Mount Vernon Argus from White Plains, New York (2024)

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Mount Vernon Argusi

White Plains, New York

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Legal Notices UNIVERSAL DISCc*nt COR ORA1 ION a domestic corpora tion Plaintiff against BRIE REALTY CORPORATION a domestic corporaron et al Defendants In pursuance of a judgment cf fore closure and sae made an! on In the above action hearing date the 15th day of October 1931 and liled in the office cf the Clerk rf rhe County of Westche ter on the 15th dav cf October 1931 the Unde sign Referee in judgment named will sen at publi auction in ths Rotunda of the Courty Court Rouse the City of White Plains County of Westchester and State of New Yor on the 10th day of Ncvember 1931 nt It noon of day the directed by said judgment to ne old and therein described as follows: PARCEL I ALL those certain lots sit sate and being in the City ct Mouit Vernon County ot Westchester and State of New Yok 'Shown an! desig nated as Lots 220 tn 229 Inchi we anl the westerly halt cf lot 230 anjol Tg lot 229 and Lots 241 to 259 inclusive and the westerly half of Lot 951 ad joining lot 250 in Block 7 on a map entitled of Bailev City of Mount Vernon Courty made by A Hcllister cfe dated October 17 1923 and filed in the office of rhe Regrter of the County of Westchej ter November 6 1925 as Mip No 291S excepting erefrom nth of iota 229 230 249 nnd 250 as was heretofore ccnveytd to the City Mount Vernon PARCEL ALL that certain lot piece or of land situate lying and being in the City nf Mount Vernon ter County and State of New York known and dejikiated as pirts ot Lots aim in 'ok 10 on a certain map entitled of Baitey Park Cky of Mount evon County of Westchester nn! made by Charles A Hollister Civ I Engineer and Surveyor October 17 1925 and filed tn the office of Register of Westchester County i November 6 1925 as map No 2918 which parts of lots wnn taken together are more particularly bound ed and described as follows: Beh nin at a point on the Easterly oe cf Esplanade Nor'h (before the same was widened) a shown on sail nc where the same intersected by the Southerly boundary line of lot in Block 10: runring thence Eastry along the said southerly bovndftcy line nf lots and 164276 running thence northerly in a straight line tc a point in the southerly Mie of Ellwood Avenui distant 1467 feat easterly as measured along said south erly side of Ellwood Avenue imr the easterly end oc fe curve raving radius of 15 fe and a langh nf 2568 feet connecting said R' tPhcri side of Ellwood Avenue with the easterly side of Esplanade Norh (be fore the same wn widened) as rhvwA on said map running thence wester! along the snuthey side of Avenue 18647 feet to the southerly end of said cu ve last above tinned running thence easterly and southerly along sahl curve to ti it having a radius of 15 feet a distant a 2568 feet to the easterly side nt Esplanade North (Before ta? same was widened) at shown on said map running thence southerly aloij sttd easterly side of I Irplanade Norn (Be fore the same was widened) 267 6i feet to the point place of bRnnitag Excepting from the premises above described all that part thereof con veyed by Erie Realty Corpora i to the City of Moi nt Vernon tor the widening of Esp anode North by ei iMIh October and rded the office cf the Register of West chester County iG Liber 2951 Con veyances at page 37 and therein bounded and described as that part nf block 10 a tlKwn cn a certain entitled Man of Balky Park Citv of Mount 7einn Westchester Cotin file I the office of tht Register Wes cheater County as map number being parts of lots A and 0 tne lying immediately East of and ad jacent to North extending from the northerly side Blo 11 A to the southerly side of Elhm 'O Avenue said strij being at ml time nine feet in width anti parade! and adjacent tn Espnnade North SAID PREMISES Guth parcels) will he sold subject to all encumbrances of record prior in Hen to the mortg age being forvdered herein Dated: October 16 1931 DON ZACUNE (S) Refi' ae ABRAHAM LEV NE ESQ Attorney for Plait tiff Office 0 Address 22 West Isf Street Mount Vernon NEW YORK SUPREME COURT WESTCI LESTER COUN THE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK Plaintiff Qgalnst VETnORLO REAL ESTATE CORPORATION et nt Defendants In pursuance of a judgment of fore closure and sale made and entered In the above entitled action and bearing date the 6th day of October 1931 I the undersigned the referee In said judgment named will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the