Arbiter, April 7 Students of Boise State University (2024)

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4-7-1999 Arbiter, April 7 Students of Boise State University

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April 7, 1999 Volume 12 Issue 26 First Copy Free

Alcohol awareness highlighted at BSU 5

Guest Forums: Pat Schmaljohn's death a huge community loss 10, 14

Cover: Let the Gene Harris jazz razzle and dazzle you this weekend 12·13

--. . __ .-.---:;=-:. --~~--- IiII_ii_~------_._-_._~---_._-- ...--~--.·~.-.---•.~ ~ iiii Matt and Mike are committed to an ethical student government with an emphasis on financial accountablity, student activism, and service leadership. We believe that the student government should be made up of hard-working individuals who are sensitive to ·the needs of all students.

• Improve, clari~ and streamline academic advisin~ registration and financial aid • ,Research possibilities of establishing a truelldead period'·'to~ve students more time tostudy for finals • Initiate astudent -orie~ted facul~/course survey tohelp students betler prepare for registration • Promote communication between Residence Halls, Morrison Center, Athletics, Student Organizations, aswell as the Student Programs and Volunteer Services Boards, toenhance the BSUcommuni~ • Address safe~ ~sues such asbicycl~pedestrianlskateboard co~icts, and improve night-elass safe~ conditions • Promote regular open forums on cainpus toimprove student awareness, dialogue and sensitivi~ to diversi~ issues • Obtai~ more funding for the Multi-Ethnic and Womens' Centers • Seek solutions tochild careissues &coststoease the financial burden facing our students with children • Emphasize landscape and physic~ improvements on campus, including the addition of afountain structure at BSU • Address parking problems around Residence Halls • Institutionalization of recycling on campus • Increase student access to KBSUradio • .Representation oftraditional and non traditional stud~n~

AL'STIRE CENTER INC. ·3800•Overland Road Boise,ldaho83705 . "'~IIIIwtI/~ For I h'lllhier body CIII . :lJHltJ (?08) 345-0809 .. --- ApJi/7, 1999 contents The Arbiter 3_1 1910Dniversily Drive News Boise. Idaho 83725 Taxestaking a toll? The IRSwill help .4 Orr, Maloof and Garza honored for supporting minority students 5 Editor in Chief:KellyMillinglon Teal Get "jiggy" with ISAFood, Songand Dance Festival '.. 5 Business Manager: Brad Arendl Steiskal and Baldwin talk their way to the top 6-7 Want to use your laptop at the library? Now you can 7 News Editors: Jessi Lomh and Dressfor Successboosts local womens' hiring chances 8 Slephanie Mallock Opinion Arts & Enlertainment Editor: Juslin Endow Editorial: HIV/AIDSmarch highlights greater need for awareness 9 Sports Editor: Doug Dana Letters: Bombing and The Arbiter 9 Guest Forums: Racing for the cure and the woes of BSUparking 15 Photo Editor: Troy Kurlz Hey, whiners! Give Lesleigh some space! ...... •.. 16-17 Online Editor: Carrie Nielson Cover AdManager: KellyMoody Get ready! Gene Harris hits Boise once again 12-13 Advertising Sales: DonCrowell, Sean Murphy " What's Going On? The BOMBBSquad,'BGLADand atheists ...... 18 Classifieds: KellyMoody Ass'l Business Manager: Krista Harkness Arts A complete review of you-know-who (Motley (rue) 19 ProduclionManager!AdDesiglt JeremyWebsler Sports Staff Wnters: Trisha BennelL Juslin Baldwin. BSUTrack and Field ready for stunning season ..••..•.• _ • • . • . _22 Michael Coxe.Ginny Eggleslon, Peler Erlendson. Josh Jordan. Doreen Martinet Sara Millon. David Siewarl, John Threet Rebecca J.Turner, Sleven Zabel Study Break! Well, it's pretty small, but you might find a job in the classifieds •.•. 23 Photographers: Jim Allen,Rafael Saakyan Columnists: Ira Amyl, Damon Hunzeker, Lesleigh Owen.Asencion Ramire~ Dale Slack 'Biter of the Week ... The Arbiter's intrepid adviser Peter Wollheim deserves Cartoonists: Ira Amyl, Eric EIIi~JeremJ Lanningham Dale Slack kudos for being willing to come in and help over the weekend, even though he was ill, ill, ill. We made him stay home, but we hope he gets better soon. Distribution Supervisor: Enric Figueras Dislribulion: Carmen Figuer~ Carlos Cavia OfficeManager: Slelanie Wood Letters policy: Letters should not exceed 300 words in length, should be typewritten and must include a phone number for verification. Guest forums are welcome. Contact the editor in chief prior to submitting commentaries. Editortal Adviser: Peler Wollheim TheArbiter is the official stu- Contact Us! dent newspaper of Boise State Phone 208.345.8204 University. Its mission is to pro- ---")., Whine and dine at Fax 208.426.3198 vide a forum for the discussion of [emailprotected] issues affecting students, faculty ~ .... ~ ~ ~~>, The Arbiter online. opinioD@bsumaiUdbSlledu and .staff. The Arbiters budget -- ~.."...... ,...... - - ""''-".'\. sporls@bsumaiUdbSlledu consists of fees paid by students and advertising sales. The paper -t ;.~""-c,.. : The Arbiterencourages reader • 1~1 is distributed to the campus on • 10.0. ~ "...."~\ I/. ~ II http://arbiter. i d b s U • e d u response Wednesdays during the schoof ,. ~ f If' l.ellers to the Edilor year. The first copy is free. -, 'i 1910DniveISiltDrive 1 t~ Boise.1D 83725 Additional copies cost $1.00 [emailprotected] each, payable at The Arbiter '\ I r· ~ 1 t\,~J News, a & e and sports goodies ... and office. All articles written by l \A ",~ a ~ now presenting your very own gripe Arbiter staff are copyrighted by l~ ~ ."" forum ( The Arbiter.

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"I"""."'""7 i'C ,:" ,~=;\~:;;;;"ii ".~:':;':~;:;;:<:;:IT~wsbucket April?,1999 _ i \ ~ ~ Y major and president of the Boise gram will run for three consecu- \ ~~~rn h6~tot~rn nent plaque on display in the forms. Walk-ins also/l~h. use a ,i State chapter of the Society of tive summers pending annual NSF ;~ii~~~:~'~~~~.~~~)~.Iibra~omlnat~nformshave"been::=~~~JL tl:llii:=~ WomenEngineers. approval. Ten students will partie- ,\ Wilson is originally from ,ipate in the program each summer. 'i, '''''''" .Billings, Mont.,and resides in Along with Boise State cot- \ ,,;~;;);::£;:~~!~~e!~~r::::;:, \ Eagle. He is employed by CTA leagues in computer sciences and \ "L~a~n"'ho~/t6jtraVefaridg~t·...··.··pick'uPJlt{th~:Jj~@[}{i£jr~v\~tiQh,;onthe·· usg(:lheir refunds can paid,for it as a travel writer duro desk. Nominations must be su~-:,F~~I 1'800'22~;~770 toll free at Architects Engineers in Boise. chemistry who are active in micro- ing a one-day workshop at Boise mitted by April 19, 1999.'<\~QY time. 1]9se who haven't yet Pollow,TwinFalls, is involved electronics research and related State Universityon Saturday,April [filed their .returns but are with the Boise State' chapter of areas, Burkett and Lusth will help 1O. /.:.:;!~*Pecting~~funds should consid· the American Society of the visiting students develop skills Workshop instructor State Tax ....:' ...J','er filing,¢li(tronically through Mechanical Engineering. Two of in areas such as alternative wafer- 'Jacquelyn Peake will explain the Commission-extends' the IdahoState TaxCommission's his current project involve work cleaning techniques,' computer process of freelance travel writ· hours twQS.•.•..~turdays websi~~;~t; on automobile and spacecraft ing for those interested in making http:!Zmvw· modeling and design. "Undergradu- _travel writing a hobby or even a and finCll;tax week x.html:for faster refunds. Runners·up for the awards ates do not career. Peake has sold hundreds /:/':~'i 'T~~ayers who file with tra- were AllenThompson, Vale, Ore., typically have civil engineering; Brandy the Rutledge, Boise, electrical engi· "~~w:~~~:~c;a:saz~:~e:n~,c&~~~;~:~~a~lseS~~:~e~~~~~~l~~~tt~t~O;~~~Pf~~ opportunity Leisure, Sunset, The LosA~gele$' :ffi~intain its extended hours this th' fund as opposed to a typi· neering; and Aireus Christensen, to actually Tim?~IN~~'X~f~ggil¥ffeYfSahd weekend, as well four weeknight$ c~}~!~ of 7 to 10 days when fil· Boise, mechanical engineering. .otherpublications;:r; during the week of April 15 t~~;' i······ ....the Internet. perform , Topics to be covered include help taxpayers file their taxes ant' research, so how to find salable topics close to time, the Idaho State T~! it"; NSFgrant to help we want to home, how to know what editors Commissionannounced. i:'iii ~i~;~gives awards to finance research give them a are buying, how to write atten- The office, located at 800 ?3)'fstandingjuniors program for taste so they tion-getting query letters and Park Boulevard, Plaza IV inlttt~ "WiFii,' will "consider how to sell an article before it's Morrison-Knudsen Co. comp~~x, ,en iner;j~~~tpt BSU written, among other topics. will be open for both telep~gh~;;'i?';,\/ji;i;, attending graduate x~~.wor~hoP. will be held and walk·inassistaQ.G~ ··6iri?1(j;?\';, " . ""?" . to:;~;$198,653 froni9·a~'m;,;tQ1.P~m!}9r.:th~?;;~1ml~g.; ..,.:,,", ~~. ·.]

