

Should you die while roaming around the hive, you'll appear back in the mortuary. If you don't need

to return to the mortuary, just remember to save your game as often as possible and remember your

auto save, so you can reload after entering or exiting any new location.

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There are many quests you can take on during your stay in the various areas of the hive.

These are all optional, but it's important to build up as much experience as possible for your trek

ahead. Take the time to take part in as many quests as possible and finish them to completion for

maximum experience reward. Further, talk to as many characters as possible to gain information

about Pharod and your hidden journals.

Following, you'll find a list of many quests and important areas you'll find in the hive and how to

complete them.

POXStanding at the mortuary exit is Pox, a dustman that can get you back inside the mortuary if you're

"dying" to get back in. If you wish, he can simply kill you, and you'll reenter. Talk with Pox about

Pharod and Sharegrave.

HELP SEV'TAI GET HER REVENGEJust west of the mortuary exit, you'll find the Dustman Memorial with a strange monolith inside. You

can speak with the various inhabitants of the memorial. One person named Quentin knows many

details about the monument, and another dustman named Death-of-Names knows some names

inscribed on the monument and can point them out. The person of main interest in the memorial,

though, is Sev'Tai. Seek her out and speak with her. It turns out her three sisters were attacked by a

group known as the Starved Dogs Barking. She mentions it lies south of the mortuary (actually in

the Smoldering Corpse Bar area). To solve her quest, head into the Smoldering Corpse Bar area

and proceed immediately east. You'll run across the three thugs. They aren't easy to kill, so try and

take them on one at a time (especially if you're solving this quest first) and save your game after

each kill. Once you've dispatched all three enemies, return to Sev'Tai for an experience point


FIND CRADDOCK FOR BAEN THE SENDERJust south of the Dustman Memorial, you'll find Baen the Sender, a blue-clothed fellow looking to

deliver a message to Craddock. Once you speak with Baen, head to the marketplace by going

through the Smoldering Corpse Bar area to the south and then head west into the marketplace.

You'll find Craddock to the northwest after entering the marketplace. Speak with him and deliver the

message from Baen. Speaking with Craddock will open up a new quest as he now needs to locate

his helper, Jhelai.

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FIND JHELAI FOR CRADDOCKAfter speaking with Craddock, return to the Smoldering Corpse Bar area, and you'll locate

Jhelai on the western side of the map. Listen to Jhelai, then return to Craddock and tell him the

truth about what Jhelai had to say. After Craddock finishes, offer your assistance to gain some cop-

per pieces. Finally, be sure to return to Baen the Sender to notify him you completed the entire

quest for additional bonuses.

Get some easy experience points by helping out Mourns-For-Trees. Just tell him you care.

FIND A WAY TO HELP INGRESSJust south of Baen and the memorial, you'll find Ingress running back and forth. Initiate a conversa-

tion with her and listen to her strange story about portals and doorways. According to your journal

after receiving the quest, you must find a planeswalker to guide her to the correct portal. You'll spot

a planeswalker by its distinct translucency. To find the planeswalker, head into the Smoldering

Corpse Bar area and into the Smoldering Corpse Bar (south in the district). Walk west after entering

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it and find Candrian. Speak with him, and he'll offer to help Ingress. Return to Ingress and tell

her you found some help, and she'll scamper off. Return again to Candrian, inside the

Smoldering Corpse bar, for your experience bonuses and Ingress' teeth, which will provide addi-

tional combat power for Morte.

THE POSTJust to the west of where you first ran into Ingress and just outside the Gathering Dust Bar stands a

zombie named The Post, which is really a bulletin board and directional indicator for the fine folks of

the hive. To grab some experience, speak with the Post, and read the notices tacked to his body.

Select the response about the Smoldering Corpse Bar while reading the notices. Next, examine the

graffiti and select the response about Pharod for some additional experience.

FREE ANGYAR FROM HIS DEAD CONTRACTYou'll find Angyar's house to the southeast portion of the mortuary exit area of the hive (the first area

you appear inside). Enter the house, speak with Angyar's wife, and get her to tell you about her hus-

band and the contract she signed with a dustman who hangs out inside the Gathering Dust Bar.

Once you receive the quest, you'll discover that the name of the dustman is Mortai Gravesend. Exit

Angyar's house and enter the bar (just next to the Post and northwest of Angyar's house). Locate

Mortai Gravesend just inside to the west and initiate dialogue. Select the choices about the true

death and what other dustmen would think of his actions. Within moments, Mortai will run off,

retrieve the contract, and hand it to you. Return to Angyar's house and speak with his wife. Show

her the contract, and she'll tell you to talk to her husband (and not to tell him that she mentioned all

this to you). Show the contract to her husband and eventually tear it to bits. Continue speaking with

her husband and ask about the location of Pharod and about collectors for more experience - be

careful not to anger him during the discussion, or he'll attack you. Collect your experience from the

couple and make a note that when you speak with Angyar's wife now, you can ask if you and your

party can rest here. Further, you can purchase a few healing items from her.

EMORIC REQUESTS INFORMATIONSpeak with Emoric about Pharod, and he'll mention concerns about the dead bodies that Pharod's

been coming across. He offers you a simple quest to find out where Pharod is getting all these bod-

ies. You can't complete the quest for awhile, but keep it in mind. After you find Pharod in the buried

village, ask him where he's finding all the dead bodies. With the answer in hand, return to Emoric in

the Smoldering Corpse Bar and relay your answer.

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COMPLETE EMORIC'S QUESTSHead into the Gathering Dust Bar and speak with Emoric, who's seated in the upper northwest

corner of the bar. Talk with him about all topics, including Pharod and the dustmen, and he'll even-

tually ask if you wish to become a part of the dustmen faction. If you want some additional quests

and experience, say yes (you can always turn down the offer later). Emoric offers four quests, and

none are too difficult. He'll first ask you to speak with Norochj, another dustman inside the bar. Walk

over to Norochj and talk with him. You'll learn that a thief posing as a dustman is walking some-

where around in the hive. To complete the quest, locate the thief. You'll find him in the marketplace

area under the name Ash-Mantle. Confront him and either kill him or watch him flee. Return to

Norochj and tell him you exposed him. Then, return to Emoric to complete the quest. Next, Emoric

tells you to speak with Awaiting-Death, also a dustman inside the bar. Awaiting-Death doesn't think

much about life and wants to die. Speak with him about the matters of life and death and when

given the opportunity, kill yourself. You won't die, but just stand there. Follow the dialogue, and you'll

complete the quest. Return to Emoric and tell him you spoke with Awaiting-Death for the bonuses.

Next, Emoric will tell you to speak with Sere, yet another dustman in the bar. Speak with Sere about

her dustman beliefs as you go through the conversation. When the conversation's completed (just

keep talking and don't leave), return to Emoric for the bonus. Finally, you'll find Soego in the dead

nations as soon as you appear inside. After you find him and are back in the hive, return to Emoric

and tell him. You can then join the dustmen if you wish.

LOOK INTO THE MATTEROF THE MAUSOLEUM'S WALKING DEADHead into the Gathering Dust Bar and speak with Norochj, a dustman just inside near the entrance.

Select the dialogue choices to ask what is troubling him. He'll explain about the strange phenome-

non going on inside the mausoleum and ask you to go investigate. Once you've acquired the quest,

you can enter the mausoleum through a portal just above the Dustman Memorial at the top of the


WARNING: Don't attempt this quest until you've completed many other

quests in the hive area and are at least a level three or four character. It's probably

the toughest early quest in the game. Further, it's wise to have a third party mem-

ber (go get Dak'kon from the Smoldering Corpse Bar) as well as healing items like

bandages and chot charms. The mausoleum's interior is filled with skeleton war-

riors and giant skeletons, not to mention the tough boss, Strahan Runeshadow,

waiting for you at the end.

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When you're ready to enter the mausoleum, you'll begin in the northwest part of the map. You

can reach Strahan Runeshadow quickly by heading directly south at the first turn and taking

southern turns at the next intersections. When you reach the bottom of the map, turn to the west

and enter the inner chamber. Again, you'll find many skeletons inside the mausoleum as well as

tough giant skeletons. It's best to wait until you've gained several levels or have additional party

members. Enter the inner chamber and attack the skeleton guards first, then defeat Strahan

Runeshadow. Use Morte's taunt special ability against the mage to anger him into hand-to-hand

combat. When you've defeated Strahan, collect a large experience bonus from both the guardian

spirit and Norochj.

DAMSEL IN DISTRESSEnter the Smoldering Corpse Bar area and speak with the damsel in distress just at the entrance

who continues to shout for help. During the conversation, question her story and examine the blood

on her clothes. When given the opportunity, bluff her during the dialogue, and you'll gain some expe-

rience points.

MOURNS-FOR-TREESJust to the east, after entering the Smoldering Corpse Bar area, you can talk with Mourns-For-Trees.

He'll explain how he's sad that all the trees in the hive aren't prospering. You can gain some easy

experience points by promising to care about the trees and offer to bring others to care about the

trees as well. Mourns-For-Trees also has information about Fell's tattoo studio, the place where you

can purchase tattoos. Tattoos appear here throughout the game, and you'll want to return here often

to purchase them, as they're an excellent way to boost the statistics of The Nameless One and sev-

eral party members.

BARKING WILDERA man standing on the eastern side of the Smoldering Corpse Bar area, named Barking Wilder, pos-

sesses some information about your lost journals. Speak with him, and if you can understand his

cryptic song dialogue (you'll be given special choices if your intelligence and wisdom is high

enough), he'll eventually tell you about the location of your two journals, and you'll gain some experi-

ence points as well.

ACQUIRING DAK'KON FOR YOUR PARTYEnter the Smoldering Corpse Bar inside the Smoldering Corpse Bar area and speak with Dak'kon,

who stands north of the bar's entrance. Speak with him about his native language and the city of

Sigil. You'll gain some experience, and he'll eventually offer his services to your party members.

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Gaining the friendship of Dak'kon makes the mausoleum quest a piece of

cake and ups your combat effectiveness considerably. Dak'kon also has a potential magic

weapon which will come in handy against the wererats in the weeping stones. For more on

Dak'kon, head over to the Planescape allies section of this game guide.

The hive marketplace offers all sorts of good deals on healing items and other goodies.

FIND A TOMBSTONE FOR THE CRIER OF ES-ANNONInside the marketplace, on the western side, you'll find the Crier of Es-Annon, a sad fellow with a

depressing tale about his fallen city. He wants to honor his city in some fashion; offer to find a tomb-

stone or monument to initiate the quest. Return to the first area of the hive to the Dustman Memorial

(just outside the mortuary) and speak with Death-of-Names, a dustman next to the monument. Ask

to inscribe the name of Es-Annon onto the monument. When completed, return to the Crier of Es-

Annon and grab your reward.

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RETRIEVE PORPHIRON'S NECKLACEYou'll find Porphiron in the flophouse area, which lies west of the mortuary exit. Speak with the

pacifist Porphiron and offer to dispatch the three thugs who stole his necklace in a nonviolent fash-

ion (for instance, by lying to them). If you wish to be chaotic, you don't need to go through these

pleasantries. To locate the thugs, return to the Smoldering Corpse Bar area and locate the red and

black clothed thugs on the western side. Speak with them about the necklace and select the dia-

logue choice to lie to them about the size of Porphiron's gang. You'll get the necklace back. If you

wish, you can speak with the thugs again and kill them for some experience. Return the necklace to

Porphiron for your reward. If Porphiron remains friendly with you, and you're a fighter, you can gain

some weapons training by spending your gained proficiency points.

GET RID OF NESTOR FOR ARLOEnter the flophouse (the entrance is located in the southern area of the flophouse section) and

speak with Arlo. He'll tell you the story about Nestor, the resident who just won't leave the flophouse

no matter how hard Arlo tries to get rid of him. After talking with Arlo, proceed north inside the flop-

house and talk with Nestor. He'll also tell you an unusual tale about his missing fork. He promises

that if you return the fork, he'll leave the flophouse. Exit the flophouse and proceed to the north area

of the map and locate One-Ear. Initiate conversation and follow the dialogue until you can ask him

about the fork. Get the fork from One-Ear (usually by simply killing him) and return the fork to

Nestor. Once Nestor gets the fork back, he'll leave the flophouse. Speak with Arlo after Nestor

leaves to complete the quest and gain your bonuses, including the ability to rest at the flophouse

free of charge.

DELIVERING MAR'S BOXSpeak with Mar, who's located at the southern area in the flophouse section of the hive. He'll offer

you a simple quest to deliver a strange box to Ku'atraa. The quest will take you to nearly every area

of the hive, so keep that in mind before taking it on. If you want the task, then take the box to

Ku'atraa's warehouse, located on the western side of the Smoldering Corpse Bar area. Speak with

Ku'atraa inside, and he'll want nothing to do with the box. He'll tell you to take the box to Brasken.