rotunda of 1 he Court House White Plains Now York on the 17th day of November 1931 at elevon am the premise: directed by said judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL that certain plct piece or parcel of land situate lying and being In the City of Mount Vernon County nf Westchester and State of New Ycrk shown and designated on a certain map entitled of the Village of Mount Vernon in the Town of Eastchester County of West chester matin by Andrew indlay Surveyor tinted Westchester June 7 1851 and filed in the office nf the Register cf County of Westchester on the 22ml day of De cember ixst as Map number 144 as the northerly 40 feet of lot 279 and the southerly 10 feet of lot number 278 on said map which said plot or parcel cf land is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of South ourth Avenue distant 36D feet northerly from th corner formed by the Interaectlcn of said easterly side of ourth Avenu with the northerly side of East Third Street when measured along said easterly side of Smith ourth Avenue running thence easterly parallel tn East Third Street 105 feet to let number 251 running thence northerly parallel tn South ourth Avenue along the westerly line of lot 251 ard 252 50 feet running thence westerly par ale! to East Third Street 105 feet to the easterly side of South ourth Avenue running thence southerly along the easterly line of South ourth Avenue 50 feet to the point or place of beginning TOGETHER WITH all the right title and interest of the pa lies cf the first part of in and to the land lying in South ourth Avenue In front of and adjacent to the premises above described to the center line thereof TOGETHER WITH all fixtures and articles kof personal property which are or which may hereafter he at tached to or used in connection with said premises all of which are de clared to be covered by this mortgage TOGETHER WITH the appurtea nncea and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises Said premises are subject tn th state of facts shown on survey of Wal ter A Miles da'ed Jamutry 31st 1922 and to any changes since the date thereof SUBJECT ALSO to rights and ease ments to use and maintain pcles and wires upon or across the premises hereinabove described SUBJECT ALSO to rights of ten ants and lessees If any SUBJECT ALSO to zoning laws and building restrictions and regulations adopted by the City cf Mount Vernon SUBJECT ALSO to all notes or notices of violation of law or ordi nances orders cr requirements noted In or issued by the Tenement House ire Building Labor Health os other State or Municipal Department having jurisdiction against or affect ing the 'premises Dated New York October 21st 1911 ARTHUR RLATZ Referee McGuire McGuire Attorney 51 Chambers Street New Ycrk City TAKE NOTICE that Jero Reid auc inneer will sell at public auction No vember Sth 1931 9:15 A 320 East rd St Mt Vernon a Chrysler Sedan Serial No CS914C nWARD EHALLAHAN az phone Oakwoocb THE DAILY ARGUS MOUNT VERNON 7 MONDAY NOVEMBER 2 1931 87 Legal Notices SUPREME COURT WESTCHESTER COUNTY Eastchester Savings Bank Plaintiff Minnie Silverstein Max Meister and Louis Meister Defendants In pursuance of a judgment of fore closure and sale duly made and entered iu the above entitled action in the office of the clerk of Westchester Copnty on the 30th day of October 1931 1 the undersigned the referee in the said judgment named will sell at public auc tion at the rotunda of the City Hall Roosevelt Square Mount A'ernon New York on Tuesday the 24th day of No vember 1931 at 10 in the fore noon the premises directed by said judgment to be sold and therein de scribed as follows: ALL that certain parcel of land to gether with the buildings and im provements thereon erected situate ly ing and being in the City of Mount Vernon County of AVestchester and State of New York and being portions of Iots Nos 98 99 101 102 and 103 on a certain map entitled Map of Property of Mount Vernon Mortgage Company at So Seventh Ave and Kingsbridge Road City of Mount Vernon made by John airchild July 3' 1917 and filed in the office of the Register of Westchester County on August 4 1917 in Volume 47 of Maps at page 41 which portions of said lots taken to Rvther are bounded and described as fellows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of South Seventh Avenue distant three hundred eight and two hundred sixty six one thou sandths (308266) feet northerly from the corner formed by the intersection cf the westerly side of South Seventh Avenue 'with the northerly side of Kingsbridge Road thence