Is your major t'>":)";~ . ··.l~ ",~.;::?;;::.,; .•...... •...••',;'.'..''..:.:;~\.'::.";'.''.\..".~".6:t'..;:.':.}•.;.:.1~:.i.•..: ••.:, :..:...•....;..•...:~..".:..~.'.."." •..• , '~i~ ~'" '. ';;"~·7·~- .~ _~;..-=,-:..UN~.·."~il"..z···········'······· .. """~~; . ::~it\\~ort/!v:::;., ~·.I'.I'7~ .An Alternative ImporFStore Clothing 111 Jewelry-Hemp Hats-Bogs-Boxes Do you like Bedcovers-Sarongs -worldng with people _coordinating multiple tasks Stickers-Incense -finding cr.atlve and Innovative solutions Candles-Mirrors Mobiles and Consider a major In Construction Management For more Information, drop by the CM department , Tie Dyesl In ET201, or call 426-3764 i.openM;S;'0;6pmsun11~5Pfu, L,.~~~J:~9Jt~t.I.COt()P.Plaza;;:. Dream It ,;'~7:~!:'t;1i'331~1212J! . ,. Build It .. Make our mark ~1~~'1Z;r.ft);LJ1i:(~~V: l~ ..... _... _ ...-.... ~._"."..." - ~..•-' t • l""-' -_AprB 7,1999 news' iskal Albertson's Library steps up to the lp• technology plate Trisha Hennell _ Transmission Control finish in the overall sweepstakes Protocol that works in NewslYriler --- __ ....J competition, Boise State placed correlation with the IP,or fifth in the individual events sweep. oise State University's Internet Protocol, to break down stakes competition and seventh in , Albertson's Library is enlist- information into smaller portions, the debate sweepstakes competi- Bing a small entourage of new assign it a numerical sequence, tion. Southwest Baptist University, servces to help students and fac- transport the information over the Central Missouri State and William ulty stay up to speed in the race >\ Internet to a remote host and c, "'~' Carey College finished ahead of for an expedient, thorough educa- then reconstruct it. ~Cl> Boise State in the overall sweep- , tion via computer technology. The new jacks are primarily -:; stakes competition. a One such service will allow -lccatec in the group study rooms ~ Boise State's success 'at the students to access the Internet on the third and fourth floors, ~'" national tournament came just two from the library using their per. and the south wall of the third ~ weeks after the Talkin' Broncoswon >. sonallaptop computers. floor extension. Maps are provid- ~ the Division IIchampionship in the "A lot of people like to use ed in the library of where the ~ U~.P:liR!!..-. I!L.2L Northwest Forensic Conference, their own computers because they marking their seventh league title have their own word processing connections are located. Strong demonstrates how the new phone jacks in the in the last nine years. Another new service allows Albertson's Library will connect with students' lap- programs, they can download stuff BoiseState students and faculty to tops. . Steiskal and Baldwin both plan they find on the internet into their access library resources from to use the skills they will build from computer, and they can e-mail home. These include commercial "Because Boise State has.a like ABHnform have a way of only their experiences with" the Talkin' (which isn't allowed from the pub· databases like ABI-Inform that large off-campus population, this Broncos. Steiskal is working toward allowing certain addresses to lic computers)," explains Janet were previously only accessible (new service] allows all students access thelr data bases," Stron~ a communication/secondary educa- Strong, Orientation ,Librarian and from library computers on cam- access to indexes we provide for exp\a\ns; tion degree, and Baldwin plans to Coordinator of User SerVices. our students, " Strong says. pus. Commercial databases are Since the library subscribes to Students seeking access to the go on to law school after complet- The library has placed 70 new business indexes to business-relat- library's resources from off campus ing ,her English/communication jacks in the building for private ed periodicals, global editions, commercial databases like ABI- computers must first load the degree. Inform, the companies want to, laptops. Along with their and international publications k th tit d ts and Albertson's Library's main web But for now they'll just prac- machines, students will need an used by' commercial firms. Also, ma e sure a on y s u en page at http://www.library.boises· tice more and work to getting back installed network card or NIC(net- access to newspapers and indexes faculty have access. In order to, click on "Journal to nationals to defend their cham- work interface card), a Category 5 that Boise State subscribes to, ensure this, a special program was Indexes," type in their university/D pionship. After all, the only thing network cable and a TCPII, add- such as The Idaho Statesman, New written. number and then the last four dig· better, than winning a national on equipment that goes in the "Every agency with an its of their telephone number. York Times and the Wall Street Internet address has a number championship is winning it again. computer and allows connection Journal ,is now available from off- Instructions for both new ser- to the Internet. The TCP is a campus. assigned to them so companies vices are provided in the library.

PlI81-Traumalic SIre88 Because there is no cure.. ~1l Di811rder {PTSDJ , 'Support Groops 'l'.«ImuJI~fdal:aliall ORIENTAL ~ lor PmGos lIilhAIIS EXPRESS LUNCH I DINNER, DINE IN 01 CARRY OUT 'HJV Preletllloa • SaferSullelbods Call or Fax in To Go Orders '1afGnnaI1oa lid Rek:rraIs

• 4, Cr.b Pops $ Z.75 "I Can"1(Jel il 0" My Mind" • • Pot Stickers (After Zp.) ' 3.15 H.". you .u".r." •'" .".nt? • Mudaril.Hot c.ickel ~ 4.Z5 Do you h.".: .. h t ( ) troubling m.mor' •• or f'••• hb• .,Ic. 0... t •• ".n • Le.ol Cblclel ...... •...... 4.50 ( ) un ••••• nt "r •• m. or n'ghtm.r •• o' th •• ".nt ( ) ... ";•.,ulty '.'lIng •• ' •• p or ..... p • lilier.1 Tso's c.lclll ...... • 4.50 ( ) Jump'n •••• Irrlt.bllity. or outbur.t. o' .n9.r ( ) •• .,••• 1". worry , " MOI.olI.1 leef ...... ••....•...•.•...... 4.50 ( ) .motlon.' numbn... , ~ • V.Ic.I. S.rl., 5.Z5 w•• ,. ".,dyll" .n In".. tl,.tI.n.' m.dlntl.,n ~.... " f., T,• .,m.tle St, DI.o,d~,. I. , · H.", F••II, 4.Z5 p.,tlel ... nt. m,," ••• t , .8 Y•• '~J • , ••d .nd m.dl .. lly .t •• ' •• All r '.h , •• ,. Ine,.,dln, .n· .. t.n.I., y.hI-, ' , .trle •.,••".tI.n I ,•."d t n..... t. the ,,,.lIfy. 345·2277 We also serve Vegetarian dishes! If yo., or •• m•• n. y." •., •••• .,t fa Int., •• t•• In ...,tlel lln .. Tel.ole (208)345·1161' 110 ~~ 11th Street Paeln. C.II' CII"lc.1 C•• r~lll.t.,. (PCI' 1-80Q.677 ·AIDS 1/"/"/.,~'" .~\\\I .t 208-145-62.' ~' Fa (208)345·1141 10111,1daII0 13702 ~ ..---...... ------~-..------.------:------_._ ..-. .-.------_.------