Head to the marketplace and to Brasken's house on the western side of the marketplace. Speak

with Brasken about the box, who again will want nothing to do with the box and tell you to take it to

Shilandra. Locate Shilandra by heading to the hive's first area (just outside the mortuary) and to

Shilandra's kip, just west of the mortuary exit (east of the mausoleum). She'll tell you about the box

and tell you take it to the cathedral inside the Alley of Dangerous Angles. Speak with Aola at the

cathedral to learn about the box. Return the box to Mar (you'll find him hiding in the flophouse area

to the northwest) and receive your experience reward. The box also has bearing on Jarym's quest in

Ragpicker's square. See that section for details.

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GANG WAREnter the Alley of Dangerous Angles, and you'll emerge in the middle of a gang war. You can

choose to take sides with any of the gang leaders, but you'll gain the most experience and money

by taking sides with Krystall (which is, coincidentally, on the side of good). Talk with Krystall in the

northwest corner of the Alley of Dangerous Angles, and she'll ask you to terminate Rotten William

for her. Find him in the southeastern corner of this area (you might have to fight some of Rotten

William's Darkalley Shivs, his gang, along the way). Return to Krystall once you've terminated

Rotten William, and she'll ask you to locate Blackrose and do the same. You can find him just east

of Krystall. When you speak with him, don't fight immediately. Instead, tell him you did away with

Rotten William, and you'll gain some experience. After that, refuse to battle him, and he'll engage

you. Terminate him as well and tell Krystall of your accomplishment.

The Alley of Dangerous Angles offers plenty of experience if you're willing to fight for it.

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FETCHING THREE RINGSWhen inside the Alley of Dangerous Angles, locate the burnt building in the southwestern area of

the map. When inside, speak with Rauk, and he'll tell you he's misplaced his three rings inside his

tents. Exit the building and bring up the overhead map to locate the three tents. Enter each tent and

search it thoroughly to find rings in a bench, a wooden step, and a plank - you're looking of a

bronze, silver, and gold ring. When you've grabbed all three, return to Rauk, and you'll gain some

experience. Watch the mages do their work and, after they've summoned the evil green creature,

collect their goods and spells.

RAGPICKER'S SQUAREOnce you've been through the earlier areas of the hive and performed many of the quests to

enhance your experience and combat potential, you should venture into Ragpicker's Square, as it

takes you to the larger part of your mission. Or, if you wish to learn the ways of a mage or thief, you

should head there as soon as possible and visit Mebbeth (in the south) for mage training and

Ratbone (in the southwest) for thief training.

You'll locate Ragpicker's Square to the north exit inside the flophouse portion of the hive. Upon

entering the square, you'll appear on the eastern side of the map. Before continuing on, you should

take some time to explore Ragpicker's Square and perform some of the following quests.

FIND A SPELL RUBY FOR JARYMOne quest you'll find concerns the wizard Jarym. You'll find his establishment on the southern part of

Ragpicker's Square. Upon entering the house, speak with Jarym and discover he's looking for a

ruby to complete his spell. This ruby is actually the gem that was found inside the box you delivered

for Mar (and to several other people). After gaining the quest, return to the Alley of Dangerous

Angles and the cathedral to speak with Aola again. Ask to purchase the gem from him, and he'll

offer it for a small fee of copper. Take the ruby back to Jarym for your experience reward.

FIND AMARYSSE FOR NODDLocated just north of Jarym's place, you'll find a collector wandering around named Nodd. Speak

with Nodd to learn of his desire to speak with an old friend named Amarysse. You can accept the

quest to locate Amarysse, who you'll find hanging out in the southern part of the Smoldering Corpse

Bar area. When you find and speak with her, she'll give you some money to take back to Nodd. If

you return the money to Nodd, you're rewarded with some experience points.

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MEBBETHOne of the most important residents of Ragpicker's Square is Mebbeth, a mage-trainer living in a

hut in the southern part of the square. Enter and speak with her. Talk with her about all topics,

including Pharod, and you'll soon discover that Mebbeth will heal your party's wounds upon request

and offer a place for rest. Additionally, you can talk with her about becoming a Mage. If you wish to

switch classes to mage, you should speak with Mebbeth. Even if you don't want to be a mage, you

should still take part in her quests because they offer experience, and you can always refuse the art

or even change back to a fighter or thief later.

FIND THE HERBS THE MEBBETH NEEDSMebbeth's first quest will be to find the strange black herbs she needs. Head to the marketplace

area of the hive and speak with the stout merchant yelling about fruits and spices in the heart of the

market area. Speak with the merchant and inquire about the seeds. Unfortunately, you must go find

a gardener to assist you with the seeds.

Find a gardener who has Mebbeth's herbs. If you have previously spoken with Mourns-for-Trees,

you'll instantly recall his profession and that he's the one you should speak with. Return to the

Smoldering Corpse Bar area and locate Mourns-for-Trees near the northern area of the map. Speak

with him and talk about the seeds. Select the dialogue choices about caring for the seeds, and

they'll grow before your eyes. Return to Mebbeth and tell her you've completed this portion of the


GET MEBBETH'S WASH FROM GISCORLAfter you return the seeds to Mebbeth, she'll offer another quest (which must be completed to reach

the discussion about the mage class). Mebbeth requests that you retrieve her laundry from Giscorl,

who's also hanging out in the marketplace area of the hive. Return to the marketplace and locate

Giscorl in the main area of the market. Talk to Giscorl about Mebbeth's wash rags, and Giscorl will

go retrieve them. Return to Mebbeth and return the rags.

GET INK FOR MEBBETH FROM KOSSAH-JAIOnce you've returned the seeds and the wash, Mebbeth sends you on another quest back to the

marketplace (which again must be completed before discussing the mage class). Mebbeth needs ink

from the fish salesperson named Kossah-Jai. Initiate dialogue with Kossah-Jai and discover that you

must find another fish salesperson for the ink, as it comes from a special kind of fish.

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FIND MEIR'AM AND GET THE INK FOR MEBBETHYou'll find Meir'am, the other fish salesperson, on the eastern side of the marketplace. Speak with

her about the fish and the ink, but she'll indicate that you need a container to hold the ink in. Head

back to the market proper and find the hive merchant selling containers (watch for the dialogue lines

above their heads and speak with the one talking about containers). Ask the merchant about

tankards and purchase an inexpensive one. Return to Meir'am and get the ink. Return with the

tankard and ink to Mebbeth to complete the quest.

SPEAKING WITH MEBBETH AND THE MAGE CLASSAfter completing Mebbeth's quests, you can talk to her about the art of becoming a mage and switch

to the mage class. With the mage class, you can learn spells and use specialized magic items. If

you have Dak'kon in your party, you can switch back to the fighter class at any time you wish by

simply speaking to him about weapons training.

RATBONELocated on the southeastern side of Ragpicker's Square is a man named Ratbone. You can speak

with him and gain thief training to switch to the thief class. If you wish to become a thief, you should

speak with Ratbone as soon as possible to begin your accumulating experience.

FIND OUT WHERE PHAROD'SCORPSES ARE COMING FROMAlso located on the southeastern area of Ragpicker's Square is the house of a person you've heard

about from various characters, the mysterious, and rather grumpy, Sharegrave. Enter the house and

speak with him about Pharod. Be sure to indicate to Sharegrave that you don't care for Pharod and

that you're looking for him. Sharegrave offers a quest to find out where Pharod is finding all the dead

bodies. To complete the quest, locate Pharod in the buried village and ask him about the dead bod-

ies. Return to Sharegrave with the answer to complete the quest.

VLASK'S HOUSELocated just northwest of the entrance position to Ragpicker's Square is a portal that leads to an

abandoned house. After entering the house, a collector named Vlask and a few thugs enter to rough

you around, demanding money to permit you to leave. You can either pay your way out or simply

battle Vlask and his thugs to exit.

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TRASH WARRENSWhen you've finished exploring Ragpicker's Square, it's time to head into the trash warrens that

lead the way to the buried village, where you'll find Pharod. If you are playing to advance the story-

line, and not necessarily for quests and xp, you want to meet Pharod after you get out of the

Mortuary and buff yourself up a little. To enter the trash warrens, head to the northwest side of

Ragpicker's Square (you'll traverse a wooden pathway). Eventually, you'll reach a doorway; upon

entering, you must toss a piece of junk into the doorway to open a portal. If you've been collecting

items along the way to this point, you should have a piece in your inventory. Toss the junk inside

and go through the portal. If you don't have any junk, search around Ragpicker's Square, and you

should find some in examinable containers. Once you get through, find some junk (again, just

search the trash warrens containers) for when you need to return. On the other side of the portal,

locate the entrance to the trash warrens and proceed through.

Your goal lies through the trash warrens, but you'll need some

junk and decent combat skills to make it through.

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Combat in the trash warrens isn't easy and will be your toughest test yet. Be

sure you're healed (just head to Mebbeth's first) and are well equipped. Upon entering, you'll

speak with Anomoli, who you can either attack (along with his thug guards) or talk your way

around him. Exploring the rest of the trash warrens will uncover loads of rats and thugs. Try to take

them on in low numbers and don't arouse the attention of dozens of enemies at once - if possible.

In a northern alcove of the trash warrens, you'll find a portal (which opens if you have a rat tail in

your inventory) that takes you to a secret room with tons of rats but many other goodies. Attack the

rats quickly, or you'll come under fire from dozens of spells.

When you're finished exploring the trash warrens and collecting the experience and all the goodies

(be sure to run your mouse over the boxes and crates scattered around the trash warrens), head to

the southeastern part of the map to encounter Bish, another heavy that tries to stop your passage to

the buried village. Again, you can choose to battle Bish (and his many thug guards) or talk your way

around him. Once you pass Bish, open up the door on the floor and proceed into the buried village.

BURIED VILLAGENow that you've safely made your way through the trash warrens, you're almost to the first major

step in Planescape's primary storyline - to find Pharod. Upon entering the buried village, head to the

south and enter the building on the west side of the map. Inside, you'll find Marta, who sews up

some of the corpses that come her way. Speak with her and, if you wish, ask her to operate on you,

and you'll find a small ring inside your intestines (also snag your intestines in your inventory).

RECOVER KU'U YIN'S NUMBER FROM RADINEJust east of Marta's house, you'll find Ku'u Yin huddled against the side of a building. Speak with

Ku'u Yin about his lost name and number and who stole it. He tells you that Radine, someone locat-

ed just south of him, stole his name and number, and he's dying without them. Proceed south from

his position and locate Radine. Speak with Radine and ask to get the name back. With the name

and number recovered, return to Ku'u Yin and hand back the name. You'll be rewarded with a charm

and some experience points.

FIND AND RETURN UHIR'S LUCKY KNIFEOn the far east side of the map, you'll find a collector named Uhir. After speaking with him, you'll dis-

cover that he lost his knife in the catacombs underneath the village. You'll be headed in there soon

enough, so offer to retrieve the weapon for Uhir. You'll find the knife on the knifed ghoul inside the

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dead nations area of the catacombs (he's located in the southeast near the

entrance). To get the knife from the knifed ghoul, you must collect six rat tails and give them

to him in trade. With the knife in hand, return to Uhir (do so before returning the bronze sphere to

Pharod) and hand back the knife.

GET QUINT'S POISON CHARMFROM THE BODY OF GRISInside a small house on the northern side of the buried village is Quint, a well-informed gentleman

who also has a request and a quest. He asks you to retrieve something from the body of Gris the

vulture who's somewhere down in the catacombs. Accept the offer. You'll find Gris' body inside the

Crypt of the Embraced in the middle coffin (click it to open it). Before you speak with Gris, however,

you must learn how to speak with the dead. To do so, head into the dead nations and talk with Stale

Mary. After speaking with her, talk to Hargrimm the Bleak about Stale Mary's language and how to

understand it. Return to Stale Mary and ask her to teach you her language. Once you can under-

stand the dead, return to Gris and speak with him. He'll tell you that the item is located in a trash

heap just to the south of Marta's house (just run the mouse cursor slowly over the mess to find the

hotspot). Grab the item and return it to Quint to complete the quest.

GET BRONZE SPHERE FOR PHARODYou'll find the entrance to Pharod's location in the northeastern area of the buried village, just past to

guards. Enter the room and speak with Pharod about your identity and several other topics. Further,

you can speak with Pharod about how he's obtaining all the bodies and return with the information

to Emoric and Sharegrave. Pharod also wants you to locate a bronze sphere left somewhere in the

catacombs (in the drowned nations) before he'll speak further. Locate the sphere on the eastern side

of the catacombs protected by several creatures (it's on the body of a dead collector). Return it to

Pharod to gain information and a new party member.