running westerly at right angles to South Seventh Avenue one hundred and sixty nine and twenty one one hund redths (16921) feet to the easterly side of Kingsbridge Road thence run ning northwesterly along the easterly side of Kingsbridge Road fifty four and ninety nine one hundredths (5499) feet thence running easterly and parallel with the southerly line of premises hereby described one hun dred and ninety two and ten one hundredths (19210) feet to the west erly side of South Seventh Avenue thence running southerly along the westerly side of South Seventh Ave nue fifty (50) feet to the point or place of beginning Dated Oct 30 1931 RALPH A CARRETTA Referee Odell Tompkins Attorney for Plaintiff 22 West irst Street Mount Vernon SUPREME COURT WESTCHESTER COUNTY The Mount Vernon Trust Com puny and Odell Tompkins as Executors of the Last Will a vd Testament of George Brown Deceased Plaintiffs Against George Emerson Sr and Emily Emerson his wife Defendants In pursuance of a judgment of fore closure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action bearing date the 28th day of October 1931 1 the undersigned the referee in the said judgment named will sell at public auction at the rotunda of the City Hall Roosevelt Square Mount Vernon New Yiik on Tuesday the 24th day of November 1931 at 10 in the forenoon the premises directed by said judgment to be sold and therein de scribed as follows ALL that certain lot piece or parcel of land with the buildings and im provements thereon situate lying and being in the City of Mount Vernon County of AVestchester and State of New York being the southerly 25 feet of Lot No 261 as laid down on a certain map entitled of North west Mt Vernon situated in the Town of Eastchester AVestchester Co made by Augustus Kurth September 20 1854 and filed in the office of the Register of Westchester County November 23 1859 as May 95 said lot being bounded and described as follows: Northerly by the north erly 25 feet of Lot No 261 100 feet Easterly by ranklin Street as laid down on said map (now known as Locust Street) 25 feet Southerly by Lot No 263 on said map 100 feet end AVesterly by the Southerly 25 feet of Lot No 25U on said map 25 feet The said premises will be sold subject Io the Hen of a first mortgage of $3600 with Interest from March 1 1931 at the rate of 6 per annum now held by Eastchester Savings Bank and also sub ject to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Mount Vernon Dated Oct 29 1931 AV1LL1AM BARDUSCH Referee Odell Tompkins Attorney for Plaintiffs 22 West irst Street Mount Vernon SUPREME COURT AVESTCH EST EK COUNTY Eastchester Savings Bank Plaintiff against William Capetie Jr et als Defendants In pursuance of a judgment of fore closure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action bearing date the 13th day cf October 1 the undersigned the referee in the said judgment named will sell nt public miction to the highest bidder Rt the rotunda of the City Hall Roosevelt Square in City of Ainu nt Verncn Now York on Tuesday the 17th day of November 1931 at lu in the forenoon the premises directed by said judgment to be scld and therein described as follows: All that certain lot piece or parcel of land with the buildings and im provements thereon erected situate lying and being in the City cf Mount Vernon AVestchester County New York known and designated as Lot No 74 and part of the westerly seven (7) feet of Lot 75 on map entitled of Vernon Park Tcwn of East made by Bnrrowes March 20 1886 and filed In the office of Westchester County August 1 1889 as Map No 914 which said lot is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point cn the southwesterly side of Brookside Avenue where the division line be tween lots 73 and 74 on said map in tersect said avenue thence south westerly along said division line one hundred (100) feet thence south easterly and parallel with Brookside Avenue thirty two (32) feet thence northeasterly and parallel with said division line between lots Nos 73 and 74 on said map and always distant thirty two (32) feet therefrom cne hundred (100) feet to the southwester ly side of Brookside Avenue thence northwesterly along the southwesterly sido of Brockside Avenue thirty two (32) feet to the point or place of be ginning Adalbert AV Bailey Dated October 21st 1931 Referee Odell Tompkins Attrtney for Plaintiff 22 West irst street Mount Vernon Office of COALM ISSION ER JURORS County of Westchester White October 31st 1931 Notice is hereby given that the lists nf Grand ami Trial Jurors for the year 1932 are now open for