I 8 news 1t

for low-income women in Boise,.,.,..,..._....:-_------, Doreen Martinek _ Boller quickly gath· New York'City in 1997. The project has since spread throughout the NewsWriler, _ ered 11 suits as well as a cash donation of $50 for world. hoosing the right clothes from pantyhose. Then she organized "It was time to put into practice your closet for a job interview "Clean Out Your Closet Week" at and show the love I had learned and Ccan present a difficult deci· BoiseState, which collected about 30 wanted to give back," Foster says. "I sion. But not having the proper surplus suits from women on campus. was ready to do something for my clothes in the first place can mean These clothes were a welcome community." '- ~ i' the difference between getting the addition at the Dress for Success Foster contacted the Dressfor :a r job of your dreams and not getting Boutique, home of the growing stock Success headquarters to find out ~ past the front desk. This is especial· of clothing available to needy the necessary steps to take. She ~ ly true for women trying to get off women. While much of the clothing received training,located space, i welfare and back into the work· is used, many new items have been and got the word out. ~ place. A local group with an interne- The Capital Christian Center, ~ donated or must be purchased. 0::: tional connection hopes to improve Skirts, pant suits, blouses, scarves, of which Foster is a member, ~ the odds of acquiring that perfect hand bags and unused pantyhose are offered the use of space for the a:.§ position for women who have the needed. The Sears corporation boutique. They may look lifeless now, but these suits will help ,skills but might not have the appro' donated new blouses and Avon has "I had to convince them I wasn't some local women -land jobs and work their way ou priate wardrobe. given pearl earrings and necklaces trying to convert anyone first, " Foster Dress for Success outfits low· for each woman receiving an mter- declares. "But we have a separate of welfare dependency. income women with suits and acces- view suit. Donations of new shoes entrance to put women at ease, and a tique. The three arms of the Foster hopes to add a mento' sories necessary for that all·impor· and other items are expected soon. red carpet to boost their spirits." Department of Health and Welfare- program for Dress for Success alJ~hi tant first interview. A second suit is The local program is the adopt· The aim of the Dressfor Success Job Service, Self·Reliance, and the in the fall.' provided upon acquiring a position. ed cause of Debi Foster, a single program includes building self- Welfare to Work program-Treasure . ''This will be a venting session ( All clothing and similar necessities mother, grandmother and former esteem and confidence,. Foster Valley Community in Canyon County, the women," Foster notes. She pla come from donations of new and realtor who gave up her job. to explains. Personal shopper volunteers lda-Ore, the Women and Children's to run it similar to Alcoholi used items. devote herself full-time to Dress for offer women visiting the shop advice Alliance, and the Valley Crisis Center Anonymous meetings. Women will tel Helen Boller, Management Success. Foster knows what it is like on dressing and how to greet the per- have begun steps to recommend of the problems and frustrations the Assistant in the Provost's Office at to be unable to dress properly for a son or persons conducting the inter- women for the opportunities offered face on the job and learn they are no Boise State University, felt a need to job interview. She knows firsthand view. by Dressfor Success. by themselves. "It's tough to face get involved when she read of the the "struggles and heartbreak" single "A firm handshake and eye con- "The need is so great for pro- some of these issues alone. We hope organization in The Idaho women must face every day looking tact are very important to the hiring grams such as this since these agen- to encourage them to stick with it." Statesman. As a former single moth: for a job which will support them' process," Foster insists. "It can make cies have been suffering cutbacks," .. Anyone wishing to help out with er supporting her children, she selves and their children. a big difference as to whether or not Foster insists. "Many women are third donations of clothing or other items ,"wanted to give something back to Foster became involved in the someone is hired." generation welfare recipients. Idaho may contact Boller at 426·4421, the community" that had helped Many local, state, and federal Foster at 853·4024, or the Boutique at f' program last November, after hearing is not insulated from these prob " her. She began her campaign just of Dress for Success, which began in agencies refer women to the bou- lems." 288·4405. last month.

Over 2,000 Ross Alumni are currently in Doesn't it residencies or private practice in tile U.S. just xnake SCHOOL OF MEDICINE • Approximately 90% pass rate on USMLE on last you sick? 3 allempts for first time test takers. . • Affiliated with over 40 teaching hospitals in the U.S. where dinical programs are conducted. !',. . ,~"""""...... -. • Approved by N.Y.• N.J" and California WIN A _. " . MASTER'S OF PHYSICAL THERAPY PROGRAM SKATEBOARD PACKAGE ]f you can't stop thJnklng about • Six semester. entry level. post-baccalaureate food, if you sneak into the professional program. kitchen at night to binge then • Clinical Training Sights in the United States, incliJdes: a Jason Ellis, Powell Mini Logo Complete, you feel gllilty and thcovv it aU wusm: ... .rois.... edu Pro-Tee helmet, knee/elbow pads, and a Transworld up, you m.ay need mote than a E_i1:.dftssl_@r~ neYVdiet. You nlay have the Skateboarding magazine. ~ -. saIne disease, W'e have. SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Surf our website ( for a weekly trivia question. Oveceaters Anonvmous • Traditional U.S. Veterinary School curriculum C:o into Pojos to enter every day for the Saturday May I, drawing. • Stalled primarily by DVM or Ph.D Faculty me 336-3485 + Low Studenllo Faculty ratio Jattp;/lwv"w.OverulcnAnanymoUS.Ofg • Clinical Affilialions with U,S. Veterinary Schools LiE.time Suppert with No Feu or D;et. WElSml www.rossvet .... 7736 Fairview • Boise • 376·6981 : .i1: "'[emailprotected] ...... -_AprtI7.1999 opinion 9------Editorial he snow and wind last ticipate already clearly understand can't hurt you. You will not con- old Meridian man was indicted last yet, Stider faces a sentence of life Saturday morning failed to the issue. Saturday's march was not tract HIV through your coworker week for knowingly infecting his in prison for the charge of statuto- Tdiscourage approximately 70 designed to educate the shivering the next desk over. Fear the virus, girlfriend with the HIVvirus. ry rape. Idahoans determined the raise people standing in front of the capi- but do not fear its victims. awareness about HIV/AIDS. Christopher L. Stider allegedly How is it that the potential tol; by drawing attention to the Be prepared to protect your- also had sex with two other juve- punishment for having sex with problem of HIV/AIDS, marchers self and others. Get tested for nile girls, although they have not someone under the age of 18 is Part of the made it harder for everyone else to HIV/AIDS. You can unknowingly been found to be infected with greater than that for knowingly complexity of ignore such a deva.stating disease. pass it along because no symptoms HIV. infecting someone with an incur' For decades, prejudice and need to be present for you to be raising able, life threatening disease? unfounded fear have surrounded the infected. Wear a condom. They awareness is Throw into the mix the fact victims of AIDS.Myths calling AIDSa dramatically reduce the chance of If you know that those that Stider's now-HIV positive ex- gay or drug dealer's disease, or a contracting sexually transmitted someone with girlfriend is also pregnant with his who punishment for not sticking to diseases. HIV or AIDS, do child. This makes the graveness of participate Biblical principles, are narrow, If you know someone with HIV not shun them. Stider's actions even mor~ appar- already small and false. AIDSis a virus that or AIDS,do not shun them. They did ent. clearly does not care about age, race, sex- not choose to suffer this disease. They did not With proper pre-natal care. ual orientation or religious beliefs. They were unfortunate and face choose to understand it's possible that the child will not Part Qfwhat makes HIV/AIDSso dev- major changes. With all that, they suffer this the issue. be infected with the HIV virus. astating is that, with education, it don't need to lose the people they disease. Even so, there is a good chance he can be 100 percent preventable. care. Some victims lose their jobs, or she will spend most of his/her The March for Awareness began Educate yourself. HIV passes families, even housing. This should In its infinite wisdom, the life without either parent. Anything at Boise State University and con- through bodily fluids: blood, sem*n, never happen, and it won't, ifindi- American justice system has decid- short of a life sentence for Stider is tinued down Capitol Boulevard to vagin*l fluid and breast milk. It can- viduals make an effort to change ed the penalty for knowingly grossly unjust. . the front steps of the state capitol. not be contracted through casual their attitudes, as demonstrated by infecting another person with the Part of the cornplexityot ·rais· contact or touching items such as the 70 marchers on Saturday. HIV virus' carries a maximum sen- Editorials reflect the opinions Of ing awareness is that those who par- door knobs. Don't worry about what On a similar note, a 19 year- tence of 15 years in prison. And The Arbiter's senior staff. Letters to thei Stop the bombing me of the situation MIT professor want to see in the oilrQqhMicJdl~'Wha~canthispap~ . Noam Chomsky describes in his East would be a socialis~kurdistan. right?> . . book, Manufacturing Consent. The prime ffi()~iVating factor To the editor: Chomsky points out that extensive of U.S. foreign poUcYis the preser- coverage was given to enemy vation of capitalism; and enhance- To the editor: Why is it that I see daily pic- atrocities in Cambodia, while ment of corpor~~~power and prof· tures of burning villages. simultaneously there was a near its. The tendercol1cern. expressed refugees, and massacre victims in complete blackout of coverage of by governmentg~!ciaIS and the Kosovo and no pictures at all of U.S.-supported atrocities in East media for refug~and victims of Kurdish victims of far worse atroc- Timor. atrocities is for p@!.j(: consu ities in Turkey? There are hun- There is a logical explanation only. >.C:c(; dreds of thousands of Kurdish for the fact that a superpower like ·:i;:::::i: refugees. Their villages have been the United States is willing to use SincereIYJ()'; bombed and strafed by Turkish its air force in support of a guerril· Gary S~gl>Orough ::J{>~:Y-. helicopters and jets, supplied by la army. After the Soviet Union and the United States. Why are the most of eastern Europe went capi- Albanian separatists treated as talist, only one socialist state' freedom fighters in the U.S. remained, Yugoslavia. Therefore, media, while the Kurdish guerril- the breakup of Yugoslavia was very las are called terrorists? Why is an important to the United States and independent Kosovo deemed good other capitalist countries. and an independent Kurdistan The Kurdish guerrillas are bad? leftist in political orientation. The The media coverage reminds last thing the United States would