THE WEEPING STONESOnce you've completed some quests and talked to the inhabitants of the buried village, head to the

southeastern corner and talk with Barr at the gate. Tell him you're on leave from Pharod to find the

missing bronze sphere, and he'll open the gate and let you pass (you must speak with Pharod first).

Proceed into the next area to emerge inside the weeping stones, the first area of the underground


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While traveling around the weeping stones, you'll encounter cranium rats,

wererats, some ghouls, and some lesser vargouilles. None of the creatures is especially

tough, though you should try to prevent the vargouilles from ganging up on you, either by trigger-

ing them a few at a time or leading them to a choke point, such as a corner or doorway. Also,

magic weapons only harm the wererats. Dak'kon's sword becomes magical when he hits fourth

level, and you can buy a magic ax from the weapon dealer in the marketplace. If you're a fighter,

you should have little trouble. A mage or thief might find the vargouilles and wererats a bit of a

challenge, however.

Explore the weeping stones well and search all the coffins you can examine. You'll find several exits

out of the weeping stones area - Crypt of the Embraced (to the north), dead nations (to the south),

dismembered crypt (to the west), Warrens of Thought (to the northeast), shattered crypt (to the

northeast) - which are detailed in the following section.

FIND THE DECANTER OF ENDLESS WATEROn the west side of the weeping stones, two tunnels below the one you start in, you'll find Glyve, the

weeping stone who's searching for a magical decanter located in another section of the catacombs.

You'll find the decanter in the drowned nations part of the catacombs on the far eastern tunnel. It's

protected by some lesser vargouilles and trocopotaca. Return the decanter to Glyve and pour the

water on her for the experience reward.

KILL VARGOUILLESIn the tunnel south of Glyve,

you'll find a corpse (lying

just in front of the dead

nations entrance) of

Chad. You can't speak

with Chad until

you've gained the

ability to speak with

the dead. To do so,

you must go into the

dead nations and submit

to the silent king. Talk with

Stale Mary (in the southwest-

ern corner), then return to speak

with Hargrimm the Bleak about Stale

Killing off thelesser vargouilles

not only nets experi-ence, it completes a quest.

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Mary's language. Return to Stale Mary and let her touch you. Then, listen to

her language. Once you've gained the ability to speak with the dead, return to Chad and dis-

cover his request to kill all the vargouilles on the level. You'll find most of them in the tunnel just

north of Glyve. After killing them all, return to Chad for the experience reward.

CRYPT OF THE EMBRACEDSearch the northern area of the weeping stones to find the entrance to the Crypt of the Embraced.

Upon entering, you'll engage a few ghouls. Open the middle crypt (just place your mouse over it to

gain the door icon), and you'll find Gris the vulture inside. Unfortunately, as Quint mentions, he's

dead. To speak with Gris, you must gain the ability to speak with the dead. To do so, you must go

into the dead nations and submit to the silent king. Talk with Stale Mary (in the southwestern cor-

ner), then return to speak with Hargrimm the Bleak about Stale Mary's language. Return to Stale

Mary and let her touch you. Then, listen to her language. Head back and speak with Gris, and he'll

tell you the location of the necklace charm that Quint is searching for.

SHATTERED CRYPTLocated in the northeast section of the weeping stones is the entrance to the shattered crypt, a

small circular room that holds some decent copper treasure and other items. Inside, you'll also find

dozens and dozens of lesser vargouilles, but you can avoid them by sticking to the exterior of the

circle and making your way around to the treasure. If you want the experience, though, just step in

the center of the circle to trigger the horde.

DISMEMBERED CRYPTSearch the western area of the weeping stones to discover the entrance to the dismembered crypt

and the underchamber. Travel down into this area to locate a dead body and recover a severed arm

(take it back to Fell's tattoo parlor in the hive for some new tattoos).

DEAD NATIONSWhen you're finished exploring the weeping stones area and before you head into the Warrens of

Thought, proceed into the dead nations (this lets you also complete the Chad and Gris quests men-

tioned previously). You'll find the entrance in the southern area of the weeping stones catacombs.

Once inside, you'll be immediately accosted by Hargrimm the Bleak and told you should submit to

the silent king. Do so, as it lets you explore the dead nations safely (though you'll soon have to find

a way to exit from the virtual prison). If you don't submit to the silent king, the horde of zombies and

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skeletons - as well as Hargrimm and anyone else you run into during your

stay at the dead nations - turns to attack. It's a safer path just to submit - you'll gain the ability

to speak with the dead and gain some experience from some quests.

After speaking with Hargrimm, you'll emerge inside Soego's chambers, which lies to the north inside

the dead nations. If you recall, Emoric (from the hive and Gathering Dust Bar) wants you to see

what Soego is up to. Keep that in mind so you can return to him later and receive your reward. You

can also rest in Soego's chambers if you wish.

LEARNING TO SPEAK WITH THE DEADTo gain the ability to speak with the dead (which lets you complete the Chad and Quint quests as

well as learn more from the zombies inhabiting the mortuary and beyond), go to the southwestern

corner of the dead nations and speak with Stale Mary. Talk with Stale Mary, then return to speak

with Hargrimm the Bleak about Stale Mary's language. Return to Stale Mary and let her touch you.

Then, listen to her language.

PUZZLED AND RIDDLING SKELETONSIf your intelligence score is high enough, you can speak with the puzzled and riddling skeletons (on

the eastern side of the dead nations) and gain experience by solving the riddle for the puzzled

skeleton and exchanging riddles with the riddling skeleton.

KNIFED GHOULOn the southeastern side of the dead nations, you'll find the knifed ghoul who holds Uril's knife. To

get the knife from him, you must trade him some food. After you kill the six rats for Hargrimm, take

the tails and give them to the knifed ghoul in exchange for the knife.

ESCAPING THE DEAD NATIONSAfter awhile, you'll learn that you can't leave the dead nations without the permission of the silent

king. Speak with Hargrimm the Bleak (who hangs out near the chapel in the northwest corner).

Follow the dialogue branches about convincing him you're trustworthy. Eventually, he'll offer a simple

task to gain his trust; he indicates that some cranium rats have infested the dead nations and asks

you to seek them out and terminate them.

SEEK OUT AND SLAY ANY CRANIUM RATS IN THE DEAD NATIONSYou'll find the rats inside the far western tunnel (below the chapel). Six cranium rats appear here

after gaining the quest. Eliminate them and grab all the tails to give to the knifed ghoul in exchange

for Uril's knife. With all six rats dead, return to Hargrimm, and he'll offer another quest to gain his


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GIVE HARGRIMM A REASON TOREMOVE SOEGO FROM THE DEAD NATIONSHargrimm suspects that Soege isn't all he claims and wants you to find evidence incriminating him.

Seek out the doubtful skeleton hanging around the central area of the dead nations. Speak with him

about his current state of mind and his concern about the true death. Head up to Soego's chambers

and tell him about your encounter with the doubtful skeleton. Soego will leave his chambers to

speak with the skeleton. Once he's gone, search the large metal slab in the room (pry it open when

given the chance) and read the journal inside. Go to Hargrimm the Bleak and tell him what you read.

Watch the cutscene depicting Soego's fate. Speak with Hargrimm and ask to speak with the silent

king, and Hargrimm will tell you that you're free to leave. From here, you can either return to the

weeping stones to go to the Warrens of Thought or go straight into the drowned nations via the

southern exit.

WARRENS OF THOUGHTThough the area is purely optional, you can gain a lot of experience from the Warrens of Thought if

you're a well-equipped fighter. The Warrens of Thought entrance lies to the northeast in the weeping

stones. When you first proceed inside, you'll encounter the guard, Mantuok, who will soon throw you

into the warrens prison. Search the prison room well for some healing items, copper, and other

goodies. When you're ready to leave, locate the door to the south part of the prison and either keep

touching it to alert the guards, break it apart with your weapon, or pick it if you're a thief. If you break

it apart, the guards will attack (as well as hordes of cranium rats), but if you talk your way out, you

can make peace with them. If you want to escape the area, just return to the weeping stones.

DISCOVER THE WEAKNESSESOF THE SILENT KING FOR MANY-AS-ONEIf you want to explore the Warrens of Thought safely, you can speak with Many-As-One, a small cra-

nium rat leader in the northeast section. When you do, Many-As-One will offer a quest in exchange

for peaceful travel through the Warrens of Thought. To complete her quest, head back to the dead

nations and retrieve the key to the silent king's room either by killing Hargrimm the Bleak (not rec-

ommended, as you must deal with tons of others) or pick pocketing if you're a thief or have Annah in

your party. If you fail to nab the key, you can simply kill Hargrimm, but expect the entire dead

nations to want your head on a stick. Use the key on the throne room to discover the secret of the

silent king. Return to Many-As-One and either tell the rat the truth or lie about the silent king's

stature to retrieve your reward.

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DROWNED NATIONSWhen you've completed everything you wish to accomplish in the dead nations and Warrens of

Thought, proceed inside the drowned nations either through the gate in the southern area of the

dead nations or through the locked gate (you must pick it) to the south of the entrance to the

Warrens of Thought. You enter the drowned nations in the northwest section of the map. You're

basically in search of two items while inside the drowned nations: the Decanter of Endless Water for

Glyve and the bronze sphere for Pharod. Be on alert while in the drowned nations for lesser var-

gouilles (who enjoy ganging up on you) and trocopotaca (white alligator-type creatures). Both protect

the items you're searching for.

The drowned nations contains the bronze sphere you're after,but also some tough creatures called trocopotaca.

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LOCATING THE DECANTERTravel southeast from your start position and take the third tunnel leading to the east. You must

defeat some vargouilles and trocopotaca, but at the end of the hall, you'll find a small stash of

items that includes the decanter.

LOCATING THE BRONZE SPHEREFrom the decanter, head southwest down some stairs and turn to the south and finally to the east.

At the end of the long hall, you'll find some vargouilles and several trocopotaca (try to battle them

one at a time or use some spells). Defeat all the creatures and examine the body of the dead collec-

tor at the end. Pick up the bronze sphere and other goodies and return back to the weeping stones

and finally to the buried village.

Returning the bronze sphere to Pharod. Head back through the weeping stones and finally to the

gate with Barr. The gate remains closed, but if you speak to Barr and show him the bronze sphere

for Pharod, he'll let you back through without incident. Return to Pharod's court and hand over the

bronze sphere. He'll reveal something about your past (and you can even retrieve some of your old

items and money from him) as well as introduce you to your newest party member, Annah, his thief

daughter who you likely met in the hive. For more on Annah, head over to the Planescape allies

section of this game guide.

If you're finished with the buried village tasks (such as giving the knife back to Uril and locating

Quint's necklace), you can immediately transport back to the hive in front of the painted door in the

Smoldering Corpse Bar area to head to your next destination, the Tenement of Thugs and the Alley

of Lingering Sighs.

TENEMENT OF THUGSBefore heading into the Tenement of Thugs, an area that includes many tough adversaries, you

should head back to Mebbeth's in the Ragpicker's Square area for some free healing. Also, you can

return to the buried village and rummage through Pharod's court (after the movie sequence of his

death) and regain the bronze sphere, a useful - but not necessary - item for the end game

sequence. Make sure you have high intelligence for the end sequence, or the bronze sphere won't

prove useful.

Once you're ready to go, look at the painted door and follow the dialogue until it opens, and you can

proceed inside.

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If you're a well-equipped Fighter, you likely won't have much trouble just

bashing your way through the Tenement (though the use of some healing items will be

required). If you're not so good at combat, however, you'll need to use a tad more stealth.

You'll enter the Tenement on the north side. Proceed through the doors and select Annah's detect

trap skill so you remain alert as you proceed into each room. Defeat any thugs you encounter along

the way and be sure to search each desk or barrel for items and copper. Head into the door leading

into a tunnel heading southeast. Two doors flank this hallway, one leading south and one leading

north. If you're a chaotic character, head into the north one and speak with Tiresias for assistance in

clearing out the tenement. If you're lawful, head into the south door and speak with Sybil for


LOCATING THE EXIT KEYTo leave the Tenement of Thugs (the exit lies in the southwest room), you must get the exit key from

a mage hanging out on the upper floor. You'll find the stairs leading to the second and third floor on

the southeastern side of the tenement. Head up the stairs and defeat the mage and his thugs. Be

sure you're healthy before taking on the mage, as his spells inflict a decent amount of damage. Use

Morte's taunt special ability to enrage the mage into attacking you hand-to-hand. If you should die,

you appear inside a locked room on the first floor on the southeastern side. You can just bash the

door to escape. With key in hand, return to the first floor and find the exit to the southeastern side of

the map.

IRON PRYBARBefore you leave the tenement, make sure one character possesses an iron prybar. If you don't

have one, search the desk on the first floor just below the staircase leading to the second floor.