examination and collection All persons residing In AArestcheeter County receiving notice from this office that they are eligible for jury duty dur ing the year 1932 who wish to make legal claim for exemption therefrom are requested to appear at this office on or before November 16 1931 between the hours of 9:00 and 13:00 A AL No exemption will be allowed unless the person claiming the same shall make and file an affidavit stating the facta entitling him thereto unless such ex emption shall rest upon physical In capacity in which case a certificate of a physician will be accepted The law provides that a prospective juror having a legal claim to exemption must present same on or before No vember 15 1931 otherwise he shall be deemed to have waived any exemption from liability tn serve he might have and his name will remain on the official Jiuy list and he shall thereafter be sub ject to jury duty AL HAYS Commissioner of Jurors A BARGAIN BRICE $6500 6 room tiouse bath hot water best enclosed porch lot allxlUU beautiful flowers shrubbery and trees Nice residential iietghhorhomL Near rail road stations Price $6500 Ralph Ware Realtor 10 2d Avenue Mount Aernon Phone Oak wood MM TRY ARGUS WANT ADS BRONX MAN DIES IN AUTO CRASH 34 OTHERS HURT (Continued rom Page One) Bronx suffered fjm a fractured right arm and a laceration on hij left hand Kurtz was held by parkway po lice but later released on orders of Medical Examiner Amos Squire who held he was not responsible body was ordered held at the hospital by Dr Squire for examination Irene Kennelly thirty two of Waterbury Conn was injured when her machine slipped off the edge of the pavement on the Hutch inson River Parkway in Scarsdale and hit a large rock She suf fered from numerous bruises and abrasions but declined medical at tention Car Hits Tree Looking down see what caused her foot to catch on the gasoline pedal Margerie Murray twen ty eight 5 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville lost control of her auto mobile on the Bronx River Park way in Scarsdale The machine crashed into a tree almost demol ishing the front of it Two automobile going in oppo site directions sideswiped on the Bronx River Parkway in Scars dale The machines were operated by Samuel Vucker of White Plains and David A Wahrburg twenty five New York City Jennie Vucker forty eight same address as the driver and Lottie Pike forty eight of New York City were injured and taken to a private physician for treatment Auto Turns Over After slipping off the edge of the pavement on the Hutchinson River Parkway in Pelham Man or a machine operated by reida Link thirty eight of Greenwich Conn turned over The driver received two small lacerations and a bad shaking She declined to go to a hospital Cut off by an unidentified auto mobile on the Bronx River Park way here a machine operated by Vail Stibbins thirty seven New ork City crashed almost directly into another operated by Bernard Issaacs thirty one of Los Angeles Cai Issaacs suffered abrasions but declined medical attention ive cars were involved in a crash on the Bronx Rixer Parkway in Eastchester resulting in injuries to oned river The machines were operated by Lester Evans twentv seven of New York Citv Doris twenty nine of 3751 Willett Avenue" Williamsbridge William Igoe twenty live of New York City George Rode eighteen of the Bronx and Rodriques thirty of 522 the Bronx Driver Slightly Injured Evans said he was slightly in jured on the chest He refused to go to a hospital and was taken to a private physician Sherwin Cody sixty three noted authority on English of Dobbs erry driving his machine on the Saw Alill River Parkway at arra gut Avenue Hastings escaped in jury in a crash that caused in juries to four other persons machine crashed into one driven by Allon Lorimer twenty nine of the Bronx Lorimer re ceived injuries to both knees and possible internal injuries lorence Lorimer twenty eight same ad dress suffered from lacerations on her face and neck and from shock Roscoe Brink forty one of Brooklyn received chest injur it and suffered from shock Nel lie Brink thirty five same address suffered severely from shock All were taken to the Dobbs erry Hospital where they were held for observation after treat ment by Dr Smith our Hurt In Mishap our persons were hurt in an ac cident on the Saw Mill River Parkway in Yonkers when an unidentified machine stopped sud denly causing Arthur Monoghan twenty two the Bronx to swrv and lost control of his car It turned over as it crashed into a light pole Monoghan was taken to Yonkers General Hospital