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.. Aprtll, 1999 --- 11.....-__ 10 OplmOn

" " ,t." Guest Forum Pat Schmaljohn:Memories of his impact,

\ \ creativity and insistence on right and wrong someone close to you: Dr. Dan Morris _ Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Arbilrrrdilorial adviser 1986·19961 ~ Depression, and finally t Schmaljohn, who WQS edi· Acceptance. As I write this com- I! tor·in·chief of The Arbiter in mentary on Pat Schmaljohn's con- r' the 1994·95 school year, died tribution to journalism in the I'· Pi l in a Boise hospital March 23. He ' Northwest, I am just finishing the n o was the son of Phyllis and Eldon Anger stage. r.,. Edmundson, former BSU faculty After my initial denial upon ,'. members, and Dale and Marilyn hearing of Pat's death, I'd been Schmaljohn. He won a national angry at him because he hadn't award for his work as editor of the been able to see, through the Santa Barbara .Community depression and drugs that College's student newspaper, was increasingly tainted his percep· ~ the founder of Boise's alternative tions during the last year of his :.::* weekly, Streetmag, and was pro· life, the impact he had made as '0 duction editor of Seattle's alterna- a journalist. His earnest msis- ~ tive weekly, The Stranger. He also tence that some' things were 8 was co-founder of the rock groups absolutely right and' others ~ State of Confusion and absolutely wrong, that there if. truly was evil for journalists to May 1995-Pat Schmaljohn and Dan Morris celebrate Pat's capture of the Idaho Pat's earnest fight in this world, inspired his Press Club scholarship at the organization's annual banquet in Sun Valley. insistence that some staff at The Arbiter and set a stan- ing breaks on the steps outside the dard for subsequent staffs. his expectations. was illustrated by a photo set up Arbiter office. 1 asked him once things' were I remember talking with him "Systematic" and "idea man" by photo editor and fashion pho- again how a kid from Boise ended " absolutely right and at his office in a high.powered are words his brother and dose tographer Rick Kosarich. A pony· up sounding like a Bronx gangster others absolutely local publishing firm. He wanted friends have used to describe his tailed Neurolux co*cktail waitress in a Hollywood B movie. "1 to discuss enrolling at BSUto fin- influence in Treepeople, dressed in a mint-skirt and wrong, that there dunno," he said, considering it ish the journalism degree he had Streetmag and The Arbiter. kneesocks, legs spread apart, truly was evil for seriously. "Geez. What am 1doing] started in California. He told me sprawled across the bus seat, journalists to fight in I'm a 32·year·old man with a kid. about the chan-smoking old advis- Mymemories of him under the caption, "Free Ride." r this world, inspired I've got responsibilities, ya know?" r er there who had instilled into this' include stopping by They asked for my input. We his staff at The , young man, basically an anarchist, the office on a ' all spent hours before publication, Arbiter and set a "Systematic" and a respect for the responsibilities wee kend evening. discussing the purpose of the standard for of a free press. He asked if his cover, the possible reactions and "idea man" are subsequent staffs. work on Streetmag would hurt his . He was, typically, whether the staff was willing to words his brother credibility if he came to work on spending hours with justify their decision afterward. and close friends Treepeople. He was a pioneer in The Arbiter. I said 1 saw no reason a young writer to They claimed the cover was "art" Boise's indie scene, such as it is. the stocking-capped, skateboard· help him polish his and that any prurient., mterpreta· have used to He was enrolled in the graduate ing "Pat Brown" of Streetmag , tion was in the eye of the behold· describe his program in English at 'Boise couldn't become the responsible writing to Pat's er. IIaughed at that and to ld them influence in State. He leaves a daughter, "Pat Schmaljoha" of The Arbiter. demanding to come clean. Weren't they just Treepeople, Kira Ann, 6; her mother, Anna My memories of him include " S.tandards.s, expressmg. their. antt-esta. . bl'IS'h Streetmag and The Fell; his wife, Jennifer, and stopping bX the office on a Vfeek· ment, "indie" attitude that NOTH· ~ his brother, Scott. Pat was 36 end eveniog. He' was; typically, ~ INGwas sacred? If so, why not be Arbiter. ~ years old. spending"'hours viith a', yourig But he' was never part of the honest abOut it?Theethic~lesson 'E writer to help him polish his writ· establishment. Pat's tenure as soon turned into a discussion of ~ . Death -and dying expert ing to Pat's demanding standards. Arbiter editor had its own "cover their opposition to political cor- Idunno, either, Pat. But I sure : Elizabeth. Kubler·Ross . says I, remember bursts of anger controversy," which evoked the ire rectness. hope they buried you with your ~ there arefJVestepsl~a~mg to, and frustratiooi directed at-him' ofi:a~p~sfeministsiA's~oryabout <: "'.F;inally, I can heaL Pat's gray.. '· ':sk~teboard. ' , ~ acceptanc,e.,:.of ..the loss ';q( : self wh~n he.;had' fallen'shorrof, the' ca~pus.Shuttle' bus,:~rvjce eily Yptc~~~uring orle~o(~i~.smok· " ,'; ;;'~~ ; 0' ',.'''' ,,' F?.--.---- ....•. - -.•...... - - __A .' •• -' __ •• 0'_ ••••• __ ._ -".o-:_ ••••••••••••••••••••• _~, :_ ••• _••••• ~._ •••••••••• , ,~ ••_••••••••• _. -----~~-~-~-,", •• c' ~ ~

1 "".41'.41'.41' ~~".:g~~' , 1 Arbiter .0 Classified Mngr./Advertising Sales Rep. Averoqe ot l ()=2011tH wk (;\)1 III tlir~:,it 'I , bosed. Polonlktl lo (~(t1 1. \ \ I f)' 1\) :I~I(J I, I , i ~ . i

- oAdvertising Director . Prior (j()lIl1111sS1C)tJ ~";(11c'~~c~:}tr),EHlC?llC\; tC?ct,t.JttE'.cl; f!f Flexible hours, Appro}t;20 Ius w-k~&: SOl1.1.~ time on weekends required: wage~';") ~,I on com.m.ission. ' ',' " oAdvertising Designer Commerciol design beneficial. Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illt1.strator~¢qrd." Knowledge of Mocintosh corn~pter!~~lpf-w. but not'r~cwn-~,';ilj~~~;iplehours, A~~~()X. 5-15 hrs1Wk,I)E)E $5"~~c9- $7fhr,'" ,,:. ; .. "".' \