You'll need the prybar for a task in the next area.

ALLEY OF LINGERING SIGHSExiting the Tenement of Thugs takes you to the Alley of Lingering Sighs where Annah discovered

your dead body. You'll begin the alley on the northern side. Head west and then around south and

southeast until you reach a gate in the far southeastern side. Proceed through the gate into the next

area. Approach the face that appears on the wall and initiate conversation. You'll discover that this

face saw your body being destroyed, and you'll be shown a flashback. The alley face also offers you

a quest to assist in its birth. To do so, you must get rid of the floating dabus that skitters around and

repairs the alley.

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GET RID OF THE DABUSAfter speaking with the alley face, pro-

ceed to a closed house in southwest-

ern corner of the map (toward the

middle). Inside, you'll find a dead

dabus. Examine the body and

focus on what killed the dabus

for a clue about how to deal

with the floating one. When

you're through, grab the

hammer from the corpse and

exit back out to the alley.

Walk along the southern path

until you find the floating

dabus. Speak with him and tell

him about the dead body you dis-

covered. He'll enter the house and be

locked inside. Return to the alley face

and tell him you got rid of the dabus.

UNDO REPAIRS THEDABUS MADE TO THE ALLEYAfter telling the alley face that the dabus has been dealt with, he informs you that you must undo the

repairs the dabus made to the alley to complete the quest. You must have the hammer from the

dead dabus (or any other hammer) and the iron prybar from the tenement (or another prybar) to

complete the task. Return to the alley and head to the two areas the dabus was working on. One

area is just northwest of the gate leading to the alley face (you can find the area by placing your

mouse over it and gaining a question mark). Click on the area and select the choice to work on the

area with the hammer. Once this task is completed, head to the next area, which lies on the western

side of the map on the wall to the middle side. Perform the same function - click on the area and

select the choice to undo the repairs with the prybar. When it's done, head to the alley face and

receive your experience reward. The alley face will grant you passage to the next area of the game,

the lower ward.

The floatingdabus is the

key to solving theAlley of Lingering Sighs.

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LOWER WARDWhen you've completed the quests for the alley face, you'll get access to the lower ward. Simply

walk through the gate and into the next zone. After you emerge at the lower ward, if you still have

Morte in your party, a couple of wererats will accost you and kidnap Morte. After the kidnappers

leave, be sure to collect Morte's equipment left behind in the small pile. You can continue to explore

the lower ward if you wish, but if you want Morte back immediately, travel to the wrecked house in

the corner southeast from the start position and enter. Once inside, go down the stairs and speak

with Lothar.

When you speak with Lothar, he'll tell you that to get Morte back, you must trade him a valuable

skull. Unfortunately, although you may have some skulls in your inventory (either from wererats or

by killing folks in the dead nations), you can't trade them yet. You'll have to go on Lothar's quest

first. Before you go, head to the Coffinmaker's Shop and talk to Hamrys; he possesses a map to the

tomb Lothar wants you to visit.

GET THE TOMB PLANS FROM THE WAREHOUSEHamrys' shop is positioned just southeast of the wrecked house. Enter and speak with Hamrys, who

seems engrossed in conversation with Dimtree, a zombie. Talk with Hamrys about your missing jour-

nal and his father to get dialogue about the warehouse and the tomb. The Nameless One will

describe the tomb and Hamrys will offer you the map if you retrieve it from the warehouse. Exit the

coffin maker' store and proceed to the warehouse located in the northeastern portion of the lower

ward. Enter and speak with the Vault of the Ninth World (basically the desk clerk) and claim the

tomb plans. Before you proceed back to Lothar's, you can assist Dimtree, the zombie in Hamrys'


RELEASE DIMTREE FROM HIS ZOMBIE CONDITIONIf you possess the ability to speak with the dead (acquired in the dead nations from Stale Mary), you

can talk to Dimtree and find out his current, very sad condition. The Dimtree mentions that a mage

named Sebastion has placed a curse on him, trapping him in the coffin maker's store. With

Sebastion's name in hand, exit the store and head back to the lower ward entrance. You'll find the

red-clothed Sebastion just north of the entrance. Talk with him about Dimtree and offer to remove

the curse in his place. Read the book as it comes up during the dialogue and return to speak with

Dimtree to remove the curse.

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RETRIEVE A SKULL FROM A LOCKED,TRAPPED TOMB (RESCUING MORTE)With the tomb plans in hand, return to the wrecked house and Lothar. Open the trap door in the

center of his floor and walk down into the Bones of the Night. Head south from the entrance and

speak with the familiar wererat Manutok. Tell him you're on a search for a skull for Lothar. He'll let

you pass over the bridge and travel to the east through the portal that takes you back to the weep-

ing stones catacombs. You'll emerge just next to the Crypt of the Embraced entrance. Proceed into

the dead nations (the entrance lies to the south). From there, go to the drowned nations entrance

just southwest of here. In the southeast section of the drowned nations (just under where you locat-

ed the bronze sphere), you'll find the sealed passageway that Lothar spoke of.

Approach the sealed passageway, and The Nameless One tells the others that he must go in him-

self. Any other members of your party will remain behind as you head inside. As soon as you

emerge inside the tomb, open up the tomb plans and use them. Read the hints given by The

Nameless One. When you regain control, head southwest down the tunnel. You'll get zapped a bit

by a trap and then transported to the room on the northwestern side.

Open the coffin inside this room and take out the tomb

key #1. With key in hand, walk into the center of

the floor, over the Torment symbol. When you

are there, a powerful lightning bolt trap will

trigger and kill you. You'll appear again

at the Tomb entrance. Head back

down the corridor again and past the

first trap and you'll appear in the

southeastern room. Once again,

open the coffin and take out the

tomb key #2. Walk onto the

Torment symbol in this room and

trigger the painful trap and die.

Emerge back at the Tomb entrance

again and proceed down the tunnel

again. You'll teleport to the southwestern

room. Approach the coffin from the side and

open it up. Grab the tomb key #3 from inside

and walk in front of the coffin to trigger the death trap.

Yourtomb sure

does containdevious traps...

just who were youtrying to keep out?

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After appearing at the tomb entrance, charge down the corridor again, and

you'll walk into the center room. Before messing with the coffin in the center, read the inscrip-

tions on all the walls. There are eight inscriptions total. At the end of each, push the panels into

the walls. Once you've pushed in all the panels, approach the coffin and open it up. You won't find

a skull inside, just another key, tomb key #4. From the coffin, walk straight south to teleport to the

south room. Search the box there for some items and go through the portal that opens.

When you emerge back in the drowned nations, talk with any of your party members outside and

ask them to rejoin your party. Proceed back to the dead nations, then to the weeping stone cata-

combs. From there, go back to the Crypt of the Embraced exit to find the portal back to the Bones of

the Night.

Because you didn't find a skull in the tomb, you must bring something back for Lothar now. If you

got any skulls from the dead nations (from killing any named character), those will do. You likely

picked up Soego's skull after Hargrimm confronted him. If you don't have any of those, you must kill

Manutok and his wererat friends. Once you do, grab the skull of Manutok off his corpse and return

to Lothar. Give Lothar the skull. Talk to him about Razel Puzzlewell (opening up a new and long

story-oriented quest called "Find the night hag Razel Puzzlewell"). When you exit Lothar's house,

Morte will rejoin your party.

XANTHIAA woman named Xanthia stands near the entrance to the lower ward. Speak with her, and you'll dis-

cover she's hoping to observe a fight between three thugs and a magical creature. Unfortunately,

she's keeping some info to herself, so the three thugs get ambushed. Go over to the three thugs

(across from Xanthia) and speak with Thorp. Tell Thorp of Xanthia's trick and his impending doom

for an experience reward.

KILL GROSUK THE ABISHAI FOR SEBASTIONTalk to Sebastion, the red-clothed mage you talked with to help Dimtree. Ask him to fix your scars,

and he'll tell you about a problem he has. He must dispatch a powerful creature named Grosuk

hanging out near the tower. Offer to help and proceed to the far east side of the lower ward, where

you'll find the reptile-green Grosuk. Kill Grosuk (or let him flee if you feel like it) and return to

Sebastion for experience and a permanent boost to your charisma.

FIND TRIST'S LOAN DOCUMENTSTalk with Trist, a soon-to-be slave, near the west side of the warehouse. She'll tell you her sad story

about being sold into slavery for a crime she didn't commit. Offer to help her find loan documents

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that will prove her innocence. Talk with her about the moneylender to learn

his identity, Byron Pikit and his thief friend Lenny. Head to the entrance to the lower ward to

locate Byron, gold cap and all. Talk with him about the lower ward until he speaks about Lenny,

then ask him about Trist. When you've learned some details about the loan documents, go see

Lenny, who's hanging out south of the tower. Tell Lenny that Byron sent you and ask to see the loan

papers. Keep talking to Lenny until you learn the location of the loan papers and the secret saying to

retrieve them from the warehouse. Head to the warehouse (east of Trist) and speak with the Vault of

the Ninth World. Follow the dialogue and say the saying to retrieve the loan documents. Exit the

warehouse and speak with Deran, who stands near Trist. Show him the documents, and he'll

release Trist. Talk to Trist one last time for additional experience.

TAKE A HANDBILL TO SCOFFLAWPENN AT PRINT SHOP TO BE PRINTEDNear the lower ward marketplace, you'll find Giltspur. Tell him you're looking for a job, and he'll offer

a small, yet easy, task. He'll ask you to take a flyer to Scofflaw Penn at the print shop to print 100

copies. The print shop lies in the northeast corner of the map. Enter and speak with Scofflaw Penn;

follow the dialogue until you hand over the flyer and request 100 copies. Return to Giltspur for your


OPEN-AIR MARKETEnter the marketplace positioned next to Giltspur if you must purchase weapons, healing items, or

spells. Talk with Anze for weapons, Aalek for healing items, and Cinder for the scrolls. There are two

other tasks you can complete while inside the marketplace. Talk with Karina, a woman standing near

Anze's workspace. Converse with her until you hear a story about how lonely she has become; tell

her she's not a bad person. When you're finished, approach the western door and talk with Corvus

the guard. During the conversation, look at what he's staring at to discover his interest in Karina. Tell

him Karina is lonely. He'll approach her, and you'll gain some experience. Next, speak with Lazlo,

who's hanging out near Karina. Talk about the lower ward, and he'll tell you about the siege tower

and how to gain access to it.

SIEGE TOWERAfter speaking with Lazlo in the open air market and learning the secret of entering the siege tower,

walk over to the eastern side with the drawbridge. Stand on it, and you'll be presented with some

dialogue. Follow the dialogue, and a portal will open. Enter the portal to enter the tower. Speak with

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Coaxmetal about several topics, including the shadow forces and a weapon

to kill an immortal (you'll gain the Blade of the Immortal, useful for a peaceful conclusion to

the game). When you're finished, exit through the northeastern portal to return to the lower ward.

CLERK'S WARDWhen you're finished exploring the lower ward, proceed to the clerk's ward by heading southeast to

the area marked "Upper Ward." Many of the quests you'll undertake in the lower and clerk's ward

require travel between each, so you'll likely be jumping back and forth for the next few segments of

the walk-through.

FIND AELWYN FOR NEMELLESouth of the clerk's ward entrance, you'll find Nemelle who's searching for her lost friend Aelwyn.

After speaking with her and gaining the quest, head over to the far western (around the middle) side

of the clerk's ward to find Aelwyn. Speak with her, and she'll give you a message to return to

Nemelle. Return with the message for your reward (experience and a permanent hit point increase).

Don't forget to also return to Aelwyn one more time for further bonuses.

Vrischika in the curiosity shop is an important source of items while in the clerk's ward.

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FREEING INGUSIf you snagged the Decanter of Endless Water for Glyve down in the weeping stones and spoke

with Nemelle about the decanter, you have the means to free Ingus, the fiery creature spotted

inside the Smoldering Corpse Bar way back in the Smoldering Corpse Bar area of the hive. Speak

with Nemelle about the decanter, and she'll say the word to open it for you. Return to the

Smoldering Corpse Bar area and speak with Ingus. Use the decanter, and he'll be free of his prison

and join your party.

RETRIEVE MALMANER'S COSTUME FROM GONCALVESIn the northern area of the clerk's ward you'll find the tailor shop. Just outside stands Malmaner, a

man looking to purchase a costume but hesitant to head inside. Offer to grab the costume for him to

gain the quest. Enter the tailor shop and speak with Goncalves. Wait patiently as he works, and he'll

eventually have the time to deal with you. Tell him you want to purchase a dustman costume. Return

outside with the costume and give it to Malmaner. If you want further experience, you can tell

Malmaner that Goncalves said that the dustman costume has been heavily purchased; Malmaner

will request a second costume.