where he was treated for lacerations on his face and hands Dorothy Lavinsky fourteen of 49 Payson Avenue the Bronx was taken to St Hospital in Yonkers and treated for minor lacerations and internal injuries She was detained for ob servation William Downs seventeen of the Bronx received a possible frac tured skull He was taken to St Hospital in Yonkers Irene Lavinsky sixteen of Manhattan suffered a laceration on her nose and injuries to her right knee and left hand Charges ollow Crash Counter charges of reckless driv ing followed a crash on the Saw Mill River Parkway at the Tucka hoe Road access drive that injured George Matthews seventy two of New Rochelle He was taken to Yonkers General Hospital and trated for laceration and abrasions about his head and internal in juries He was later transferred in an ambulance to New Rochelle Hospital The accident occurred between machines operated by Lillian Wat thews forty one of New Rochelle and John Lawless thirty two of Yonkers Thomas Smith twenty two of New York City was Injured on the Saw Mill Hover Parkway in Yon kers when his machine forced off the road turned over Smith suf fered numerous minor injuries about his head and body but re fused medical attention Two Hurt in North Bronx Two persons were hurt in a two car collision early this morning at 241st Street and Bronx River Parkway Wakefield) James Cain twenty one of 65 East 226th Street Wakefield a passenger in a car driven by James Meeham of 2440 Tieman Avenue Williamsbridge suffered cuts of the neck and left eye Jack Slat tery twenty four of the Bronx an other passenger in the Cain auto suffered cuts of the scalp Sophie Avins of Yonkers driver of the car was shaken up Slattery and Cain were treated by Dr Birn baum of ordham Hospital after Patrolman Lampe of Wakefield summoned an ambulance our Accidents Yesterday our automobile accidents twe in Wakefield and two in Williams bridge caused injuries io five per sons yesterday Carmela Ungaro twenty seven of 4375 White Plains Avenue Wakefield was driving north on Paulding Avenue near 2 33rd Street when she collided with a car driven by Theodore DeGeus twenty one of S16 South Third Avenue Mount Vernon Patrol man Tony Chlrunsky summoned a doctor from ordham Hospital who treated the woman for hys teria and the man for a cut on his scalp Otto I Sylvester of 406 East 242nd Street Wakefield was try ing to make a left turn at 238th Street and White Plains Avenue when he collided with a car driven by Joseph Diadorie of 2307 Tremont Avenue who was going south on White Plains Avenue Collides With Trolley Anthony Martucci seventy five of 806 East 215th Street Williams bridge was driving on White Plains Avenue at East 214th Street whti he collided with a south bound surface car operated by Michael Sweeney of 4065 Tenth Avenue New York City Patrol man Mart of Wakefield Station summoned a taxi and took Martucci to ordham Hospital where the injured man was treated for cuts of the scalp Two women occupants of a car driven by James Delany thirty of 3828 Sedgwick Avenue Will iamsbridge when he collided with a ear driven by Michael Terruzzi of 3433 Baychester Avenue at Pel ham Parkway and White Plains Avenue were injured and treated at ordham Hospital Agnes De lany thirty 3S2S Sedgwick Avenue was reated for cuts on the scalp and bruises of the right leg while Madeline Teahan twenty five of 174G Andrews Avenue was treated for a bruised hip and cuts of the scalp Patrolman red Buckir of Wakefield Station summoned the ambulance Injured In City Salvatore Accasello sixty seven of 330 South ifth Avenue was injured yesterday when struck by an automobile driven by Thomas Natoll of 2011 Barnes Avenue while walking across West Third Street near ifth Avenue Natoli OR SALE NEW 8 ROOM HOUSE Cape Cod style stucco built to sell for J22000 112000 first mortgage open to offer 1 To Reot 7 Room Duplex In Bronxville 2 baths garage coal furnished 9150 per month GLADYS CAPEX MILLS Inc irst National Bank Bldg I Oakwood 4200 Mount Vernon Best New Home Buys $16000 Little cash new stone stucco home 7 large rooms 3 tiled baths and kitchen stall shower breakfast room open porch heavy slate roof 2 car garage hot water heat large plot choice restricted section best construction cost $23000 to build Sell below $25000 stone home 8 immense rooms 3 colored tile baths stall show er breakfast room 2 open porches ladies dressing room heavy slate roof oil burner exclusive section must be seen to appreciate its value $11500 Bronxville Vicinity New 6 immense rooms large open porch playroom in basem*nt oil burner