April 1, 1999,,- I cover t '1-_12 Gene Harris Jazz festival seeks to bring j 'meet its 'expectations artistically shops and clinics guided by the Boise native and former last year, but that that didn't stop Justin Endow musicians themselves. A!ts&EnleItainmenIEdilo,l-[ I radio top 10 artist Curtis them from making some changes to Stigers, and four-time "The really great thing about the festival is that 1,000 students the current lineup in order to add umerous Grammy nomina- Grammy nominee Poncho Sanchez ' will get to learn from professional some diversity. tions, television appearances alongside the ever-energetic Gene performers during the day, and then ''We're able to bring together and heaps of world- wide Harris. N will get to see them perform in the jazz greats and then add some new acclaim land at Boise State According to Esther Neely, the evenings," Neely notes. "We are [artists], such as the Latin jazz of University April 7-10 during the festival's executive producer, the also trying to raise as much money Arturo Sandoval and Poncho Gene Harris Jazz Festival. But the Gene Harris Jazz Festival began last as we can for the [Boise State Sanchez," she remarks. main aims of the event are to sup- year as the brainchild of former music] endowment fund." Although the festival wants to port Boise State's jazz programs governor Phil Batt and William S. The festival broke even in its continue to diversify, Neely main- and provide nearly 1,000 junior Campbell, a longtime Idaho resi- initial year, which organizers are tains the goals of the festival have high and high school kids from dent and Boise State supporter. not changed. across the Northwest with mstruc- They wanted to recognize Harris as happy about, Neely says. ''We were able to give a few "The festival is really only tion from the some of the best in the treasure he represents to Idaho, thousand dollars in scholarships to about giving these kids the opportu- the jazz recording industry. and at the same time benefit Boise nity to learn from professionals, The second annual festival will State's jazz scholarship program current students, but we would really like to build on that number." and to help raise money for Boise feature the talents of four-time and allow students to, meet, and Neely says the festival did State's programs," says Neely. Grammy winner Arturo Sandoval, learn from jazz musicians in work- Opening the Gene Harris Jazz Festival today is the wildly popular Club Night, a variety of jazz acts performing at a number of venues downtown. Neely's excitement about this event surfaces as she touts it the "best deal of the festi- val with the most options."

ttThe really great thing John Stowell performs tonight with .ebout the from 5:301 festival is that The Balcony Pub hosts the Bill 1,000 students Watrous Quartet, which features Grammy-nominated Watrous, one of will get to learn the best jazz trombonists today. The from Los Angeles Times says "his attrec- professional .ttvely polished tone, rare command of the instrument, and surprise- performers packed melodic lines put him in a during the day, class of his own."The group per- and then win forms from 6-9 p.m. aet to see them The Paul Tillotson Trio fuses their upbeat jazz with San Diego perform in the veteran musician Jeff Rew and New eventngs."- York Jazz Critics Circle's "Best New Esther Neely Artist 1997" Matt Wilson at the Rose Room at 6:30-9:30 p.m. Rounding out the Club Night lineup, trumpeter At Joe's Sixth and Main, Mark Bobby Shew, who has toured with Turner, a young, powerful tenor sax- Della Reese and played with Elvis ophonist,will perform from 5·8 Presley and Tom Jones, and the Billy p.m. The John Stowell/Nancy King Mitchell Quartet,will hit the Boise Trio bring their distinctive sound to Centre on the Grove from 8·11 p.m. Noodles Restaurant at 5:30-7:30 Tickets for Club Night cost $12. .MItt ~ tM.'btJiltCritts'a!dt's'1l8est."~ 1,"*tt.~ tbe lost p.m, The Boise Tour Train and Trolley has aoam tomgl\t.,ffom ~.~1Op.m. ~.-.... I ~

\ 13 _ [ _April? 1999 cover jazz to the youngergenerations-~

,0 Grammy nominations over a ' lengthy career, which has included . work in the acclaimed Dizzy Gillespie United Nation Orchestra, and performances with Herbie Hanco*ck, Celine Dion at the Oscars, and John Williams at the Boston Pops. Neely says the festival did meet its expectations artistically last year, but that that didn't stop them from making some changes to the current Uneup in order to add some diversity. ,

On Friday at the Boise State with ancy Klfl£:.1 Noodles Restaurant Pavilion, the Gene Harris Quartet :30 :30 p,m takes the stage. The quartet is composed of Harris, Luther Hughes 3ill offeredits services to Club Night (bass), Frank Potenza (guitar) and res goersfor free, operating 5:30·9:30 Paul Kreibich (drums). of p,m,between venues. They will be joined by former "he Thursday, April 8 and Friday, governor Batt on the clarinet; Red ac- April9, 8-5 p.m., some of the tes- Holloway, an alto saxophonist who md tival'sperformers remain on hand has toured with B.B. King and se· atthe BoiseState Student Union to Aretha Franklin; smooth, bluesy 1 a facilitate adjudicated, workshops, vocalist Cherie Buckner; Billy er- clinicsand master classes for the Mitchell, a Boise banker by day and mass of teenagers who will hit a brass man by night; and, ses town to learn from the best. singer Isaxophonist Curtis Stigers. Trumpeter BtibbYShew.has '.with l)!lla '~lnd {)l~ wlth EMs ~lom' ~811ly ego Audienceadmission for this event Capital High School's Stigers, toured JtJne$ ~~ lew - isfree. " MitChellQaI't~t. ~ :hits.~ 801seC~tre ,on ttle GfOwfrom8~11lh~ ton~, ' ' like so many of the festival's other intend tomak"es,pecial guest lew Tomorrow night, April 8, the also containing salsa pieces with performers, is not without his own appearances. The proceeds :i, rse Bank of America Centre hosts success stories. The popular saxo- Rounding out Friday evening: vocals. from "this event' will bellefit' ling ArturoSandoval with the Riverside phonist has sold millions of records more student competition winners To conclude the festival, the i' the festival-and music scholar· ' ~ter Jazz Orchestra, Bill Watrous· worldwide, and enjoys the bene·' ' and the Poncho Sanchez Latin Jazz Grove Hotel will' feature - the ships; ltis blacktie optional, ~,., ' vith Quartet and student, competition fits of multiple top 10 singles. He Band. Sanchez, a Latin jazz and Scholarship Benefit Gala in its and tickets cost $100 indud-. :lvis Winnersfrom earlier in the day. has also appeared on The Tonight .salsa percussionist, and his band· grand ballroom on Saturday, April ing .dimer, available ~t the ,;-I 3illy Ticketscost $25to$1t50. Show with Jay Leno and The Late mates will present jazz with salsa, 10 at 6 p.m. The Riverside Jazz Pavilion box office or by call· oise Trumpeter Sandoval, melds a Show with DavidLetterman. .He cha-cha and mambo. He has Orchestra will keep the dance i ing 426·1766. l.m. personal Cuban element'with jazz has a new album, Brighter Days, on 'recorded' 16 albums, including his music rolling and the Gene Harris the way this spring. latest, Freedom Sound, built most- Quartet, Stigers and Holloway ~,~yiOtlSU )12. to create his own unique vision of lyon instrumental Latin jazz, but has Latin music~ He has garnered 11 ------~---:...--~---op-:-in-:-io-n------AP-riI1-.199-9=====1 [__ 14 Gue'st Forum Pat Schmaljohn's inspiring musical legacy . disc "Rotating Tongues," ChereenMyers______f 1994.95ArbilerA&EEdilor I which features music, rom local musicians. at Schmaljohn's musical The Northwest music scene