OBTAIN A SECOND COSTUME FOR MALMANERReturn inside the tailor shop and speak with Goncalves again. Purchase the godsman costume,

return outside, and deliver it to Malmaner to complete the quests.

SPLIT PESTLE AND KILNNEnter the apothecary located on the eastern side of the clerk's ward and speak with the desk clerk,

Pestle Kilnn, who seems to have a multiple personality issue on his hands. Offer to help his situa-

tion. Exit the apothecary and head directly south into the curiosity shop. Talk with Vrischika at the

back end of the store and ask to see the exotic items. During the dialogue, select "Look at the front

store items" and purchase the Elixir of Horrific Separation. With item in hand, exit the curiosity shop

and return to the apothecary. Talk with Pestle Kilnn again, offer him the elixir to split the two men,

and obtain your experience reward.

SPEAK WITH THE TEN STUDENTS OF THE BROTHELEnter the Brothel of Slating Intellectual Lusts, positioned northeast of the clerk's ward entrance and

speak with Fall-from-Grace, a potential new party member who runs the unusual brothel. Ask her if

she can help you, and she'll become intrigued by your condition. Ask her to join you, and she'll offer

a simple quest. She asks you to speak with the ten students of the brothel and return to talk about

the conversations. Explore the brothel and speak with nine women, students of the brothel. One

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you've spoken with the nine women, return to talk to Fall-from-Grace and tell her you couldn't

find the tenth. Then, tell her the tenth student is you, and she'll join your party. Alternatively, you

can talk to Luis located in the first room to the left (talk to the closet) and tell Fall-from-Grace that

he's the tenth student. For more on Fall-from-Grace, head over to the Planescape allies section of

this game guide.

RETURN TO DOLORA WITH THE KEYS TO HER HEARTBefore leaving the brothel, head over to Dolora, who hangs out in the center room, and talk to her

about the keys to her heart. She'll ask you to retrieve them from Merriman, who hangs out in the

civic festhall. Exit the brothel and head to the festhall, located in the northeast of the clerk's ward.

You'll find Merriman on the far east side of the festhall. Talk with him, and he'll offer you the keys

only if you help him erase his memory.

FIND A WAY TO ERASE MERRIMAN'S MEMORYExit the civic festhall and enter the curiosity shop in the southeastern area of the clerk's ward.

Purchase the rune-covered ale stein from Vrischika. Head to the art store, located to the west of the

apothecary. Examine the first piece of artwork you come to, the Dark Bird of Ocanthus. Touch the

artwork several times until you are offered the choice to trap one of the shards in the frost-ale mug.

Do so. If you wish, you can speak with Yvana, wandering around the south area of the art store

about the significance of the Dark Bird of Ocanthus. Head back to the civic festhall and give

Merriman the mug with the shard inside. He'll lose his memory, and you'll gain the keys to Dolora's

heart. Return to the brothel and give Dolora the keys.

HELP ECCO REGAIN THE ABILITY TO SPEAKAfter returning Dolora's keys, talk to a brothel student (Dolora works fine) about Ecco's speech prob-

lem. If you speak with Ecco again, The Nameless One will tell her he'll search for something to help

with her speech. Exit the brothel and head over to the curiosity shop. Purchase the fiend's tongue.

Return to the brothel and speak with Ecco again. When prompted during the dialogue, select the

option to give her the fiend's tongue. Ecco can speak, but it's not exactly the thing you or she had in

mind. She needs something to calm the tongue down. Offer to help again and head back to the

curiosity shop. Purchase the deva's tears. Return to Ecco and initiate dialogue again. When prompt-

ed, use the deva's tears to soothe her tongue. Finally, she can speak normally and will be grateful.

Ask her about Ravel, and she'll tell you that she has a daughter here in the brothel; her daughter is

named Kesai-Serris. Make a note of it.

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SPICE UP JULIETTE'S LOVE LIFEYou'll find Juliette hanging out in her room on the western side of the brothel. Talk to her about

her boring life, and you can offer yourself as a jealous suitor to help spice up her love life with

Montague. Once you gain the quest, exit the brothel and head into the civic festhall, located on the

northeast side of the clerk's ward. Locate Montague, who's wandering around the western side of

the festhall. Get Montague all riled up, and when it's about to come to blows, tell Montague it's all a

ruse. Offer to return and tell Juliette that Montague seemed disinterested. Return out of the civic fes-

thall and head back to the brothel and Juliette. Tell her about Montague's "disinterested" behavior,

and you'll complete the quest. Juliette will discuss other topics, so speak to her about Ravel. She'll

tell you that Kesai-Serris and another brothel resident, Kimasxi Adder-Tongue, are half-sisters.

Kimasxi Adder-Tongue, no matter how much she insults you, is the key to gaining a piece of Ravel.

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PROVE TO KESAI-SERRIS THATSHE'S RAVEL'S DAUGHTERHead over the Kesai-Serris, who's wandering around on the eastern side of the brothel and talk to

her about Ravel. She'll seem pretty unresponsive about her infamous mother. Proceed over to

Kimasxi Adder-Tongue, hanging out in her own room on the eastern side of the map, and talk to her

about her relationship with Kesai-Serris and Kesai's father. Return to Kesai-Serris, and she'll suc-

cumb to the fact that Ravel is her mother. Keep Kesai in mind, as you'll need her again for a later

quest (but you must finish this quest first).

FIND AND RETURN VIVIAN'S PERSONAL SCENTTalk to Vivian on the northwestern side of the brothel. She'll tell you that she's lost her personal

scent. Proceed to the southeastern side of the brothel to find Nenny Nine-Eyes and speak with her

about Vivian's dilemma. She seems to think that Marissa, another student of the brothel, had some-

thing to do with the theft. When you're finished with Marissa, head to the northern room of the broth-

el and find Marissa (inside the dark room). Marissa will soon describe her own problem; she's look-

ing for her crimson veil and won't help you until it's located.

FIND AND RETURN MARISSA'S CRIMSON VEILThe search for Marissa's veil takes you through several different characters to figure out what's

going on. Head back to Nenny Nine-Eyes and talk about Marissa's veil. When you're done, go talk

to Kimasxi Adder-Tongue about the veil. Return back to Nenny and talk to her again, and the solu-

tion will nearly be complete. Apparently Luis, the shapeshifting voyeur knows something about the

missing veil. Head to the first room left of the entrance and talk to the closet. Talk with Luis and

either snatch it from him, pry open the dresser, or just ask Luis to give it back to you. With the veil in

your inventory, return first to Vivian to return her scent and finally to Marissa to return the veil.

CIVIC FESTHALLOnce you're finished with the quests offered by the brothel, it's time to head into the civic festhall,

where the bulk of the main story quests lie. You'll find the civic festhall on the northeastern side of

the clerk's ward.

FIND A WAY TO CURE REEKWIND'S CURSE OF STENCHIf you spoke with the storyteller Reekwind way back in the hive marketplace, you can now complete

the quest. You'll find Jumble Murdersense, a stout man, wandering around the civic festhall. Speak

with Jumble and anger him into cursing you with some sort of hiccup curse. Exit the civic festhall

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and speak with Salabesh the Onyx just outside. Be skeptical about his "art,"

and he'll eventually offer his help to you in your revenge against Jumble. Return inside and

talk with Jumble again. Repeat your curse given to you by Salabesh and curse Jumble. Also

demand that Jumble take the curse off Reekwind. Return to Reekwind in the hive marketplace to

receive your experience reward.

SPLINTER AND GAINING ACCESSTO THE PRIVATE SENSORIUMStanding at the entrance of the civic festhall is Splinter, a guide who can grant you access to the

public and private sensorium. When speaking with Splinter, either convince him you're a sensate or

just join the faction (Aelwyn tells you that you were once a Sensate if you speak to her after you find

her for Nemelle). Ask him to show you the private sensorium.

DEIONARRA'S SENSORY STONEOnce inside the private sensorium, proceed to the northeastern crystal. Touch the crystal and listen

to the story about Deionarra. Through the conversation, you'll gain Deionarra's legacy, sort of like a

claim slip you can take back to the advocate back in the clerk's ward. With the conversation fin-

ished, head back outside and enter the advocate's office. Talk to Iannis the advocate about his trou-

bles and his daughter (who's coincidentally Deionarra) and eventually the legacy.

OBTAIN PERMISSION FOR IANNIS TO USE DEIONARRA'S SENSORY STONEDuring your conversation with Iannis, he'll mention his desire to enter the private sensorium and use

his daughter's sensory stone. Offer to help him out. Return to the civic festhall and speak with

Splinter about Iannis' request. Return to Iannis to complete the quest.

RAVEL'S SENSORY STONEUse the crystal on the southeastern corner of the room to hear the story of Ravel. You'll also learn

how to reach her maze, the next area of Planescape you're trying to reach.

FIND THE PORTAL KEY TO RAVEL'S MAZEEntering the private sensorium is mandatory to completing the quest to retrieve the portal key to

Ravel's maze. Once inside the sensorium, locate Quell, a blue-clothed mage wandering around the

central area. He'll complain about candy and that he desires some chocolate. Exit the civic festhall

and head inside the curiosity shop. Purchase the chocolate quasit and return to Quell. Talk to Quell

and offer him the quasit during the dialogue. With him satisfied, he'll agree to speak with you. Ask

Quell about Ravel and the key to her maze. He'll say that to enter the maze, you'll need a piece of

Ravel - something that seems impossible. However, a piece of her daughter will suffice! Exit the

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civic festhall and return to the brothel. Enter and locate Kesai-Serris on the

eastern side of the brothel. Speak with her about "needing a piece of Ravel," and she'll offer

her blood. Before you can accept the blood, you'll need a handkerchief. Search Kimaxsi's room,

in the drawers, for one. Return and get Kesai's blood on a handkerchief, and you'll have acquired

the key to the maze. Keep in mind that you must solve the "Prove to Kesai-Serris that she's Ravel's

daughter" quest before Kesai will agree to hand over her blood.

Read through Deionarra's sensory stone, and you'll gain her legacy and a useful item.

SPLINTER AND GAINING ACCESSTO THE PUBLIC SENSORIUMTalk with Splinter, the civic festhall guide positioned just at the entrance, about the sensoriums. If

you haven't already, you must either convince him you're a sensate or just join the faction. Once you

do, ask if he can take you into the public sensorium. Inside, you can use the various sensory stones

for copper and gain a small amount of experience.

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LOCATING THE NAMELESS ONE'S JOURNALOnce inside the civic festhall, proceed far to the eastern side and enter the dormitories. Head

straight north and speak with the festival room clerk. To get the correct dialogue from her, you must

have talked with Splinter and either joined the sensate faction or convinced him you are one. Tell the

festival room clerk you've come for your room key, and she'll hand it to you. Proceed through the

east tunnel and open the door. Once inside, search the shelves for goodies and finally the rightmost

shelf to gain the dodecahedron, which is actually your journal. Open up your inventory and use the

dodecahedron. Follow the dialogue until the journal opens up (it's laden with traps, so be healthy

before you begin). Unfortunately, you can't translate its language until you complete the next quest.

LEARN THE LANGUAGE OFTHE DODECAHEDRON PUZZLE BOXAfter gaining and opening the dodecahedron, head to Finam the Linguist's home, located in the

south portion of the clerk's ward. Talk to Finam, eventually asking him about his father's notes. He'll

offer Fin Andlye's notes in exchange for finding his missing research journal, which he claims he left

behind in the brothel.

FIND AND RETURN FINAM'S RESEARCH JOURNALHead into the brothel and go into the first room on the left (where Luis hangs out). Use the dresser

by the bed and pick up Finam's journal. Return to his home and hand over the journal in exchange

for Fin Andlye's notes.

DECIPHERING THE DODECAHEDRONAND GAINING THE NAMELESS ONE'S LEGACYOpen up your inventory and read Fin Andlye's notes. Use the dodecahedron again and read about

your legacy, which is basically something left for you back at the advocate's office. While inside the

clerk's ward, proceed to the advocate's home and talk to Iannis the advocate about your legacy.

From the advocate's office, you'll gain a receipt to the foundry.

UNDERSIGILAn optional area located in both the lower ward and clerk's ward is the monster-filled undersigil

zone. If you desire some extra experience and don't mind some tough fights against trelon and lar-

val worms, head into undersigil. Don't hesitate to exit the zone at any time and rest up, as the

combat within can be quite difficult unless you're a skilled fighter with several party members.

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THE GREAT FOUNDRYThe great foundry is positioned at the gate located on the northern end of the lower ward. Before

entering the great foundry, you should find and decipher the dodecahedron found inside the civic

festhall, so you gain the receipt from the advocate's house - the main purpose of the foundry is to

claim the receipt and gain the portal to Ravel's maze.