tiled kitchen and bath Staunchly built Nice plot Builder must sacrifice VALK 10 No Third Ave OAK 6170 I HBHnMaH0HBE9nsSHEHHMWBBnOHRKESIXSraMnanCBHHMKen 218 SOUTH THIRD AVENUE 3'2 ROOMS Very Reasonable Rent ree Refrigeration SUPE1UXTENDENT ON PREMISES SHERIDAN GARDENS APARTMENTS Now offering the most unusual valuea In Garden Apartment 1n Mount Ver non Country home with city con veniences Immediate Inspection Invited 2V4 3 6 ROOMS $60 UP Reasonable rents: 1 block from trol ley 8 minutes walk from station 2 blocks from school Electric Refrig eration SHERIDAN GARDENS 303 SHEIUDAN BLVD 1 block off Lincoln Ave Supt on Pbonc Ilillcrrst 1171 BRONXVILLE HOUSES AND APARTMENTS isher Nlackinlay I 0 Building BRONXVILLE IUIONE 0B70 RARE BARGAIN I 518000 Sis the price asked for the finest Shouse of English architecture inthe Oakwood Heights section Uiust reduced from $23000 Oil Kburner all modern appoint Ements May rent I 511000 I $90 RENT i buys a fine stucco dwelling modern 9 rooms 2 baths Own er must leave town at once LOTS Two very fine building plots sunny Brae way below value for cash or will subordinate $GOOO buys each plot over 10000 square feet RENTALS ROM $S0 UP HARRIET PORTMAN 6 North 3rd Avenue airbanks 4 U952 Evenings Oak 6762 4' Community Chest Aid A Review of tlie Work Carried On Yearly cut severely was Some Low Priced Homes ANDERSON REALTY CO 31 EAST IRST ST Tel OAK 8880 08 HUNTWOODS ft a BARD GALLERIES 12 SOUTH THIRD AVENUE EDGEMONT HILLS irs in equip I Offers beautiful Homesites well situated near fine Schoo) and Scarsdale Station at reasonable prices and terms Can assist with plans and financing West Third figured in a operated by Washington Kdgrmont Rrsrsdale ScarMlal SHtfl es the the car These are true stories rliosen from the records of some of the 15 agencies participating in the Conunnnity Chest To prevent all possibility of embarrassment to the families names anil ad dresses have been deleted They nre but a few of the many ffhei agencies doing daily tasks of sympathy mid mercy have reached the point where they must obtain further funds with which to give relief as needed to men women and children who otherwise must face the Winter unaided in danger of hunger cold suffering and disease nearby residence An by Dr Brundage had been shaken up Unusual opportunity to buy an English type stucco home on large plot built of the finest materials and containing six rooms and bath extra lavatory garage There is a Savings Bank mortgage on property of $10000 PRICE $14500 OPEN TO AN OER Edwin iske Inc REALTORS INSURANCE 13 14 ISKE PLACE Mount Vcnon was driving west on Third Street at the time He told police later that his car was cut off by another machine which forced him to hit the man Accasello was treated at Mount Vernon Hospital for injur ies to his hip Hurt In Collision EASTCHESTER Nov 2 A collision on New Rochelle Road near the Chester Heights railroad station yesterday afternoon caused slight injuries to Miss Desiree Hahn of Cornwall on Hudson a student at the College of New Ro chelle the driver of one of the machines The second automobile was oper ated by John Seigle of 1 Hamil ton Avenue Mount' Vernon who escaped injury Miss Hahn received cuts and bruises but declined med ical attention Both machines were damaged 147 NORTH TERRACE AVENUE enced in corner plot 10 rooms andz bath parquet floors oak and white trim glass enclosed porch Price $11500 with $1500 cash payment Balance on mort gage Actual monthly carrying charges $65' SI Visit this very interesting establishment Every day ES we receive and sell the finest articles of home furnish ings from the beautiful homes of Westchester Prob jS ably just the article you desire is here Jg WHEN YOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL TRY US IRST Est 1866 Oak 8724 Jefferson Towers New Elevator Apartments Electrolux Refrigerators Magic Chef ranges All improvements 3 and 4 Rooms $19 up Largo light rooms and foyers Tennis and Handball Courts 4382 URMAN AVENUE One block Eul of Lexington Ave nue subway etatlon at Street and White Plaine Avenue Bronx THILL 27 Prospect Ave OAkwood 8861 EXCEPTIONAL RENTALS 6 rooms bath $10f 6 rooms 2 baths 125 7 rooms 3 tilths new house $150 8 rooms 2 baths $160 Inspection arranged at your convenience REALTORS PHOSPKCT AVENVE MOUNT VERNON 25 YEARS IN WESTCHESTER OAKWOOD 760 A GOOD BUY $10500 Colonial Type House 7 rooms bath steam heat built in garage House in perfect condition CLARENCE MARTENS 21 Prospect Avenue OAK 8786 The Max Held Realty Corp venrrai avf telephone Six Accidents In Pelham PELHAM HEIGHTS Nov Six