I () It t" I I \) l { \ I I (), ,1 " I{ I ... I \ It (II {() \1 \\ l x I I \ legacy can still be heard is undeniably connected to Pat. Paround the Northwest. Pat's He was one of the scene's journey as a musician began with strongest supporters, both as a his brother, Scott, in the mid-80s. music fan who would show up to ''TIAA·CREF sets the . " •••America~ They formed State of hear other local bands, and as a standard in the Confusion with Wayne Flower journalist, through his indepen- financial services industry!' Top Pension Fund." (bass) and Eric Hansen (drums). dent newspaper Stfeetmag. -Money Magazine, January 1998 -Morningstar· Pat sang in SOC, and Scott was Pat had a true understanding the guitarist. of the do-it-yourself philosophy. The band's first major He lived it, and urged others to I release was the LP "6.3 Million do the same. He launched Acres" (Scott remembers that the Streetmag with that attitude and AAA first 1,000 copies had silk-screen helped push Treepeople into an '-S&P and Moody's dVtr.! H Y&t;~~~ rating for TIAA covers). Later, the Seattle label inaugural recording with the -William Ravdin.TIAA-cREF Participant Sub Core released the band's sec- same self-determination. ond LP,called "A Street." Pat's determination inspired The brothers' fate locked me to pursue a writing gig at the into place a few years later when Seattle newspaper The Rocket. they met fellow musician Doug He was a significant source of Martsch. Together, they formed encouragement for me, and I IDGH.MARKS FROM the band Treepeople. watched him help other writers Flower gave up his post as and musicians by lending encour- MO~GSTAR, S~ MOODY'S, bass player and moved to the agement. He didn't sit around MONEY MAGAZINE AND BILL. drums, and Martsch taught Pat wondering what would happen how to play bass. Martsch next. He made things happen. became the lead vocalist for I believe Pat's creative spirit Treepeople, and the band will always live on through the "l"'l Te take a lot of pride in gaining operating expenses that are among the released a demo recording called music and accomplishments that VV high marks from the major rating lowest in the insurance and mutual fund "No Mouth Pippetting.". his friends continue to create. services. But the fact is, we're equally industries.·· • In 1989, the quartet moved Martsch went on to form Built to proud of the ratings we get every day from With TIAA-CREE youll get the right to Seattle and released an EP Spill, which is garnering national our participants. Because at TIAA-CREE choices -and the dedication -to help you called "Time whor*." It was this attention. Flower works with ensuring the financial futures of the educa- achieve a lifetime of financial goals. The release that helped establish Calvin Johnson and Martsch in tion and research community is something leading experts agree. So does Bill. Treepeople as a force in the Halo Benders and his primary that goes beyond stars and numbers. TIAA-CREF can help you build a com- We became the world's largest retire- fortable, financially. secure tomorrow, with Northwest music scene. band, ViolentGreen. It breaks my ment organization by offering people a tax-deferred annuities, mutual funds, IRAs, Signed to CZ Records (the heart to think that I'll never see wide range of sound investments, a insurance and more. label that also represented L7, Pat again, but I know that the commitment to superior service, and To find out more, call us at 1800 842--2776. Dirt Fishermen and The Gits), way he pursued his creative Treepeople released "Guilt, interests helped inspire many of Regret, Embarassment" and today's area musicians and writ- "Something Vicious for ers. And as long as that spirit Tomorrow" before Pat left the remains, Pat will always be with band in 1992 when his daughter, us. Kira Ann, was born. -Chereen Myers is the cur- Pat's next and final project rent Entertainment and Features was with Anna Fell; Kira's moth- Editor at The Idaho Press Tribune - -~U/JI/18. .-n- __ 'llM~ ...... _ ...... -...... -. .. _ ...... -.. er, when they formed Hive in . _CUI"..-""""""'_u"..-,..._.._Io TIM ... __ u".r--or-loon A.ooIjobI_I"'CQoMalr~__ _ T\MoCUP... TJM.CIlIlP-...... " -_...... F__...-o---._...... __ ...... _ r.r..- ..._ "..__ _'I\o __ .. IIGOIO-mJ. .... _. Boise. The band's song _10 • __ __ "...... 1/99 "Butterfly" can be heard on the , , [ APril7. 1999 OpInIOn 15 ...J Guest Forum ~-----~ Boise's first SusanG. Komen Race for the Cure AmyAmundson______after the death of her sister. proceeds from the Boise Racefor Idaho. The funds will target you along the Boise River and BsnWellnessCenler I She viewed the race as a the Cure will stay in the commu· research, education and treat- Parkcenter Boulevard. n M:ay8, the Idaho Breast way to develop positive ment. The remaining proceeds The Wellness Center, as well Nancy Brinker Cancer Coalition will bring awareness about breast health help support the Komen as many other groupson the BSU the Susan G. Komen Breast and breast cancer. Women, men created the Foundation National Research campus, is active in the organiza· O Grant Program. tional process for the Racefor the Cancer Foundation Race for the and children have joined together concept for the Cure to Boise. The Race for the across the nation to support com- The headquarters of Cure. Additional information as well as registration forms are Cureis a nationwide series of run- munity events to raise funds for Race for the Cure Albertson's Grocery Chain will be available in the BSU Wellness ning races which provide financial 'local projects and national after the death of the site for race day activities. Center (426·3363). Join the com- help to fund breast cancer research programs and grants On Saturday, May 8 the race will her sister, munity to support the Susan G. research, education, screening, with the hope that in the future begin at 10 a.m. A 5K run/fitness Kamen Breast Cancer Foundation and treatment. breast cancer will no longer be walk and a one mile fun run/walk Race for the Cure. Nancy Brinker created the feared as a lite- threatening dis- will be offered for men, women, nity to support breast cancer pro- and children of all athletic abili- concept for the Race for the Cure ease. Seventy-five percent of the grams and activities throughout ties. The race course will take Guest Forum----- In Memoriam f1'\\(\ BOlsP HbttA\ lJHIVP\'Slty P\\hHl'I\,tl()\\~ Parking for _the rich, BmU'l\ lU\l\ 'I'uo A\'\)\h,\\' l\xtN\l\ t\wh' l:om\o\('l\l'l\~ to th(' fam iI)' awl fJ'j('uds of fOl'IJJ(lJ'AJ'biu~J'('(}i. walking for the poor tor Pat SelIllJaljollll, who di('(l Mm'elJ.2iJ, 1m)!). His IIIPIIIOI'y, id('als, )(Igw.'y alHl iJ1spimtioll

agree with free parking Ii VP Oil nt BSU, in Bois(\ aIHI til I'ollghollt tltl' diversity and after 5 or 6 p.rn. like equality. It just NOI'th\\'('st~ \Vp wish Pat's family and fl'ipwIs KennyHammar ] probably every city and BsnSludenl______wouldn't be right every other college in the Pl'il('(' aIHI comfort hen I leave BSU, if there was only general United States. at least I'll be parking for everyone. It just wouldn't be W able to say that That might be considered right if BSU opened all college further strength- fair treatment. the lots to general park- ened my knowledge that ing, with no privileged there is discrimination It just wouldn't spots for sale. That might between the rich and the be right if BSU be considered fair treat- poor: reserved parking. opened all the ment. You know, the only empty lots to general To compensate for the spots left on campus loss of money, they could when you need to get to parking, with no enforce parking 24 hours class. privi leged spots a day, 7 days a week, 365 So what do you do? for sale. That days a year. Better yet" You park to avoid a three- might be they could increase their mile walk only to be minimal $10.00 fines to greeted by a $10.00 fine. considered fair $50.00. Of course, if we had treatment. I guess I better buy gobs' of money, we could some walking shoes .so I purchase a reserved park- can walk through those ing 'pass. But what do you I might just be-angry empty parking lots to expect from a 'place that because I just got a park- attend my evening class' ing ticket. for being in an charges their own es. employees to park?- empty parking lot after 6 ------.-..' .. _.: - --'. --.'.:."':,.- ..------,--_._..:.-:.- ..:-:.:- ::. . .:. ...:. --:..~.~.._~'-:.....- wow!, college, a place of p.m. I gues~'tI "\ - - .:. - - • .: - .:. - .. - - - •• 0 "_ •• __ =