TAKE A MESSAGE TO KELDOROF DURIAN AT THE FOUNDRYIf you completed the first Giltspur quest (taking a handbill to the print shop), you'll be offered this rel-

atively simple quest of delivering a message to Keldor in the foundry. After entering the foundry,

enter the eastern door and proceed northeast inside the new room until you find Keldor behind a

desk. Deliver the message to Keldor. Return to Giltspur to complete the quest. You'll also be offered

a final job from Giltspur if you wish.

TAKE THE HANDBILL TO BARKIS AT THE SMOLDERING CORPSE BARGiltspur hands you a flyer to take to the Smoldering Corpse Bar way back in the hive Smoldering

Corpse Bar area. Return there and talk to Barkis, located in the upper northwest corner. Tell him you

have a handbill for him, and he'll take it from you. Return to Giltspur to complete the quest.

JOIN THE GODSMANTo open up many of the quests inside the great foundry, you must join the godsman faction, which

requires the completion of several tasks. To initiate the quest to join the godsman, you must speak

with Keldor located inside the Godsman Hall at the desk. From the entrance at the foundry take the

eastern door then proceed straight northeast to speak with Keldor. Speak with him and ask how to

join the godsman faction, and he'll offer a number of quests to complete.

FORGE AN ITEMThe first quest Keldor offers for godsman induction is to forge an item using the great foundry. Exit

the Godsman Hall and return out to the great foundry and locate Alissa Tield walking around the

western part of the map. Ask her about using the foundry, and she'll tell you that you'll need tongs,

an apron, a hammer, and ore to forge an item. From the foundry, proceed to the southeast and

speak with Nadilin about getting these items. He'll offer to sell you some tongs, an apron, and the

hammer; purchase them and return to the foundry. Locate Thildon wandering around the northern

section of the map and speak with him about using the forge. Ask him for some iron ore, and he'll

hand over some. Proceed to the southern part of the foundry and spot the empty kettle. Press your

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mouse button on the kettle to open the dialogue screen and use the forge.

Go through the dialogue choices to place the ore with the tongs over the forge. Next, place

the softened ore on the anvil and use the hammer to create an item (any item will do). Take the

item back to Keldor to complete the task and begin your next quest to join the godsman.

Keldor, located in the Godsman Hall, offers a series of easy queststhat'll grant you membership in the godsman faction.

SOLVE THE MURDER OF AVILDON THE SMITHForging an item and returning it to Keldor will open the second quest. He'll ask you to look into the

recent (as in, it just happened!) murder of Avildon. Accept the quest and watch the cutscene.

Proceed out to the main foundry area and speak with Alissa Tield, who usually hangs out on the

western side of the map. Ask her about the murder, and she'll implicate both Thildon and Saros.

Find Thildon, who hangs out in the north by the murder scene and ask him about the murder. Next,

proceed inside the Godsman Hall and find Saros west of Keldor among the seats. Speak with Saros

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about Thildon's comments and the murder, and he'll offer a clue that impli-

cates Thildon. Head back to Thildon and ask him about the evidence, the awl with his named

etched on its side. Return back to Saros and confront him about his secret faction. Head back

out to Thildon again and speak about Saros and then go back to Saros again. Head out to Thildon

one last time, and he'll likely offer to just leave. Return to Keldor and implicate whom you wish to

complete the quest.

PREVENT SANDOZ FROM KILLING HIMSELFAfter completing the first two quests for Keldor, he'll tell you that Sandoz has barricaded himself in

his room and is threatening to kill himself. After gaining the quest, head to the Godsman Hall foyer

and speak with Sarossa about Sandoz, her father, and she'll offer some words to talk him down.

Head to the far east hallway of Godsman Hall and up the stairs. Talk to the two guards in front of the

room about Sandoz. When you engage Sandoz in dialogue, tell him what Sarossa spoke about a

moment ago, and he'll agree to leave his room. Return back to Keldor to join the Godsman and

complete the quest.

DELIVER THE RECEIPT TO THE GREAT FOUNDRYYour main goal inside the foundry is to deliver the receipt you gained from opening and deciphering

the dodecahedron and claiming your legacy at the advocate's office. To claim the receipt, head to

the main area of the great foundry and into the southeast chamber to speak with Nadilin. Tell him

you're here to claim something with the receipt, and he'll hand you the curious ironwork that is actu-

ally an unfolding portal. Identify the item with a spell, scroll, or at the open air market. If you possess

thief skills or have Annah in your party, you can attempt to pick the pocket of Nadilin for another

receipt, which grants you a good weapon for fighters.

SPEAKING WITH SAROSSAAfter you've joined the godsman faction, speak with Sarossa, who stands inside the Godsman Hall

just at the entrance about her beliefs. If you tell her you believe in the godsman beliefs, she'll grant

you an upgrade to your wisdom statistic.

HELP COMPLETE THE DREAMBUILDERIN THE GREAT FOUNDRYWhile inside the Godsman Hall, and after you've joined the faction, head to the far eastern hall and

speak with Nihl Xander about himself and his work. He'll talk about the Dreambuilder, an unfinished

project he'd like some help with. Offer to assist (if you don't mind running lots of errands), and you'll

gain some experience and a nifty cut scene.

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FETCH A VIAL OF SKIN AND BLOODThe first errand Nihl Xander sends you on is to fetch some skin and blood. Exit the foundry

and head over to the apothecary way over in the clerk's ward. Talk to Pestle and tell him your

need for a sample, and he'll hand one over. Head back to Nihl Xander, hand over the vial, and

receive your next instructions.

FETCH A BIRDCAGE FESTOONED WITH RAZORBLADESWith the vial of skin and blood in hand, Nihl Xander will request a birdcage for the Dreambuilder.

Accept the request and proceed to the siege tower, which you must have opened from speaking

with Lazlo in the open air market. Walk on the drawbridge to open the portal and proceed through.

Speak with Coaxmetal and ask the huge metallic beast for a steel birdcage. He'll offer one up. Take

the cage back to Nihl Xander in the Godsman Hall and await the next mission.

BRING A COFFIN PILLOW TO XANDERAfter the first two deliveries, Nihl Xander requests a coffin pillow for the Dreambuilder. Proceed out

to Hamrys, the coffin maker, in the southeastern corner of the lower ward. He'll tell you that you're

free to get a pillow, but you must pick it up from the warehouse.

GET A COFFIN PILLOW FROM THE WAREHOUSEHead to the warehouse in the northeastern part of the lower ward and talk with the desk clerk about

claiming the pillow. After you do and before you head back to Nihl Xander, return to Hamrys for an

experience reward. Go back to Nihl Xander in the Godsman Hall and hand over the pillow; he'll

announce the Dreambuilder is complete. Exit into the main area of the foundry and go through the

door on the northwest part of the room. Watch the cutscene. When you return to the foundry, you

must reorganize your party by speaking to the former members again.

SABOTAGE THE GODSMAN'S MACHINE FOR BEDAI-LINNIf you want to denounce your Godsman beliefs (you shouldn't do this until you've finished the other

required and optional tasks inside the foundry), talk to Bedai-Linn, who you'll find on the second floor

of the Godsman Hall (the stairs are located on the north side of the foyer). Tell Bedai-Linn that

you're unsure of your godsman beliefs, and you have no qualms about striking against them. You'll

be offered a chance to sabotage the foundry machine in the main room. From this point you can

either go forward with the task or just go tell Keldor of Bedai-Linn's schemes. If you do go through

with it, just examine the machine and speak to one of the workers about its weaknesses. By com-

pleting the first task, you can also gain a few more nefarious quests, such as killing Sandoz and get-

ting Bedai-Linn out of the foundry via a disguise obtained from Nadilin. Finally, she'll suggest you

speak with the printer at the print shop about joining the anarchists.

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LADY OF PAIN ANDRUBIKON MAZEBefore diving into Ravel's Maze, there are two other locations you can explore for experience, cop-

per, and even to pick up a useful companion. To reach the Lady of Pain area, simply purchase the

lady doll from the curiosity shop and pray to it by using it inside your inventory. The next time you try

to visit another section of Sigil, you'll be instantly transported to the area. The most important loca-

tion in this area lies in the upper northeast corner - a campsite that includes one of your journals.

After you've scoured the area, enter the portal on the southeast side, then enter it once again, and

you'll emerge next to the portal that takes you back to "reality."

Another maze you can reach requires purchasing the metallic cube figurine (it's rather expensive)

from the curiosity shop. After obtaining the cube, called the modron cube, head to the Brothel of

Slating Intellectual Lusts and ask the modrons, the robotic looking creatures in the center of the

brothel, about the device. Use the cube in your inventory and unlock it by selecting the correct

sequence. You'll know you are choosing the correct sequence when it pops into place. If it ever

reverts back to its original form, restart the sequence. When you've completed the sequence correct-

ly, you'll enter the modron maze. The maze offers virtually unlimited experience, but you must place

the combat difficulty on high to locate Nordom, a party member located in one of the rooms.

It's called a maze for a very good reason. Follow the paths and jot down where you have and

haven't gone (it's randomized). Attempt to locate Nordom, hiding out in one of the rooms (again, you

must be on high difficulty to locate him). Ask him to join your party. Speak with Nordom if you

acquire his services, and you can increase several of his statistics. High difficulty also adds a

tougher creature, a wizard, that offers more experience for the trade-off of a tough battle. To leave

the maze, locate the engineering room and speak with the modrons until you locate the engineer.

For more on Nordom, visit the Planescape Allies section of this game guide.

RAVEL'S MAZEOnce you've completed all the tasks you want to finish while in the lower ward and clerk's ward, you

can head to Ravel's maze and meet the infamous Ravel once and for all. To reach Ravel's maze,

you'll need the bloody handkerchief (with Kesai-Serris' blood) obtained from inside the brothel and

the identified unfolding portal obtained from Nadilin in the great foundry when you delivered the

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receipt gained from taking your legacy to the advocate (which you got from

opening and deciphering the dodecahedron... whew!). Make sure you rest up and purchase

plenty of decent equipment and healing items before proceeding inside. To head to Ravel's

maze, just open your inventory and use the unfolding portal.

FIND THE NIGHT HAG RAZEL PUZZLEWELLRavel's maze is basically a circle with several walls forming corridors; but don't expect to get really

lost. During your stay in the maze, you'll fight off several types of creatures, the most abundant of

which are trigits, tree-like beasts that aren't extremely difficult to pound around. Proceed north from

your starting position and eliminate some trigits as you go. If you have Annah in your party, or if

you're a thief, use your detect traps skill, so you can avoid taking damage from the floor traps. Make

your way to the middle of the map, and you'll find old Ravel wandering around. Speak with her.

Don't end the conversation with Ravel, or the game ends. Continue to speak with her, especially

about your mortality, to open up a new quest (find the angel Ravel spoke of) and learn about your

next task in the game. Follow every path in the conversation to earn a variety of bonuses and expe-

rience points. When you have nothing left to select, attempt to end the conversation, and Ravel will

eventually attack, summoning some additional creatures to assist her. Defeat Ravel. After you've

beaten her, shadows and greater shadows appear from the corners of the map. Run quickly to the

northeast part of the map, defeating any enemies along the way, and locate the portal there. Pass

through the northeastern portal to complete the level. If the northeastern portal takes you to another

portal, just return there, defeat the enemies nearby, and save your game. Reload the game just out-

side the northeastern portal and pass through again.

CURSTCompleting Ravel's maze will take you to the desert town of Curst. Your main goal while in the city is

to locate the angel that Ravel spoke of, the "deva". A few conversations with the townsfolk will

reveal that the deva is imprisoned underground. During your stay in the town, you can head on

some optional quests and proceed through the main storyline to learn more about your mortality

from the mysterious angel. After arriving in Curst, head northeast into the Traitor's Gate Tavern and

speak with the stout, green-clothed man Tainted Barse, who stands in the northwest corner of the

tavern's main room. Ask him what's wrong and about the deva, and he'll mention a key that must be

made to enter the underground area as well as a personal problem he needs solved.

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Talk with Tainted Barse as soon as you arrive in Curst about the "key" to entering the underground prison.

ASSEMBLE THE KEYTainted Barse begins a five-part quest to assemble the key required to reach the deva. Talk with him

in the Tainted Gate Tavern about his troubles and about the deva to begin the quest. He requests

that you speak with Marquez to find out the details of the problem. To assemble the key, complete

five quests for five different folk and return to Tainted Barse at the end to gain your complete reward.

RESCUE BARSE'S DAUGHTERSpeak with Tainted Barse to start assembling the key as well as begin the first segment of the over-

all task. Barse tells you to speak with Marquez, located on the western side of the bar. Marquez tells

you that Barse's daughter has been kidnapped and needs rescuing. Exit the Traitor's Gate Tavern

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and proceed northwest through Curst to the end gate that takes you to inner Curst. Go to the

second building on the right; you'll see several guards outside surrounding a young female named

Jasilya, Barse's daughter. Approach and talk with Skatch and fight as soon as the option becomes

available. During the battle, one of the guards will go for Jasilya. Try to save her life, but you can still

complete the quest if she dies. Once all the guards are dead, return to the Traitor's Gate Tavern and

speak with Marquez; he'll offer the next quest, which begins by speaking to Kitla.