accidents in the Village of Pel ham Heights oveh the' week end caused injuy to thee persons dam age amounting to $1500 to an ex pensive 16 cylinder pleasure car and caused another car to be im paled on a fire hydrant after it had been overturned in a collision Still another car caught first after a col lision necessitating calling out the fire department In that accident the driver of the car involved cut severely about the face and head his cloth ing soaked with blood was chased for several blocks by a motor cycle policeman who thought the driver was running away from the accident It developed that the driver of the car was chiefly con cerned about his police dog which had been riding with him in the car been thrown out and had run grightened down the street The driver Herrick Skinner of 327 Eighth Avenue North Pelham refused attention to his own in juries until he had made sure that his pet was not injured Struck Rear of Truck The accident in which Skinner was involved occurred at 6:10 Sat urday night on Lane Skin sedan struck the rear of a truck operated by rancis Boyo kowski of Brooklyn which had run out of gas and stood in the street near the Boulevard As Skinner raced down the street after his dog Officer Walter Gruse who came along immedi ately after the accident gave chase and overtook Skinner just as Skin ner overtook his dog Meanwhile the sedan had burst into flames and a bystander sounded the alarm which brought the fire apparatus to extinguish the fire Skinner was attended by Dr Brundage of Pelham Heights for lacerations of the lip chin and hand In an accident at 12:40 yesterday at Colonial and Elder wood Avenues a ear operated by Mrs George Lendz of the Pel ham Biltmore Apartments Manor was impaled on a fire MUST BE SOLD III Good 3 family house 5 rooms and bath each floor steam heat all improvements Asking $650000 A WUESTENHOEER SON No 27 Jit Vernon Avenue Mt Vernon New York Oakwood 6196 $10000 Chester Hill near High School 8 room old house southern exposure hydrant after it had been struck by a car driven by Dr De Pasquale of Peace Street Pelham Manor The woman driver narrowly caped serious injury although hydrant penetrated the side of car at the driver's seat an the fell on its side Mrs Lendz was taken into a examination showed she and bruised Valuable Car Damaged In an accident at 8:10 Sat urday night a special built sedan of 16 cylinders valued at $10000 was damaged to $1500 according to rammed a trolley Lane near Sparks driver Mrs Gladys Stellar Avenue Pelham Manor was uninjured except for a shaking up Passengers in the trolley car A Lamery of 18 Pelhamdale Ave nue New Rochelle and Anna elton of New Rochelle were un injured The automobile jammed partly beneath the trolley was ex tricated with difficulty and the trolley car its front badly dam aged was taken into the car barns At 4:20 yesterday a cat driven by Mrs Mary McQuade of 751 Pelhamdale Avenue North Pelham skidded and hit a tree in front of the Anderson gas station on Wolf's Lane The car badly damaged but neither the driver nor a passenger Mrs Bes sie McGolden of Pelham was hurt Truck in Collision A truck operated by Raymond Tierney of 143 StreetMount Vernon collision with a car James Treston of 915 Avenue Pelham Manor on Lane Saturday According to the police report car struck the side of the truck when Tres ton turned in the center of the block There were no injuries An incomplete report made to police by Mrs Charles White of 222 Nj ac Avenue Pelham Heights states that a car licensed 6 81 85 New York left the roadway on Lane Saturday and struck Mrs White's sister whose name is not contained in the report Police were told that the woman driver of the car inquired to learn if the woman struck had been in jured but drove away before her name had been learned Examin ation of the injured woman showed later that an injury to her left leg was not serious $14500 Almost new house in Huntswood 7 rooms 2 baths garage i AT ELMSMERE (Bronxville Section) Htghext restricted rixldence section an attractive English rretdenre ilat? ru0 1 120 beautiful tree and shrubbery 4 Masters bed rooms with dressing room and 3 baths1 room and bath 3 car (heated) garage oil hurner and en closed sun porch 145000 Essy terms (In a 315000 neighborhood) LUCAS 20 ISKE PLACE TEL OAKWOOD '8706 the extent of police when it car at Avenue The Mauder of 523 $10000 7 room Colonial with ga rage on 50 foot lot $16500 Buys 3 year old house of 7 rooms 2 baths 75 foot lot ROY LITTLE Inc 1XS GRAMAT18 AVEXVE HOX OAKWOOD 2t34 BLOCK HUNTWOOD our new houses brick stone stucco