[ __ 16 opinion Aprtl1, 1999 ----

The I'm OK, but You May I spotNeed a Little Work ing positive affirmations to fight yawns. After Dobermans. drive? Now, you just stop rolling "cheesy"? This from someone who .LesleighOwen------tip-toeing through the From now on, I refuse to those eyes at me, climb down off' Columnisl _ prides her/himself on strumming last few weeks, strug- speak to another soul until I can that high horse and take a good gander at yourself. Fact: Positive one heck of a screaming air gui- hat's it. No more Ms. Nice gling vainly to dodge just about participate in. a conversation tar? everyone's emotionallandmines, . devoid of any such potentially- affirmations, when safely exe- Woman. I don't care if your . Directions: Choose one or .' I just can't seem to squeeze out combustible words: "inner cuted within the privacy of your Excel breaks down in the more of the applicable positive T II. own home or auto, actually do middle of BroadwayAvenue, your another drop of sympathy. . child," "Jenny Craig, "Family seem to propel unwilling partici- affirmations below. Tomorrow hangnail blossomsinto a seeping Oh, I know I sound like a Forum," "affidavit" or "safe pants into a more cheerful frame morning while standing before the infection and your, boyfriend grouch. I guessI could chalk it up place." 'of mind. (I suspect the laughabil- bathroom mirror or tomorrow dumps you for the bag boy at to soaking in too few days of How to reverse this alarming ity factor might contribute just a afternoon while peering into your Albertson's. I couldn't care less direct sunlight, but really, am I and isolating trend? you ask. Fear smidge.) Further facts: You're car's rearview mirror, gaze loving- that you keep losing your earring' making such an unreasonable not. Before retreating into my depressing, whiny and/or just ly into those puppy dog eyes of backs, your house crawls with request? It's not as if I'm den to ponder in solitude the plain evil. Your friends turn their. yours and repeat the inspirational termites and you feel less than demanding choreographed magnitude of such brain-ticklers ringers off after getting home words. (Feel free to. tweak the fresh walking on the beach with dances, soul-wrenching duets as the "l-berore-t-except-atter- from work. Chihuahuas snarl at overall message to reflect your Mumsie. Frankly, you could find and a sonnet-spouting orang- C" rule, I have a few suggestions you approach. Children weep. particular source of angst.) yourself steeped in the misery of utan. Frankly, I'd just like to for turning those bickers into Lather, rinse, repeat as needed. seasonalaffective disorder, blue speak to someone, anyone these snickers. Take the hint. Besides, how can you call moons,La Nina, spring fever and days without worrying about Howzabout taking a few pos- gazing in the mirror and repeat- 1. (My oft-used personal 1040El forms, and I'd still have spinning heads and red-eyed itive affirmations for a test.

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.. 17 ~

L...----- Aprt17,1999 OpllllOn ;:',6:.::\ '._ ....::)<~; ::.,:~~(.\/\'}> ;{(/g\{(}~~j~tYt~":'·:·~::;:":"":·:,'Y/':",. .'.-... '. favorite) I have my undergradu- me. Sorry, Cindi/Fabio. has a history it becomes more le~~tl~m~lr~~y?~~t'~ftfi~tl§~~I\j~nlYito relax, concentrate, find ate degree yet make less money 5. I honor how subhuman I beautiful. ".e~";";··.·/i.·i.)/i' ..i .'..•...... ,rn,y' , she's probably just jeal- my partner reaches for me in the because they believe that when 15. Unlike Pat Ro . \ lieea;,J,ous.) dark, ain't no way s/he can miss something's suffered damage and

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Wednesday-Saturday, April 7-10-Don't forget the Second AnnualB6iseState UniversityGene Harris Jazz Festival. ' Call426·1203 for more information, or visit the website at, April 8- BGLAD is holdinga potl~~kdinner tq plan the ~~fezo~ecampaign at Bois~State University.The campaign will ~e.a- ture info and articles at marketing booths as well as gay-fnendly stickers and slgns for students, faculty and adrninis- trators to post indicating they are safe for gay,lesbian or bisexual students, or are a resource forthose who may be coming out. For more infor- mation or to get involved, callthe ~GLADoffice in the SUaat 426·3171. ' April 8-11 and 14-17-0n the Verge takes place on the MorrisonCenter Stage IIat 8 p.m. and on April11 at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $8.50 general, $6.50 for non-BoiseState students and are free to BoiseState students and staff with 10 through Select-A-Seat. Call426-3980 for more information. Friday, April10-The International Student Association (ISA)hosts it~ annual Food, Songand Dance Festival in the Jordan Ballroomfrom 6-9 p.rn. Come partake in the vast array of food and sntertainment from different countries. Tickets' can be purchased at the information desk in the SUB.They cost $15 for the general public and $8 for students, faculty and staff. Contact Jason Shockat 426·4356 or Teresa Ramirez at 426-4317. Tuesday, April 13-Check out Beehive at the MorrisonCenter MainHall. Ticke~~run $27.50, $23.50 and $19.50 at Select-A-Seat.

Wednesday and Thursday, April 14-15-IMPORTANTI Cast your vote in the ASBSUelections!

Thursday, April 15-ldaho Atheists, Inc. holds its monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at The Flickstheater. Allatheists are welcome. ,Contact Scott Bonner,Publicity Director, at 334-2524x320 (days) or 363-0862(evenings).

Every Tuesday-The BOMBB Squad (BoiseOff-road MountainBike Babes) rides'at 6:30pm. Meet at Camel's Back Park. For more infor please call Jenny Hennessy371-9202.

Send submissionsfor What's GoingOn? to The Arbiter, 1910 niversity Drive, Boise, ID 83725 or [emailprotected]. ------...... ;" • ruesdav $1.50 Wells RIDE THE B'US & 1.00 Copper Camels • Wednesday $2.00/$2.75 pints WIN A' PRIZE! $1 .00 Mud Slides 'Thursday March's winner: $1.50 Wells LauraLim,Boise $1 .00 Alabama shots 'Frlday & saturday The name ofevery25thrideron $1.50 cans 'Monday the Broncoshuttleisentered into Wed. April 7 $1.75 Wells a monthlydrawing. Prizes $2.0012.75 pints includea BSUmug,keychain, $1 .00 Schnapps discountinthe BroncoShop, THE TOURISTS 'Sunday $2.00/2.75 pints MoxieJava giftcertificate& Roof,s, Rhyf,m, Rock s 1.00 Kamikazies $5 pass to the RecCenter. Thurs. April 8 Sun. April 11 For Inlonnalion, call 426-1681 or 336-1010, Hoochi Coochie Men' Blue SocietyJam 5pm FRI. Apri 7 9 Gayle Chapma~ 9 pm SVELTE JOHN & The Mon. AprIl 12 'i!I:re-e- of "Eife- Crisis Pregnancy Center 'if'"' Swingin Jacks '!If3,.,1ff:'e & .~ ' C1L]JD: wan watpte FREE PREGNANCY TESTING • AND CONFIDENTIAL COUNsELING

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could bark Fans turning out for Motley ChrisTremblay louder, in Crue on March 23 definitely sup- Arbiterlnlem ---- classic Slayer port the return of 80s butt-rock, n March 20· at Rascals, tradition, about 30 fans cheered as do the fans here at Rascals. Spike of ArrowRock103.3 from the pit. However,if butt fans want to ChrtsTremblay _ Motley Crue bases yelled over the crowd Shroeder,.· see 80s hard core re-emerge and their shows in rock 'n roll O Arbiter (nlem ---- noise: "Hell of a turnout!" music' indus get club gigs, they need to do cliches: naughty strip- ArrowRock came in support involved for 3 something about it. otley Crue kills inhibi- pers, confetti bombs, smoke of the "Kickstart Your Career" offered his op People need to stand from tions. At the Idaho Center machines and a moment of contest. The winner would open "Midline < their seats and scream, "We're Mon March 23, fans got silence from Tommy Lee. for Motley Crue on March 23 at probably the not afraid to admit it-butt is funky to "Girls, Girls, Girls." back!" Stage left of Mick Mars, two the Idaho Center. says. He called ''There can only be one," Midline, in f Oneguy supported the bands strippers dressed)n glossy cher- Brian said, asking for approval Spike boasted by jumping up and down in the ry red and. "atner teased fans freaky from Spikewith a nod. ner would receiv classic fashion. He demonstrated one ano('.,.4)balliC rod freaks, then sure. "The winner his loyalty with the constant flare and ru~,pggjr.~~';~\ speaker of the 80s rock gang sign-the got P~o~!~Qeed to chance to play in wall. Girlsjn~~b~"pjt'tti.~d to~i people." of the devil. the banO,!s atten\joni They: sentimental. stan~'~r~'T,l To support hard core, to flash ., bandiuld '. bel' Maybe the Bad: ...... ndsr' " th~,n~¢a~.and would actually.PeX;: make adifference , the rest need ease:" screai1i~'; Midline's do the same. After aU, it's hill " . ng, in front of lO~ln'" lomm~ Leecameawa~~fOm "We're.ribt Midline, 0 afraid to admit o e a freak.' his drums, down stage, ta\\l.lng into a headset. it-butt is "Hello, my brothers and sis- . backl" ters," he said, slapping high