MEDIATE THE FAMILY DISPUTEAfter completing Marquez's quest, head over to Kitna, standing in the northeastern side of the

Traitor's Gate Tavern's main room. She'll mentioned that to get the next piece of the key, you must

go speak with Crumplepunch and Kester and attempt to settle their dispute over their inheritance.

Exit the tavern and proceed to the blacksmith shop northwest of the tavern; you'll find Crumplepunch

inside. Speak to him about the dispute. Exit the shop, proceed to inner Curst, and locate the distill-

ery just northwest of the entrance. Inside, you'll find Kester; speak with him about the dispute.

Return to Crumplepunch back in Curst and tell him you'll be the mediator. End the conversation,

then speak with Crumplepunch again and tell him you've decided you're splitting the money between

both of them (any choice will actually do). Return to the Traitor's Gate Tavern and speak again with

Kitna to complete the quest. Kitna points you in the direction of Nabat to begin the next leg of the

assemble-the-key mission.

DEFEND THE DUMP CARETAKERAfter completing Marquez and Kitna's quest, locate Nabat in the southeastern part of the main tav-

ern room. Speak to him about his problem; apparently the dump caretaker keeps getting harassed

by some thugs. Exit the tavern and proceed southwest into the dump. Talk with the dump caretaker,

named Kyse, who wanders around the dump. Kyse tells you that some thugs, lead by Wernet, won't

leave him alone and gives you their approximate location. Head to inner Curst by proceeding north-

west from the dump and locate Wernet at the southern side just below the distillery. Talk to Wernet

and tell him to leave Kyse alone; he'll wander off. Head back to the dump caretaker and watch the

scene of Wernet and his thugs approaching. Defeat the thugs. Proceed back to the bar and talk to

Nabat to complete the quest; Nabat sends you over to speak with Dallan for the next part of the key


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DEAL WITH AN OFFICIAL DISPUTEAfter completing the Marquez, Kitna, and Nabat quests, you'll be directed toward Dallan, who

awaits you down the eastern hall of the tavern, standing with his girlfriend in the lounge. Speak

with him about his request, which is to deal with a political dispute. Exit the tavern and proceed

northwest to inner Curst. Go all the way northwest again and locate An'izius. Talk with him about the

dispute. Search east and northeast from An'izius to find Siabha, his political rival. Select the dia-

logue choices to doublecross An'izius by seeing what Siabha will offer to side with her. Return to

An'izius and tell him of Siabha's offer and continue to speak to the other one until the offer doesn't

go up any higher. Proceed back to the entrance of inner Curst and talk with the guard captain. You

can frame either one of them or both of them (if you frame only one, you can collect the reward from

the other). Head back to the character you didn't frame (if you chose that) and then back to the

Traitor's Gate Tavern to tell Darran of your accomplishment. He'll point you to Dona Quisho and your

next quest.

FREE DONA QUISHO'S FIENDAfter completing the first four key quests, you're guided toward Dona Quisho, an elderly woman

standing to the northeast in the tavern's main room. Speak with her to learn about her fiend that she

wishes to free. Exit the tavern and proceed directly north to the silo. Enter and go to the top floor.

Stand on the pentagram etched on the floor and follow the dialogue to create the fiend. Talk to the

fiend and let him free (or just kill it). Return to the tavern and speak with Dona to complete the

quest. Speak with Tainted Barse one last time (who will have one last request if you failed to save

his daughter). With key in hand, proceed underground.

CURST UNDERGROUNDWith key in hand (from the five quests begun by Tainted Barse in the Traitor's Gate Tavern), you're

ready to proceed to the Curst underground and locate the deva who can tell you more about your

past and your mortality. Lots of nasty creatures wander around underground, so be prepared for a

fight and rest up before diving down. From the start position, proceed southwest and then head back

east through a tunnel underneath the start position on the map. Here, you'll locate Voorsha, who has

a small quest for you to undertake.

KILL THE GEHRELETH FOR VOORSHATalk with Voorsha about his bootlegging business and his problem with a creature called a

gehreleth. When you're done, head west from Voorsha's position, then go straight north through the

tunnels. Locate the creature named Ghrist and speak with it. Kill the creature (which shouldn't be too

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difficult with a rested party) and return to Voorsha to deliver the news. He may attack you

depending on the conversation choices, so be prepared for an easy fight. Search the cabinets

and carts near Voorsha for some items.

Two other characters inhabit the

Curst underground. Located on

the northeast side of the

map is Tek'elach, a small

dragon-like creature who

can tell you some infor-

mation about the area

and the deva. Finally,

on the northwest side

of the map, you'll find

the hermit. If you

aren't healed up, you

can ask the hermit to

watch over you as you

rest. Do so before enter-

ing the next area, the

prison, as it features a lot of

difficult combat. To enter the

prison, proceed through the tunnels

west and southwest of the hermit.

PRISONYou enter the prison from the southeast. Once again, you'll encounter several creatures and even

eventually some Curst prison guards. Head north and take the first path that leads west. When you

reach the fork leading north and south, turn south and go to the gate. Open the gate and speak with

Trias, the deva, chained in the prison at the bottom. He'll mention that you must locate his sword to

free him from the bondage.

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FREE THE DEVAAfter speaking with Trias, head back north until you reach the top of the cavern and follow the

hallway to the northwest. You'll begin to encounter the Curst prison guards around here. Follow the

path to the south and eliminate more guards. Open the gate and terminate more guards. Make your

way through the hallway through the doors as they lead to the southwest. If guards overwhelm you,

lure them into the doorways and try to take as few of them on as possible at any single time. When

you reach the southwest room, speak with Cassius, the blubbery man standing in front of the sword.

He'll offer you a challenge of strength, wit, or speed before he'll hand over the sword; select the

option that corresponds to your highest attribute (either strength, intelligence, or dexterity respective-

ly). Once you've gained the sword, return back north out of the prison and back around to Trias.

He'll give you some information and tell you to visit Fjhull Forked-Tongue for more clues about your

past and mortality. When the dialogue is over, proceed to the high northeast area to the portal.

GAINING VHAILORWalk around the portal at the end of the prison level and speak with the suit of armor, named

Vhailor, a potential new party member. Vhailor possesses tons of hit points and is a decent fighter.

Simply attempt to take the armor, and you'll eventually be prompted to ask Vhailor to join your party.

For more on Vhailor, head to the Planescape allies section of this game guide. Before proceeding

through the portal, you can return to the southeast (the prison level start position) and rest near the

hermit. When you're ready, walk through the portal at the northeast to emerge at the outlands.

OUTLANDSAs soon as you materialize in the outlands, you'll come under attack from a variety of creatures,

including the durable, but relatively easy gronks. If you're an adequate fighter, explore the entire out-

lands area surrounding the skeleton and eliminate all the hostile creatures you encounter. When

you're finished, walk to the head of the skeleton and locate the entrance to the home of Fjhull


FIND FORKED-TONGUEEnter the head of the skeleton to enter Fjhull's home. Walk down the ramp as it moves southwest

and then southeast. Speak with Fjhull and learn about your mortality. He points the way to a portal

just outside his home that will take you to Baator and a visit to the Pillar of Skulls. The portal lies just

east of the head of the skeleton near the body. Also, exhaust all the dialogue topics; if you're pre-

sented with the opportunity to ask how to get back from the Pillar of Skulls, select it when speaking

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with Fjhull. Talk with Fjhull about spells and weapons if you need any addi-

tional equipment. When you're ready, exit his home and walk up to the skeleton's body sec-

tion from the south end. The portal will open; walk through to proceed to Baator.

The entrance to Fjhull's house lies at the head of the skeleton.

BAATORWhen you arrive in Baator, your eventual goal lies to the southeast. Once again, the area is filled

with difficult creatures. If you're an able fighter with a plentiful party, you should explore the entire

map and eliminate as many of the experience point heavy creatures, such as the abishai, as possi-

ble. Even as another class type, you should be powerful enough to take them on, particularly with a

full party. When you're finished, proceed to the southeast and head to the next area, the Pillar of


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THE PILLAR OF SKULLSProceed northeast from the entrance and approach the Pillar of Skulls. Click on the pillar to initiate

dialogue. If you have Morte in your party, the pillar will request that you hand over the sarcastic skull

to it; in fact, handing over Morte is one of the ways to get the pillar to answer any of your questions.

You can attempt to get Morte back after handing him over, but it requires very high statistics in

strength and dexterity. If you wish, simply detach Morte from your party (using the Reform Party but-

ton on the statistics screen) before talking with the pillar.

You must ask the pillar about the Fortress of Regret and how to leave Baator (if you didn't get the

information from Fjhull). The pillar won't answer any questions unless you meet its demands, which

include betraying Fjhull (no serious consequences other than having to kill Fjhull when you return)'

handing over Fall-from-Grace, Morte, or Annah; and permanently losing 15 hit points. If you possess

a high charisma statistic, attempt to talk your way around the pillar's rather whiney dialogue.

If you must make a sacrifice, select two of the consequences - which should be to betray Fjhull and

lose 15 hit points, as losing party members makes for a tougher end game - and ask the questions

about the Fortress of Regrets and how to leave Baator (if you couldn't get the information from

Fjhull). The Pillar of Skulls reveals a secret about Trias, calling him the "betrayer." With all the infor-

mation in hand, return to the Baator map and proceed to the southwest section (you must kill addi-

tional creatures). Approach the crevice against the wall and select the choice to place some obsidi-

an on your tongue when prompted. You'll emerge back in the outlands. You can talk to Fjhull again if

you wish, but he won't be too pleased if you've betrayed him to the pillar and will attack. When

you're ready, approach the tail end of the skeleton to open the portal back to what's left of Curst.

CURST GONEWhen you return to Curst, you'll notice some immediate problems - namely the lack of buildings and

people. Proceed to the center of what's left of the town and speak with the gate heads. They'll tell

you what has happened to Curst, now located somewhere called Carceri, and how to reach it - sim-

ply walk through the portal. If you must rest up, do so now by clicking on the rest icon. If you wish,

you can explore the map for a few items as well as a very tough fiend, the one from Moridor's box,

on the western side of the map. You'll need tons of healing - particularly if you attempt melee com-

bat - to defeat it, but you'll get a huge experience reward. Save the game before attempting the bat-

tle, as the fiend is the most difficult fight in the entire game. When you're finished, proceed through

the portal at the gate heads.

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CARCERIThink of Carceri as the alternate universe Curst, where Trias has become the leader and has let

chaos reign in the streets. Your eventual goal is to proceed inside the administration building to the

north and confront Trias about his deed. Before you do, however, you can make your battle against

him easier by talking with the townspeople and learning that if you lend a helping hand to end all the

chaos, you can improve your chances against Trias tremendously. Following are the quests you can

complete to lay down some justice in the crazy town.

First, you can defeat the two gehreleths just northwest of the start position. Proceed to the northwest

to see two gehreleths chopping up some townspeople. Eliminate the two creatures for some experi-

ence points.

Second, you can help the female north of the start position. Walk straight north to spot four thugs

around an innocent woman. Confront the thugs and kill them to earn experience points.

Third, you can confront the looters standing at the warehouse, up the ramp north of the start posi-

tion. A group of looters talking with a Curst guard are debating whether or not to enter the ware-

house and loot it. Speak with the guard and convince them not to enter the warehouse. Doing so

gets you some experience points.

Carceri has become overrun with nasty creatures. Defeat them to earn experience and help end the chaos.

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Fourth, you can enter the warehouse (where the looters were) and speak with Ebb

Creakkness inside. Ask him for assistance against the hordes of monsters and chaotic creatures


Fifth, you can help the trapped men east of the start position. Proceed straight east to locate two

men, Tovus Giljof and Berrog, trapped underneath a mine cart. Talk with Tovus first and offer your

help. As you lift the cart, the other man will shout out in pain. Choose the option to offer help to both

men to earn maximum experience.

Sixth, to the top north just west of the warehouse, you'll spot two large guards on a ramp. At the end

of the ramp lies a wizard, more guards, and an innocent Curst citizen. Approach the wizard and

speak with him about releasing the man. When the conversation turns hostile, defeat the guards and

the wizard to save the man and earn experience points.

Seventh, to the west of the wizard and the innocent citizen and just south of the administration build-

ing, you'll find a mob around a politician. Talk the angry mob into stopping the argument and not let-

ting it escalate to violence. It will let the politician free, and you'll earn some experience.