and timber Seven rooms 3 colored tile baths including shower stall recreation room in basem*nt copper leaders 2 car garage brass plumbing Adjoining park between two schools BERNARD GERTLER Main OfTIre Branch Office I West Prospect Are 897 MucQuestrn Pkwy Oakwood Oakwood 103 OPEN SUNDAYS KVENINGS: OAKWOOD 4M3t WONDERUL BARGAIN Stucco House 8 rooms 4 Ix rooms 2 baths and sleefting porch Oil burner garage ine location Asking $1500000 JOHN CORDES AGENCY Oakwoot'l 0151 Prospect Ave West BAILEY PARK NEIGHBORHOOD OR RENT Modern 6 room house steam heat with Sncnccr boiler All latest improvements Ideal for small family Near school RENT SI 20 PER MONTH soli: agem GEORGE SPICER 95 PROSPECT AVENUE OAKWOOD 8200 3 BARGAIN I 2 AMILY HOUSE Brick 5 rooms each floor steam heat suitable for working man 3 $10000 easy terms BUCHWALD 26 EAST THIRD ST O4 0707 LANGDON HALL in Langdon Terrace 4y2 Rooms High Class Elevator Apt with all latest improvements rigid aire Craftex walls colored tile bathrooms mirror doors in chamber latest kitchen ment Near trains and trolley REASONABLE RENT 203 4th st Oak 1084 Between Langdon and vlton Mw4jJUumxBiiuui3rnmiiLiiiiip i iw I I I Lots or Sale Cheap Kingsbridge Gardens 48 ft on Washington Boulevard fully improved Want offer WM BROGAN PROCTOR BLDG 1 STEVENS AVENUE TEL OAK 9624 It is all In the day's work of a character building agency whena younster on the verge of a career of crime is helped to find himself '1 is guided away from doubtful courses and improper companionship i The executive for the Young Hebrew Association was called in recently by the principal of a Mount Vernon school The1 teachers would no longer allow Lester in their classes home life was most unsatisfactory 'His mother was too busy with her household fj tasks to help the boy his father was not Lester had formed associations with a group of older boys who desired him as member of their gang Petty theft petty destruction and mischief was a regular part of their program Lester was torn between two de cisions He wanted companionship and this gang offered" His home life had distorted his outlook on the pleasures of normal boy hood Conference after conference was held between the boy and A executive Gradually the latter won confidence W4 He found in the executive a friend and a counselor He found that the JI A In its classe recreational work games the like offered companionship and an outlet for his physical ener t' gies He found a new a gang that was made up of normal boys He developed new friendships The older crowd its attractiveness He was helped to draw away from them He be came not a potential criminal but a potential citizen valuable his friends and neighbors to Mount Vernon He will be an asset not a liability when ho takes his place in the community A service has been done Lester through the work of the A Afore a service has been done Mount Vernon It cost's real' money to arrest a criminal to try him to convict him to punish him' Mount Vernon along with other progressive cities has found is cheaper and better to prevent crime to prevent boys from be i coming than it is to enduro crime and to punish the criminal It is this preventive work that the A and other character building agencies are doing every day in the year 3 Room Apartment Month Convenient to Trains and Shopping District McClellan co inc Telephones: airbanks 4 2169 Oakuood 2030 6 EAST IRST STREE1 A A TM 3 ROOMS $50 3 ROOMS $60 Refrigeration ree Each room nff All aimrtfnenta utrlctly modern tine residential section near school and station WEUAKTON ARMS 119 East 4th Hillcrest 5657 Brokers Protected PEI $1100000 Niw Colonial homU 5' of beautiful design enclosed by picket ience Twenty two foot living room with open fireplace dining room tiled ultra modern kitchen Three bedrooms col need tile bath Lavatory on first floor Insulated: weather stripped large ver andah garage delay seeing this WHITTLE REALTY CQMPAN 13 ifth Ave AN EXCELLENT HOME White Colonial even spacious rooms bath sleeping porch 1 car garage reduced to $to5ou cost $16000 Terms to suit TICHBORNE REALTY CO 39 PROSPECT AVENUE OAKWOOD 7282 Open or Inspection A new elevator apartment at corner Cooley and Martens Place All mod ern improvements Including refriger ation and Incinerator New ready for occupancy ZI BELLI BROS Inc Osk 7t SS41 109 Valentine St Green Court Terrace 710 2 ISrd ST 3 I'z Rooms Highest Tvpe Elevntitr Apartment IncludlUK Electrohi' KefrigrraHun Superintendent on Premises'Near All I rintHrtKtiu Kensunjihle Kent liilrbunka 4 A673.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.