Boise-based bands tFurylMidli uesti ;~~Ch' Are iagainst !~.~l~~ .'Ffilntic;;,fr...J....,. you an .~J'~~... he looked . Basem*nt submitted a tape. nodded." Supposedly, Midline and On the wall, stage right, Jim .o~gan Blind Fury have major AfrR reps Belushi and George Burns, who watched the contest from a looking at them right now. Shroeder remarked, "t.don't mural, seemed duly interested. &~1Ssue know' if it will be exactly butt- They were waiting for something rock coming back around like it to. happen. was in the 80's ... but, right People packed the house, now, butt is the hottest thing in even in the bathroom. After donor?. .' . I h.-' tl\(~ln knn"v you.' dc.:-cisinn. to .... Seattle." invading the sound guy's area, Ask yn'lI'.laUllly f()Il ...~>:·...I..~~...n~. otlnd tlu~n.~"",HI t,')I1(.~ no tllles'h.". lau·f". Do we really want to bring 'I~h, \Nny )lOll::~)~I~:);;~..:~·~~;;..c..htln::~ ...... utll .n()()_:l!)ri-SIIAIU~. they crowded the walkway back Lita Ford and Ratt? The£~ J'our I;J<~ 5'u"r,.~ _"uur ~J".~c;sjOI1:'· space,squeezing between others cycle goes round and round, and 1d a h (> I> (> II - N ..•I " .., .-1,;. - - to and from the bar. ,'1 ...:-.;1'1 ..~I>(> .. ald ~"1_="21-17=-=- par for the course, th~ retu:n of Frantic jams on stage. After partying, privy to gettmg l~ld on :.C<>"L'T'<>".ONt¥fi:~-E~~~ti~ the sound guy, Shroeder, raised ~I the vocal pod on the board so a~~~~~,m~~~~~~~--~------~ Frantic's lead singer, Merlin, behind. [_20 arts & entertainment April 1, 1999 ...... ;

f*"ed that," Tommy teesaid. Midline received a positive., The most exciting moment fives down to hands reaching up forehead and looked upward. He Before Motley (rue took the: applause with a hint of encour-. occurred when Nois~"Therapy's from the front row. He called stayed that way for a couple of stage, two opening bands per- agement. The audience seemed bass player, wearing sheep skin them freaky freaks, then got minutes and then someone in formed. to say, "Keep it up friends! leggings and a sleeveless shirt sentimental. the crowd yelled, "Yeah, Boise band Midline relished Represent Boise, Idaho!" .: detailed with a shiny American 'ry'all have no idea how glad Tommy, I saw your video on the their moment. (rue fans in the flag, spat into the air and tried to I am to finally be free." Free Internet. " pit grooved a tad to Midline's catch it again in his mouth as the from Pamela Anderson Lee? Not He crossed himself and When Motley band played "Don't Tell Me, Just exactly. Lee served four months returned to his drums, almost tunes. Crue said As the excitement of open- " Show Me What Kind of Freak You for beating Anderson. forgetting to introduce the next goodnight, the ' Are." There stood the perfect song. ing for Crue got to Midline, their crowd began jacked up performance ran a When Motley Crue said good- example of true rock 'n roll star- chanting, notch under hysterical. Few fans night, the crowd began chanting, dom. "Let's see "Crue, Crue, "Crue, Crue, Crue ••. " and Tommy Lee complained that those t*tties!" responded outright with raucous Crue •.• " and . stomped the bleacher stands. Of the last time they gigged in enthusiasm, but typically open- he exclaimed, course, the Crue returned to Boise, he saw many more ers don't receive a great crowd stomped the walking along encore with the Sex Pistols" breasts. response. bleacher the stage with "Anarchy." The show ended with "Let's see those t*tties!" he On March 20, Midline per- stands. Nikki Sixx throwing his bass at exclaimed, walking along the a fire formed at Rascals and won the the stage and the bass cables stage with a fire extinguisher extinguisher "Kickstart Your Career" contest, unit, spraying a cold gas at girls. unit, spraying which got them the Motley Crue Noise Therapy, a tight and releasing when the head stock He showed those in the a cold gas at gig. typical heavy rock band original- shattered. He grabbed it again' When their short set con- ly from Canada, played after and threw it up, watching it as it audience who could not see, girls. with his thumb and index finger, cluded, the drummer did the Midline. caught on a lighting rig, and hung there. . the size of a set of nipples: obligatory toss of his drum sticks The lead vocalist asked, 'They're like that." "And can't nobody tell into the crowd. "We've never been to Nampa, so Tommy put his hands to his Nikki, Vince, Mick, or me about "rou guys' are too kind- why don't you show us how crazy the Wild Side. Been. there, goodn'ight!" you can go?" Piece of Your Mind What is a Kosovoand would you eat it? Photosand interviews by Jim Allen/The Arbiter Iris Rocha, Katie Vuong, Freshman Freshman

"It dependson how many "I only eat Chinese." Ryan McDowell, Freddi Mata, calories it has." Freshman Freshman "I'd wash it first, then "Only if Milosevic eats it eat it." with me."

0- 0- 0-.- ,...: ~' 'C

~ I. J [_-April? 1999 ~~ n ent )y's Meineke takes reins of surging Bronco tennis team.. ;kin hirt MIchael Coxe SportsWriter . I ChampionshipB s', tewell,"h recalls a smug Meineke. can r~nc~s look like the "Sometimes you play well and Ho . The Boise State University I sc 00 to, beat. others, well, you know... " ' the men's tennis team contin- ar 'T~;team IS, really coming "Point breaks have been Just ued to rollover its competi- Vi~~:~'las~a~:t~~~nye~~ a~ter hIis really big for me, it helps when You tion with a 5·2 victory against the lost one doubles " eve on y you can get those. Iwon the first 54th ranked New Mexico State (they're 21-1) B t~l~t all year game 6·3, and [Blake] came back od- Aggies on Saturday. BSU junior pIe of weeks a'g0 U't e o~e a cou- 5-7 in the second. In the. third ~ ing, LeifMeineke won at the #1 singles ",1 was Just me." game, he was up 5-3 but I ot a :e and position (5.7, 6.1 , 6.4) before . le11 Memeke has been the service break, won my serveg and i , Of going on to win the #1 doubles bnght spo~ on the team all sea· broke him again, and in the tie- ~ to position (8.4) with partner Wesley son, carrymg ~he Broncos when breaker, I won 7-4. But the bi ~ ols' . /IOOdie,also a junior. . ~hey needed n. In their match thing was, ... needed the tea~ ~ Senior Ryan Thompson won gamst Harvard, ~t was Meineke point to stay in the match (3-3) ~ vith at the #4 singles position (7.6, 6- who ,~as lef~ ~rvmg for the win. but Ididn't know that, so it was a ~ i at 4), while junior Ronald Play~ng agal~st the #1 ranked good thing Iwon. Today I also was ~ DIes Rugimbana and freshman Gabe men s cclleglate tennis player in serving for the match, but I was • .ock Coren posted victories in the 115 the country, James Blake, it was unaware of the situation here as Leaf Memeke recently beat a Harvard opponent. He ~ain' and #6 positions. arguably the bIggest wm in BIU ... 11." now expects BSUto go to the nationals is it BIU's men's tennis team is tenms hIStory. M' k I' • ung comingtogether atthe right time be "The lirst time ... plaY'd, he tion 10~:'~~o~~:.':~e;'~; :iO~~ is ranked 118 in the nationals, but only the top ten in the season. With only three at me 6· J, 6· J, but this time it doubles and sits lth 18 2 teams get an automatic and ""'ks until the Big West didn't seem like he was pla~ng as record In doubles ~ith ~ 00d:ie, be number"I certainlyone ondidn'tthe teamexpectcom-to we'rewe havesomewhereto win theinconferencethe 50's, soto ~S~~--~-~=--~------~--~~~~oo,,,~~~~re." ort s Bucket, fourteen,"llut I andbeat !>\xteenthe numberp\a~- for the,ent\reMeineke mayteamnothowe' ~aI

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Selection is made by the BSU Publications Board. Applications must be submitted to Bob Evancho, BSU Office of News SerVices, &724,1910 University Drive, Boise, Idaho 83725, no later than 5 p.m. May 7 '. Late applications will not be accepted. For more information, contact Evancho at 426-1643 or bevanch@boisestate~edu. "

""" . . ~".... , ... '"" " _ f.- ~ -- ' ~" ~ , 1 • •

~. < _.~'~

Arbiter, April 7 Students of Boise State University (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.