Eighth, you can proceed to the far west of the start position to witness a hanging. Walk up the ramp

and talk to the judge and convince him to let the man go free, and you'll earn some experience.

You can also take time to kill any hostile creature or citizen while wandering around the town; they'll

continue to spawn, so make sure you have excellent fighting skills and a healthy party if you decide

to take them on for any extended time. If you require rest, you can proceed to the barracks or distill-

ery. When you're ready to head into the next area, approach the administration building to the north

and go inside.

ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGYou'll enter the first floor of the administration building on the southeastern side. Be prepared to

tackle some disgruntled Curst residents and some horse-like sohmein. Explore the various rooms if

you wish; they'll yield a few goodies. Proceed to the northeast corner of the corridor to enter the

second floor.

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RETURN TO CURST ANDSPEAK WITH TRIASYou'll begin on the second floor in the northeast corner. Defeat the various guards and creatures

you encounter and proceed to the southeastern corner to make your way to the third floor of the

administration building, where you'll find Trias. Again, you can take the time to open up the crates

and cabinets (you'll need a thief or Annah's defuse bomb and open lock skills) for a few healing

items and charms.

Once on the third floor, take your time to kill all the creatures and guards you encounter and ravage

the crates and cabinets for items. When you're ready to face Trias, head to the southwest where he

awaits. Speak with Trias about the next stage of your journey, which will take you back to the mortu-

ary, of all places. Eventually, you'll come to blows with Trias, but be sure to milk the dialogue as

much as possible. When Trias attacks, he summons some creatures to assist. Defeat them first,

heal up with charms and items, then focus your party's attack on Trias. When he's eliminated, pro-

ceed to the northeast portal on the third floor, and you'll emerge back at the hive, inside the

Dustman Memorial just outside the mortuary.

BACK AT THE HIVEAfter defeating Trias, you begin inside the Dustman Memorial with the entrance to the mortuary to

the northeast. Before heading inside, take time to rest (either at Angyar's house to the southeast or

at Mebbeth's in Ragpicker's Square). Also, as you're at the final stage of your mission, travel to one

of the marketplaces and sell any useless charms, weapons, or items you've accumulated along the

way. Purchase as many heart charms (and other healing drops) as your inventory can hold; also

purchase charms and other power-ups that protect you from magical attacks. Go through each party

member's inventory and place all useful items in your own. Sell everything you don't need and stock

up The Nameless One with healing charms.

Also, if you purchased the metallic cube figurine (the modron cube) from the curiosity shop, you may

want to head in to earn some more experience to level up. Alternatively, you can return to the lower

ward and enter the tower - by standing on the drawbridge if you spoke with Lazlo in the marketplace

- and talk to Coaxmetal, who now has a request. Speak with him about freeing him from his impris-

onment (with the modron cube in your inventory). Attempt to leave the conversation, and he'll ask for

the cube; hand it over, and he'll give you the entropic blade, a talking weapon that can be switched

to any proficiency and will make a fighter's end game even easier.

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When you're finished exploring, go to the hive and talk to Pox, the dustman

just outside the mortuary. Tell him you'd like to go back inside, and you'll gain entrance.

Alternatively, you can just ask Pox to kill you, and you'll emerge back in the mortuary at the

correct location.

MORTUARY SECOND FLOORYou emerge inside the mortuary at the game's start location, as The Nameless One has now come

full circle. Once again, check to make sure you have all the inventory items you desire in The

Nameless One's inventory, for as soon as you pass through the next portal, you'll be on your own.

Proceed to the northeast, and a portal will open. Follow the dialogue and speak to your party mem-

bers and extensively with Morte. When you're ready, walk through the portal.


Talk with Deionarra in the southeast corner before moving into the fortress.She offers many answers to your questions.

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You begin the next area all alone without the assistance of your former com-

rades. From the start position in the fortress entrance, proceed east and then south to find

Deionarra. Speak with her at length about your quest as she possesses plenty of information.

Also, if you managed to recover her wedding ring from her legacy (way back in the clerk's ward),

you can ask her about it here and receive an upgrade. When you're finished, proceed back to the

west through the start position and to the wall at the end, opening a door into the fortress interior.

FORTRESS INTERIORWhen you enter the fortress, you'll come under attack from vicious greater shadows. Now that you're

alone, there's no chance you can take on all of them. Check your experience count, however; each

greater shadow is worth approximately 10,000 experience points for a kill, so if you're close to the

next level, consider trying to eliminate a few of them so you can gain one more level before facing

off against the final boss.

The goal inside the fortress interior is to activate four different machines to open up the portal that

takes you to the next area of the final quest, the Trial of Impulse. The four machines are located in

the southeast corner over the map, the very center of the level just above one of the blue pools, the

northeast room against the wall, and the pools in the northwest corner of the map in the bottom

room toward the center. Touch each machine lever and activate it. You'll be teleported to a different

location of the level each time you activate the machine. When you've activated all four, head to the

northeast room (where the third machine was located) and hop through the portal.

There are tons of greater shadows on this level, and they should be avoided. Run around quickly

and don't get into any fights unless you're very close to the next level and have tons of healing


TRIAL OF IMPULSEUpon entering the next area, you'll be greeted by a former party member (or not, whichever the case

may be), either Ignus or Vhailor depending on your alignment. If you're a decent fighter, neither

should pose much of a threat, especially if you're well stocked with healing items. Ignus uses fire

magic, so bring along items that work well against magical fire (such as charcoal charms); Vhailor

uses slashing attacks, so bring along items that work well against slashes, such as the healing heart


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When you've defeated your adversary, look at the stash of items behind the statue to the

northeast of the crystal pool; you'll find a sounding stone inside. Open your inventory and use the

stone and follow the dialogue to its conclusion. You'll also find a stash of items to the southwest in

the room; it includes some healing items and charms. Once you're ready, use the crystal pool in the

middle of the room to enter the next area.

MAZE OF REFLECTIONSThe next area includes three different incarnations of The Nameless One (four if you count yourself).

Here you'll find the practical incarnation, the paranoid incarnation, and the good incarnation. The

goal is to attempt to talk each incarnation into joining you. The practical incarnation speaks first; he

tells you he desires to absorb you. Make sure you exhaust all dialogue options, particularly if you

possess the bronze sphere regained from Pharod's court.

Don't let the practical incarnation absorb you, or the game will end in failure. You can try to absorb

him instead (requires high intellect attributes); if it fails, try to pull away and attack him. Defeat the

incarnation if you must and use your healing items as needed.

Don't let incarnations absorb you - instead, absorb them.

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Talk to the good incarnation next and ask him to join you, and he will. You'll gain some expe-

rience and some statistical boosts as he enters your body. If you have high intelligence, you can

talk to the good incarnation about your previous incarnations, and he'll eventually reveal some

important facts. If you regained the bronze sphere from Pharod's court, you can use it after gaining

the good incarnation - and speaking about your former incarnations - to learn both your real name

and gain a ton of experience.

Finally, talk to the paranoid incarnation and speak to him in the language of Uyo, the same language

you learned to decipher the dodecahedron (this requires moderate intelligence). Convince him to

join you, and he will. Otherwise, go through the dialogue and attempt to persuade him and, if you

can't, you must engage him in battle.

When you're finished with the incarnations, Deionarra appears again. Speak with her through all top-

ics and exit the level to appear on the fortress roof for the final confrontation with the transcendent


FORTRESS ROOFUpon arriving on the fortress roof, heal up and proceed to the northwest and speak with the tran-

scendent one. Read all the dialogue to get the most out of the story. When battle nears, examine

the dialogue choices. If you snagged the Blade of the Immortal from Coaxmetal way back in the

lower ward, you can discuss it here after talking to the transcendent one about the link between the

two of you. Threaten to destroy yourself with the blade, and the transcendent one will merge with

you, and the game will be complete. This ending provides a unique bonus, as The Nameless One

resurrects all your slain party members for one final word.

If you're a decent fighter and possess plenty of healing items, you may choose simply to go toe-to-

toe with the beast. He isn't too tough, and if you've got a good weapon and high strength, it should-

n't be much of a problem (you'll need about 15 or so heart charms for the best results).

There are several other ways to take out the transcendent one. Most include dialogue sequences

that require high statistics in charisma and wisdom. If you regained the bronze sphere and used it

after absorbing the good incarnation, you can tell the transcendent one your name (after asking him

for it in dialogue) for another way.

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Defeating the transcendent one in battle alone, however, doesn't offer the same ending

results. If you need assistance during battle - for instance, if you're a mage or thief or have weak

weapons or strength - you can attempt to raise your dead comrades to fight with you. You must

heal them up as well, so make sure you possess plenty of healing charms. Again, there are several

ways to talk to the transcendent one, both in combat and through conversation, so you may want to

test out different strategies to view alternate endings.

Once the transcendent one is no more, enjoy the ending sequence, as you've completed

Planescape: Torment!

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Entering the violent and frantic arenas of Q3 can be daunting, butthis game guide is designed to make the trip more fun. You will notonly find tips for beginners here, veterans too will glean strategies

from these pages that will improve their games.





Everything you need to know to survive in the dangerous corridorsof Black Mesa is here: comprehensive level walk-throughs,

weapon and enemy descriptions, and a guide tothe secret Xen locations.

If you are brave enough to give Lara some help, you may want adetailed walk-through of the whole game; information on Lara's arrayof weapons; a rundown on all of the enemies and the secrets lodged

within the crevasses and corners of this adventure.


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What to level up Planescape: Torment? ›

Wisdom improves your experience points so raising it will help you level up faster later on. Stats max out at 25 plus some fractions for Strength at 18. I use Undersigil to grind for experience. Using the Bronze Sphere near the end of the game can raise you a few more levels.

What class is Planescape: Torment? ›

There are four classes in Planescape: Torment, but your character can only be three of them: Fighter, Mage, or Thief. Your character starts as a Fighter, but trainers in the game allow you to change your class, so you can switch between the three options at will.

How to free IGNUS? ›

In order to free Ignus, The Nameless One must retrieve the Decanter of Endless Water from the Drowned Nations. Then head back to Glyve, the spirit possessing the stone face in the Catacombs, to be told the word to unlock the decanter can be learned from Nemelle in the Clerk's Ward.

How many companions are in Planescape? ›

Companions in Planescape: Torment are tormented souls attracted to the Nameless One like so many moths to a flame. They accompany him on his journey. There are seven potential companions in the game, although only five can be in the party at once.

What is the most important stat in Planescape: Torment? ›

Wisdom is by far the most important attribute in Planescape: Torment for the reasons stated above.

Does death matter in Planescape: Torment? ›

In fact there's no penalty at all, and dying is not only nothing to be feared, it can often bring advantages (besides healing you). Whenever you come back to life again you are instantly transported to a particular spot on that level, and sometimes to a completely different level.

Can you upgrade the weaponized IGNUS? ›

Beyond these additions, the vehicle is largely identical to the stock version, with identical modification parts as well. If the Weaponized Ignus is given the Hao's Special Works Performance Upgrade in the LS Car Meet, the car will gain a Hao's Special Works badge on the rear end, above the license plate.

How do you remove party members in Planescape Torment? ›

Go to your character stats screen (hit S) and then reform party. You can drop and add party members.

Is the weaponized ignus only on next gen? ›

Where's the Weaponized Ignis? It only exists in expanded gtao on new gen consoles.

How many factions can you join in Planescape: Torment? ›

A faction is an organized group of like-minded individuals built around a core philosophical belief. There are fifteen factions in the Planescape setting, though only five can be joined by The Nameless One.

What is the successor to Planescape: Torment? ›

Torment: Tides of Numenera is a role-playing video game developed by inXile Entertainment and published by Techland Publishing for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is a spiritual successor to 1999's Planescape: Torment.

What is the spiritual successor Planescape: Torment? ›

Torment: Tides of Numenera is the thematic successor to Planescape: Torment, one of the most critically acclaimed and beloved role-playing games of all time.

What is the best ability in Planescape: Torment? ›

Planescape: Torment

which skills are most useful in the game? Charisma and intelligence since you'll be able to talk your way out of most battles and get the most dialogue options. It's pretty much the best way to play the game. Plus combat is pretty easy throughout the game so you won't need that much strength.

What level should I be for steps of torment? ›

The Steps of Torment
Adjacent:Broken Hills
Quests:Descent into Torment
3 more rows

What is the max level in Planescape: Torment? ›

There is no level cap in Torment. But I've read things get glitchy around level 128. There are areas where the creatures respawn. The best of them is UnderSigil later in the game.

Can you be evil in Planescape: Torment? ›

The Nameless One starts the game with a "Good" and "Lawful" rating of 0, signifying neutrality. Evil acts subtract from the "Good" value, and when the rating reaches -21, the alignment changes to Evil; when it reaches 15, the alignment switches to Good.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.